November 29th Due Date - I need a buddy!

Just popping in here! Didn't know there was a specific group - but my due date is November 28!! I'm pg with #2! xx
:wave: Hi Sun! Welcome!

How are you today ladies??

Desi, glad to hear you like the name too! Might just stick! I've heard of that sciatic pain before can be a nightmare. I would ask your Dr for some advice or maybe he/she may have some remedies? Hope it gets better soon!

My nausea seems to be getting better and i feel vaguely normal (7.45pm british time) Normally right about now i would be throwing all my dinner up but i really don't feel to bad at all! YAY! Fingers crossed it still means everythings fine and it's only because i'm getting closer to 12 weeks! only 5 days! YAY! :happydance: Bring on that scan on 17th!
Quick update - I was on my feet most of the day today - went shopping for some home improvement and garden stuff and just got home and had some brown blood on my panties. When I wiped I saw some brown blood but nothing when I wiped second time. I am extremely worried and I am also cramping on the right side. I am on the bed now resting. Please keep me in your thoughts. Will update soon if I have something else to share.
Desi, sorry to hear that, it's so scary, I know! :hugs: From reading the first-tri thread it's really common for that to happen, and brown blood is nothing to worry about. However, my first thought was this is your 'in' to checked out as you haven't heard or seen baby yet. I bet if you called your Dr. in the morning they would scan you (or if you felt like braving it, urgent care or something). You could press that this is the first spotting you've had and you're also getting cramps. Or you could wait it out if you want, as it's really not worrying...I just think I would take the chance to get looked at If I hadn't yet. :hugs: A lot of ladies on the first tri forum have been scaned and checked out when they were worried from spotting.

For what it's worth I was on my feet out and about much of the weekend and I am noticing some cramping right now. Time to rest I think! I also have gotten that butt pain you mentioned in your last post.

Sparkle, glad the nausea is easing up as you've had it sooooooooo bad. I am sitll getting MS in the evenings but as I've not thrown up at all I'm just kinda getting used to it. It's definitely getting better during the day for me, though.

Welcome, Sun! :wave:

Sarah, are you sure it was a migraine? I've gotten one or two killer headaches since being pregnant, and I think they are hormonal headaches and pretty common. Probably also the stress of moving. Sorry to hear about it, though, yuck, just what you need! :hugs: Hope you feel better tonight.
Hello ladies... Mind if I join you? I'm due Nov. 25th with #3. I've had 7 miscarriages. I have PCOS, antiphospholipid antibody syndrome, and low progesterone. Currently taking Heparin injections, progesterone supplements, and baby aspirin. Excited about my scan this Wednesday!
Wanted to add for Desi, I'm sorry you're going through this scary time. It sounds like you just did too much. Could your doctor squeeze you in tomorrow just to listen to the heartbeat... just for peace of mind? I bled like a period with my son and daughter until 12 weeks. I've spotted off and on with this one. I also had some cramping yesterday but I hear the hb on the doppler. I've had 7 miscarriages and can tell you the cramps are HORRIBLE. Worse then a period and run all the way across your lower tummy. The cramps on the sides are usually just ligament stretching. Try to rest and let us know how you are doing.
Thanks, Allie and o2luvjesus. I napped for a couple of hours and woke up feeling much better. The cramps were gone and the I hadn't spotted any. I am just hoping it stays this way. I had spotted once at 4 weeks and then at 6 weeks but nothing after that so I assumed it had gone away. It just seems agonizing because of the fact that I will be 11 weeks tomorrow and so close to the end of first trimester.

I don't think my Dr. will see me tomorrow since I already have an appointment scheduled with her on Tuesday. She will use the Doppler then. I will just have to hang on for a couple days longer!!

Welcome Sun and o2luvjesus!
Desi- Sorry about your spotting and hope you are doing ok. I know how scary it is. But try not to worry- remember I had gushings of blood last week and baby was still ok.. The radiographer told me that blood doesnt = miscarriage. Just a word on cramps- with my recent bleeds Ive had cramping which was low and central and very scary as quite painful. But again I was told this is normal as we will cramp to try and extract the blood- which is why we get pain during periods. So even cramping isnt a sign of m/c. But 02luv is right with side cramps being RLP ( i just dont want you to worry if you did get some central) Let us know how you go and thinking of you. I bet tuesday seems ike forever away.

