November 29th Due Date - I need a buddy!

Congrats Isi! I cannot believe just how many baby girls are on this thread!!

Sparkle - I agree, everyone here has such cute bumps! I, on the other hand, have been feeling like a beached whale lately!! I am so uncomfortable sitting up to get out of bed that this morning I had to shimmy towards the edge and then roll off the bed. It was not a pretty sight. :blush: Pretty soon, DH is going to need to fork lift me out of bed. Arrgh.

Is any one else constantly hungry? I haven't felt like this until this week, after getting back from vacation. I try to eat small meals frequently but boy oh boy, I have never felt this hungry before in my life. :wacko:
Ahh! I've missed so much!!

Lucy and Isi, congrats on Team Pink!!!! :happydance: I am so happy for you both!!! How were your scans? :hugs: (This is the pinkest thread EVER!!)

Sarah, what a great bump! It's just perfect looking!

That reminds me, has anyone had a fundal measurement yet? I think Melissa had one as she was measuring large? Tomorrow is my 22 week appointment (a bit early as midwife is going on vacation) and the first time I'll be measured. I'm a bit worried about measuring behind actually as I still haven't gained much weight. But maybe that doesn't matter. My uterus was called 'high' at near the end of 1st tri.

I wouldn't say I'm feeling more tired than usual, Sparkle, but I did sleep 11 hours one night this weekend. And I napped for 2 hours today....

My appetite is definitely getting bigger, BumpHope. I am eating a ton....and a lot of sweets which I'm feeling really guilty about!

How was everyone's weekend?

I'm feeling really emotional these days, moods up and down for no reason. I felt baby boy kicking from the outside tonight for the first time and it made me cry with happiness. I was thinking how much I love him already and it was quite overwhelming! I'm also kind of a worrier to begin with but some of the threads on the second tri forum I read today were scary...things about stillbirths (I was reading a thread about kick counting and a bunch of ladies who had stillbirths came on and were saying how important kick counting is) and someone had a premature birth at 25 weeks and the baby died, etc. It all made me feel kind of scared! Maybe I should stick to these groups and off of the 2nd tri forums for a bit, who knows!

Weekend was good; it was our only 'down time' weekend this July and for the next few weeks so we saw Harry Potter, went and saw an outdoor musical, and lounged in front of the TV a lot...and napped!

Anyways, that's all from me. I think I'm also going to have the midwife swab me tomorrow to make sure the bacterial vaginosis is gone, and if it's not, I'll be back on antibiotics. Better safe than sorry though!

Hope everyone is well. :hugs:
Allie - I have been getting fundal measurements during my last few appointments (week 14 onwards). At week 18, the MW said it looked good and that by week 20 I should be in the middle of my belly button. Now, at week 21, I can feel that I am slightly higher than that. How exciting that you felt from the outside baby's kick! I have been feeling a lot of movement since last week but it wasn't until friday that I felt a full-on strong kick. I haven't felt another kick that strong since then, but can feel baby squirming around in there so I'll take whatever I can get. It feels so much more real now that I can feel so much movement! :happydance: We went to babies r us this weekend to check out some bedding I thought I really liked online but I'm glad I went to see it in person because the colors looked drab in person. We decided on another set instead. They are having some great deals right now. Their bedding sets and matching accessories come with a $50 gift card if you spend $250 so we just went ahead and bought the set, mobile, and a matching throw pillow for the rocking chair. I want to unpack it all but am refraining until we actually get furniture and I have a place to put it. :haha:
Allie - Hope your appt went well. They still haven't done fundal measurements for me. I have only seen my dr. once so far in this pregnancy, saw the practitioner once. I think the dr. said they will start measuring after week 20. Since we have the ultrasound we do not see the dr. that month and my next appt isn't until when I am 23 weeks.

Weekend was extremely hectic for us. DH's cousin and her family is coming to visit (short notice) and since we were in the middle of organizing our home for the LO we had to get everything done this weekend. We were up from 5:30 a.m. both days and had a LONG LONG LONG day. Saturday night a couple of people organized a joint "party" in honor of the SIX pregnant women we know and it was a fun time to get away and enjoy. We have been on a massive heat wave, 100+ everyday and I think this is the 5th consecutive day. It is supposed to be 100+ everyday this week. First in apparently 1934 or something like that!

