November 29th Due Date - I need a buddy!

At our practice if you go into labor AND have the baby during 'normal' business hours you will get your doctor. If not, you will get who ever is on call. There is no going around that part. I have heard that at some other places you actually 'meet' and have at least one appointment with all the doctors who could potentially deliver your baby. I was hoping that was the case with our practice but not so much. I already got all my appointments and they are all with my doctor except for a couple of appointments that are with the nurse practitioner when my doc. is on vacation!
I guess we could luck out and get our doctors on call...but that's just luck! Oh, well. As long as we all have healthy babies. :)

I'm currently a bit worried because I was drinking and swallowed wrong and had the worst coughing fit! At the scan today I did a mini cough and baby turned over, so I can't imagine how much a coughing fit jostled him or her around! Hope baby is okay.

So is anyone good with graphic design or html and know how to design things for siggys?
Allie- Im so glad your scan went well. So adorable that your baby was sucking its thumb. Ive never heard about the coughing tactic before so I will try this next time. My little one didnt move loads either. A wiggle of its legs and arms but no gymnastics.

Bump hope- I can so understand why your relatives comments would upset you. Very insensitve but shows an ignorance in their understanding of misaccriages. We told a few people about the baby a few weeks ago- because I thought id miscarried. ( we actually called and told close family and friends that id miscarried again and then called the next day after the scan to say baby ok! On the whole Ive found it good that people have known as ive had such a tough few weeks and theyve been a real help. Although i do feel a bit sat that to my close friends and family I'm not going to have the chance to announce the great news.. It was all such a shock with the threatened m/c when we told them! But Ill tel you what is annoying me SIL keeps telling me off for calling the baby a baby! She keeps saying its just fetus and I shouldnt call it baby until its born! I thinks she is saying this as after the m/c in Jan I was so upset! And she says it stops you getting attached! But Im so attached already and like to think of it as a baby! Fetus is a horrible word! Anyway rant over!

Ive not met my midwife or anyone yet. Which is tough as I have so many questions. I get to meet her next week for the first time. Its hard to go the whole of the first trimester without a midwife. I dont know if thats a UK thing or London!

One question for you.. anyone else feeling like they need to pee all the time! The past week I constantly feel like I need to go and then when I do its like a teaspoon full!

Good luck today Desi- let us know how you go..

Hey, H(Sh)e will be ready to ride the roller coasters as soon as they are born :D!
At the scan today I did a mini cough and baby turned over, so I can't imagine how much a coughing fit jostled him or her around! Hope baby is okay.
Sarah -
It IS a baby! Technically/Medically a fetus but to a would-be-mom, a baby! huh!

I am in my 11th week and am just meeting the doctor today since I found out but I have had the same doctor for regular yearly paps for the last 4 years so I have 'seen' her before. She may not remember me because it is just a once a year thing.

Regarding the peeing, I am peeing more but that is also because I am extra conscious of how much water I am drinking. I drank more than most people before the pregnancy but I have definitely been paying more 'attention'. When I pee though, I pee like normal not the tsp full like you describe but I have heard from other women that they experienced what you are experiencing.
I agree!!! It is a baby! Ive never heard anyone refer to their baby as fetus! But SIL says it to me everytime! I hate it as its like im being told i cant love it and get attached yet! I try to ignore it when I can!

You're getting a scan today arent you? Not just meeting doctor?
Not a scan yet. I have my NT scheduled for next Thursday. Today it is going to be the Doppler, Pap, Pelvic and Breast exam (Looking forward to the last three, NOT!!!)
Ahhh! Well at least you get the Doppler.

Is anyone worried about the NT result? I started thinking about it the other day and freaked myself! Which makes me wonder.... How old is everyone? Im early 30s.
Right now I am not freaking about the NT yet because I am busy freaking out about today's Doppler. If you talk to me after today I am pretty sure I will be freaked out about the NT next week. My main reasons for getting it done are 1) I get a scan. Otherwise I would have to wait until Week 20/21 for one. 2) My insurance is paying for it 3) We will be better prepared. I don't think we would have gotten the NT if our insurance wasn't going to pay for it. It is $500 out of pocket.

I think from what I gather from earlier posts, most people might be mid-late 20s. I will be 31 in August!
NT is free in UK. Its offered as standard but you dont have to have it if you dont want. Because Im creeping up the 30's scale I feel more concerned about scan. I'll be 34 when baby born. ( Just realised that not early 30s is it! Geeeez!)

But after last weeks scares I just feel so lucky scans showed baby was still with me.
I'm not freaking out about the NT scan as I'm not getting one...the don't really offer them here or I totally would. But I am getting the quad screen done during 2nd tri and I'm a little nervous about that as they have a lot of false positives. Oh, and I'm 27.

Sarah, I would be really angry at my SIL if she was like that. What the heck??? I get that she's trying to 'protect' you but she doesn't get it....there's definitely a baby in there and it's impossible not to get attached. I tried to not getting attached thing at first because of my past MC but once I saw the LO at 6 +2 with a heartbeat that was all over, I couldn't help it.