Allie- im not sur if was migrane or headache. I have had headaches duing this pg but this was just SO painful and far worse than any headache ive had. And I was phyicallt sick so self diagnosed a migrane! That was the first time ive been sick since being pg- all the other ties ive just felt nauseus. But then Sunday my headache had gone and I threw up again at lunch time.. Go figure! Dont quite get it as I thought m/s eased off at this stage so not sure why im being sick now! I only managed to eat 3 pieces of toast yesterday- i'm now 4lbs down on my original weight which is worrying. Esp I am was pretty slim to start. Looking forward to appetite coming back and being able to go nuts on food!

Welcome Sun and O2luvjesus.

Thanks Sarah! I woke up feeling better than normal this morning. No cramping, nothing in the undies. What a relief that was. I didn't get a good nights sleep though because this was on my mind and I kept waking up to go check. I had put on new white sheets and I was worried that I would bleed through at night and ruin the bed LOL! The things we worry about. Yes Tuesday seems so far away, esp. because my appt. is at the end of day! I will just try to keep myself busy at work today and may be I won't think about this as much.
I know what you mean about checking for blood. Since last Wednesday I have been convinced at least a dozen times im bleeding again and I go to the loo every about 30 mins to check for blood. Im not sleeping well either and when I am I am dreaming about it! So stressful! And some people have such easy pregnancies!
Welcome Sun & o2luvjesus!

DH and I woke up yesterday so excited to spill the beans to everyone on mother's day, even though we were going to wait until my 14wk scan. So we ended up telling our immediate and extended families since we know that if we tell my in-laws, the extended family will find out anyway as they really can't keep a secret (we'll wait to tell friends until 14wks). Mostly it was a good experience, but several people (aunts/uncles on DH's side) said, "take care of yourself this time" which really just irked me to no end. I mean, what exactly is that supposed to mean?!? That I didn't take care of myself in my last two pregnancies that ended in MC?!?! UGH! If I was careless or did something I wasn't supposed to do, I could maybe understand the comment (even though it's still none of their business), but I'm so paranoid and super careful about everything!! I did tell a close friend earlier on and she is about 10 weeks ahead of me and warned me that once we told people we would get all sorts of annoying advice and comments, so I guess I should just chalk the comments up to people being stupid and having nothing better to say. But man, it sure got my blood boiling after about the 5th time! :growlmad:

On a more positive note, I woke up to a 'Happy Mother's Day for Mommy-to-be' card from DH which was really sweet. :flower:

Desi - sorry to hear about your bleed. Sounds like everything will be okay though...I've always heard that brown blood is nothing to worry about (but of course it's impossible not to worry). And the fact that it and the cramping have stopped is a great thing too! Now it's countdown until your first u/s! :happydance: I have also had that upper butt pain since week 5. It can be a nightmare at times. My lower back pain has pretty much disappeared now but that upper butt pain is still there. I have found that my pregnancy pillow helps at night. Perhaps tylenol would help too if it gets too bad, but I haven't been taking it and have just been dealing with the's so sudden and painful at times that I have startled DH with a scream or two. :haha:

02luvjesus - I'm on progesterone suppositories. I haven't been tested for low progesterone, but given my history of MC's and the fact that I have a short luteal phase, I asked the Dr. to prescribe them this time around. I'm terrified to stop them in a few weeks. When will you be stopping? Are you stopping cold turkey or reducing your doses over a period of time?

I like the Elevenses name too!
Thanks BumpHope! I think people should think twice before they make statements like that. I was speaking to my nurse the other day and she said there is really NOTHING that you can do to prevent a MC from happening. She then said, "well yeah, if you were drinking, smoking and doing drugs, I would say yeah there is SOMETHING you can do to prevent it but the way you live there is nothing that you can do"...
Desi - I am desi too, and at times I feel like the older generations can just be so tactless and not think before blurting things out. I think they honestly believe they are giving you words of wisdom when it's just bs. Perhaps it's a cultural difference between them and younger generations that have grown up in the states. But still, I totally agree, they should think before blurting things out! I am just going to have to resolve to try my hardest to ignore tactless comments, otherwise it is going to be a long 9 months!
Hiya fellow desi! :)!