Bumphope - I feel jealous that you are already buying and picking out stuff! We did finally order a crib and changing table at the furniture store. We will get it next week. Now on to bedding shopping! I read somewhere that the bumper etc is not used much..I am not sure if I will buy the entire set of just buy the sheets, ruffle and call it good. I am thinking of making my own mobile based on the color scheme of the room and the bedding. Our first priority is to paint the room. We are hoping we will start looking at colors next week for the room!!

Also, I was reading online that the baby is supposed to be about 10 ounces now and our tech at 20 week scan said the baby is measuring 13. I am worried and wondering if I am going to get gestational diabetes. It has worried me all weekend and I have a nurse appt next Monday so I guess I will ask her that question. How many ounces were yours when you had the scans?
Oh regarding the kicks, she has been very quiet today making me nervous. DH was able to feel a kick on the outside couple weeks ago and since then he has not been able to - partly because it is harder to time when she kicks. But on Friday we were both in bed and I was on my back and she was kicking. I asked DH to place his hand and he could feel a kick, he then sort of pushed on my belly gently and she kicked again. He did that a couple of more times with the same response. We were both so excited!! But nothing all weekend after that! She must have been happily sleeping all weekend while we were both slogging away to get ready for her!
Desi - At my u/s, baby measured 9 ounces which was right on point for her due date of 11/25, which is based on my LMP. (I have been going on the 11/29 due date which is what she measured at weeks 7 and 9 but think I will switch over to the 11/25 date now.) I was 18w + 6 days at that appt. Did your dr. seemed concerned when you got the results?? I wouldn't worry too much about it yet because I have a friend whose baby is large and she hasn't had gestational diabetes at all (she's now ready to pop any day).

We checked out the dresser that I liked online but didn't like that either in person! :wacko: So now I'm back to looking at changing tables that have a few drawers in them. We want to do white furniture but I'm having trouble finding a white changing table that I like. We have the crib picked out and will probably order it soon.

And about the bumper...I have heard & read that you shouldn't use them with babies since they can lead to SIDS. What a bummer! Bumpers really make the bedding sets. I still got a set with a bumper though because if the bumper is a 4 piece (as opposed to one large piece), you can still use it on the day bed and toddler bed options on those convertible cribs. In the meantime, I'm getting a mesh bumper for the crib.

You are so crafty to make the mobile!! :) I'm going to make a few hanging flower balls...can't wait to get started on that!
The Dr. wasn't there at the u/s and the tech didn't say anything. Only after I got home and Googled the size I started to worry. I will have to ask my nurse the question and also at my dr. appointment in Aug.

Call me crazy ambitious but I was looking stuff up online on how to make a fitted sheet :D! Not sure if I will actually go through sewing that but I am considering it. Wish me luck haha!
Ooh, jealous DH was able to feel the kicks! I only felt a kick from the outside yesterday for the first time myself! Can't wait for Alex to feel them! :)

I wouldn't worry about baby being at my midwife appointment she asked if I was feeling the baby "every once in awhile." I don't think we have to worry about how often yet...I go most of the day with only one or two flutters and then usually get a few kicks in the evening and that is it! (As I typed this I felt a little kick hehe)

I also wouldn't worry about the size of LO. I can't remember exactly what his weight was but I'm *thinking* it was 11 oz? I was 19 weeks exactly. She pulled up a percentile and said he was in the 60th percentile with his weight, I remember that. So I bet 13 oz is just fine! And don't worry, if they thought she was too big for her age, they would have let you know. After the tech does the the u/s a radiologist reviews it and stuff.

How exciting you got the bedding, BumpHope! :happydance: Jealous you have a Babys R Us. White furniture sounds so lovely for a nursery. Hmmm I might see if DH will go that route for us (he doesn't normally like white).