Desi, what time of day is your appointment? Hopefully soon! I always try to get them early so the day doesn't drag but we have one for 4:30 pm coming up in a few weeks, I will go crazy.
Allie, My appointment is at 3:20 CST. All my appointments are toward the end of the day or around lunch. I would have loved to schedule them in the morning but my doc. doesn't come on most days until 9:00 and some days until noon. DH and I carpool to work (one of us drops the others one off) and it is a pain to leave in the middle of the work day, get back to work etc. So we decided to stick with late afternoons so we can just go home after the appointments rather than just going back to work.
That makes total sense! Only a few hours to go now, yay!
Sarah -
How offensive that your SIL keeps telling you that! Something tells me she has never been pregnant otherwise she would know that it's next to impossible not to get attached to your BABY, no matter how far a long you are. I think at some point you just have to say something if she keeps at it and it really upsets you. Some people just don't get how insensitive they are being until you flat out tell them they are hurting your feelings.

I do have to pee all the time (but then again, I am also trying to drink enough water throughout the day). Last night I had to get up to pee 3 times! Needless to say, I have not been sleeping well since my bladder feels like it's going to burst several times a night. But I haven't had the problem where only a few drops come out. Are you drinking enough fluids??

I'm a little nervous about the NT scan, but like Desi, I'm doing it because I want to see the baby (and I believe the NT scan machines will be way more advanced than what they have at my dr's office), it's free, and if something is wrong at least we can plan ahead. I have heard that there can be false positives. But let's just hope none of us have to deal with positives!! I turned 32 this year by the way.

Desi - good luck today!!
By the way, has anyone been feeling mild cramping lately? Yesterday I went to get my prenatal blood work done and I also did an early gestational diabetes test where I had to drink this orange soda-like drink and ever since then I have been feeling this cramping. This is the most cramping I've felt this entire pregnancy so it worries me. But there is no blood. I guess the reason I am worried is because I had this type of cramping throughout my previous two pregnancies which ended in MC and this time around I haven't had it until now. Ugh, I just hope it goes away and everything's okay. Now I am really counting down until my NT scan on Monday.
I think I read in a journal somewhere that NT Scan by itself is only 75% accurate but when they combine that with blood work it is about 90% accurate. Just wanted to throw that out there so everyone getting the NT can also request the blood work to be done along with it.

Im drinking about 2 litres a day. I think ive only small amounts coming out as im literally going ALL the time! Seriously I go to the loo and then approx 2 minutes later I need to go again! LOL! Im trying not to ut it gets to uncomfortable! Im going to ask my midwife next week about it!

Ive not really had any cramping this past week which worried me as thought I would be!
( I worry about everything btw!) I had cramping last week but think that was bcause of my bleed.

Im getting blood work done as well as NT scan. Over here they call it the tri test or something?! My scan is on Tuesday and I get results about 2-3 days later. Letter if all is ok and a phonecall if its not!!! Eeeeek!

Im going to try going into work tomorrow. Ive been working from home since last weeks bleed and am going a bit crazy with no people interaction. Going to travel after rush hour and just go in for a few hours.

Having to go a lot more is normal because of our kidneys working extra well or something. But I think I read that having to go alot AND not having much come out is a sign of a UTI? Do you have symptoms of a UTI Sarah?

Enjoy going back into work! I work from home now and it IS really lonely. Not to mention it's hard to get motivated when no one is looking over your shoulder monitoring your BnB time! :haha:

Bumphope, I've been getting cramping off and on since my BFP. I would say one or twice a day I get the same kind of mild period cramp feeling that lasts about 5-10 seconds and then goes away. I also get random sharp pains. The doctor I saw yesterday says cramps are normal unless you are doubling over in pain.
Allie- I've been on Bnb so much the past week when meant to be working! Although I have to wait 6hrs for you guys to wake up and get conversation! So if any of u feel like a chat when your on a midnight loo stop I'm about!!

I did think it could be a uti but I've had lots of these in the past and it doesn't feel the same. With the uti's I HAVE to constantly pee. Here I just feel like I need to constantly pee. If that makes sense!

Allie- as you're not having a 12 week scan when r u going to tell people?
And everyone else are u going to announce after nt scan or after u get blood results?

I am supposed to be 'working' now..shhh...don't tell anyone.

DH wants to call his parents today after we hear the HB, I would rather wait until we get through with NT and blood work related to that. I told him that if he told his parents, that they would have to promise to keep mum and not pass it on to the whole of his clan (I highly doubt if they will be able to keep that promise as it is their very first grandchild). I told him to think about it all day today and decide and to let me know by the dr. appt. I am hoping we wait until after next week before we spill to both sets of parents. For the rest of the world, we decided to wait until I am past the 13 week mark. So may announce late May/early June.

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