Yes, it could be generational. We haven't told our families yet (except my sister), we will only tell them after we hear the heartbeat tomorrow. I know that both our parents will be extremely supportive and let us be but I just didn't want the word getting around to the so called 'extended' families and have something happen - just didn't want to deal with the drama!
Hi girls!

Welcome 02luvJesus!

Bumphope, sorry about the big mouths raining on your parade. Yes, I agree it must generational but definitely tactless! :hugs:

Desi, soooooooo relieved to hear all is well! I can't wait for you to hear that little heart beat tomorrow, it will then feel so much more real! Today I was like, there can't be a baby in there, and then there he/she was.

Yes, I had my scan today! It wasn't a great u/s machine, just one of those ones they wheel in the Drs. room, but I have a few pics attached. Baby is sucking his thumb in the second one.

The Dr. almost gave me a heart attack during the scan, though. She couldn't find the baby for the longest time! She kept frowning and then Alex (DH) was frowning and the screen was turned away. Eventually she found him/her (after asking if my uterus was tilted). Then she told me the baby was in a bad position and I was like what?!?! But she clarified she meant a bad position to get a good picture.

Baby measured 4.4 cms and 11 weeks 2 days. :) We could see the heartbeat beating away on the screen. The baby wasn't moving around much though which worried me but luckily I had read on BnB to cough, so I did and it made the baby shift around start sucking his thumb. :cloud9: I don't know if I should be worried baby wasn't super wriggly?

I still haven't decided whether to go with this new Dr. or stick with my old one. :shrug: I was happy I got a scan and they seemed really thorough but it was all very old and the Dr. wasn't the comforting type. She was really lecturing me on things like stress levels and pooping, etc.

Oh yeah, and I wonder what that dark spot on the left is?

I hope everyone is having a good day! I can't wait to see some more scan pics!


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OMG Allie...I was waiting for your post!! I am so glad everything went so well! Very happy for you. I cannot imagine how 'real' it must have felt to see the baby!! Now that you got the scan, you could go back to your original doctor(?)!

Now I CANNOT wait for my appointment tomorrow!
Allie - congrats!! I feel like I have had the exact same experience. My dr's office uses the same roll-in ultrasound machines. They are such a huge healthcare provider that you'd think they'd have something more state of the art, but nope. And then, the first time I had the u/s, all we saw at first was an empty sac for a few seconds at first (both DH and I told each other later that we freaked out on the inside), but then the MW found our beanie. I have a tilted uterus too so that must be why. And, just today I was looking at our pics and wondering what that dark spot is off to the side. I have the same thing! Thought for a second that maybe it was another sac for a twin! Hehe, I think my mind is just getting carried away and now that I see you have one too, must be something normal. :haha: Also, at my 9wk+3dy scan, our beanie waved to us several times but no other movement. I think it's perfectly normal for beanie not to be moving around. Maybe he/she was taking a nap...after all, it's hard business doing all that growing. :winkwink:
Thanks girls!!!

Bumphope, I'm happy to hear you've had the same experience. Well, sorry that you panicked like I did because that sucked! They should get some better technology with all of our money that goes into healthcare! Someone else suggested the black spot is probably my bladder blocking the view, and it makes sense.

Desi, I'm still not sure which Dr. to pick, ahhh! I guess I'm more comfortable with my old one still, but this one I went to today will let me see a Dr. instead of a midwife which is nice. I'm just not sure! I have another appointment to meet the Dr. (today was a physician's assisant) next week so maybe I will put off my choice until then.

Oh, which reminds me, have any of you been told who will deliver your baby?
At my frist OB, it's just whoever the midwife on duty happens to be, so you are meant to meet them all. At this new practice, it will be your long as it's business hours! Otherwise it's the on call Dr.

Desi, I can't wait for tomorrow for you!!!
Yup, I asked the MW at my first appt when I would get to choose the dr. who would deliver the baby and was a little disappointed with the response. She said that it would be whoever is on call at the hospital. Boo. I don't like that. Wouldn't it be nice to build a relationship with a dr. who you trust? My healthcare provider is a large HMO. I actually really like them overall, but I find this one thing to be rather disappointing. Especially since I met a few dr.'s during my last miscarriage that I wasn't impressed with at all. Guess I just have to cross my fingers and hope to get a delivery dr. who I like. :shrug:

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