Sounds like a fun weekend, Desi. :)

My midwife appt went well today. Not much happened, but she did my fundal height and said it was spot on with my uterus a few inches above the belly button now ( fast did that happen?! I remember when we were feeling our uterus near our pelvis!). She did not do a swab for BV which annoyed me at the time but she just called and said they did a full urine analysis on my pee today to check for any infection and it was all clear (she said any sort of infection would generally show up in a full UA). So I feel a bit better now! No longer scared to check out my disharge!
Allie - my DH was anti white furniture too then out of no where switched over. :D It is very tempting to go with what we like for ourselves, which is usually the espresso colored stuff. But I'm afraid that it will be too dark for the baby's room. If we can't find a white changing table that we like then who knows, we may switch to a darker shade.
Hi everyone - it's been a few days and I missed so much! Congrats on all the new baby girls that seem to have been appearing on this thread!
Welcome babybearsmama! :wave:

How are you, Robyn?

How is everyone doing this week?
Doing well. Busy, busy, busy!! Getting ready for family! We got our crib and changing table delivered this morning. All of a sudden the room seems small with the crib in there!! We chose assembly on the crib and the changing table is yet to be assembled. We will most probably do it after the room is painted.
I been enjoying a mini-baby-shopping-spree! It's amazing how baby shopping puts me in a better mood! My sisters are coming out to visit so I've ordered lots of baby things, although I'm still really nervous about buying too much or buying the wrong colour! How are you keeping Allie?

Which crib did you get desi? We're thinking to use moses baskets for the first few months (although people keep telling me they grow out of them so quickly that it might not be worth it) - not sure if we can fit two cots in our room and I know I'll want to keep the babies near me at the beginning...
I'd love to see some nursery photos! I'm at a loss as to what I need still. When does the baby out grow the bassinet/moses basket and move into the crib?

I'm good, Robyn, thanks for asking. We had a weekend away and it was REALLY busy and I think I over did it. We were out and walking around for about 6 hours straight yesterday and I had a few small brown spots on my panty liner. :( I'm thinking I must have really over done it and I feel bad! Other than that the weekend was good.

It's gone very quiet in here. Come back everyone! :)
Hey girls

How is everyone? Im just back from a weekend and wedding in Dublin! It was fabulous but Im so exhausted - I got the all clear to fly which was fab and felt fine on the flight but it was nlt an hour. The wedding started at 11am and i got to bed at 2.45am the next day! I kept feeling bad for baby for being awake so long but the party was so much fun that I couldnt take myself to bed. At 2am I thought I started making my way but then I saw the brides 84 year ol Granny was still up an I thoiught well if she can do it so can I! So i headed back! I have been exhausted since and literally walking around like a zombie.

Oh and at the wedding everyone was talking babies to me! It ws so nice!!

Hubby felt baby kick for the first time this weekend also! He's tried a few times before but had never felt anything but this weekend it was pretty strong and he's felt baby twice now! Was really lovely.


Hi girls! :wave: Yes, it has gone unusually quite on here!

We had a bit of a scare last week when I woke up one morning and went to the bathroom to pee and had bright red blood on the tissue. It was a decent amount, as if it had pooled during the night or something and then came out when I stood up in the morning...?? So we called to leave an urgent message for the dr's office but instead, the answering service connected us directly to a nurse at the labor and delivery dept. at the hospital. She wanted us to come in as soon as I could to get checked out. Oddly enough, I had no cramps, no nothing, and blood was only during that one visit to the bathroom. They checked me out and said everything was fine. But to come back if I had any more. All has been fine since then so I'm a bit perplexed as to what happened to cause it! In any case, I took it easy this weekend but we still had a fun and relaxing weekend.

We finalized a baby shower date too this weekend! Registry is done (after so much back and forth about what we need and don't need)!

I am getting a pack 'n play with a newborn napper and bassinet as opposed to getting a moses basket. We also want to keep the baby in our room for the first few months so this will be useful for that and then we can still use it as a playpen after that (I think the napper lasts about 3 months and the bassinet is okay up to 15lbs). I think with the moses baskets, babies outgrow them within 3 months (or until they can roll over), but don't quote me on that.

I would love to see nursery photos too! I thought we were on a roll to get it done but then stopped after buying the bedding. :blush: This week I would like to start making the hanging flower balls for the corner of the room, they'll hang over the rocker.

Allie - hope you are taking it easy and have not had any more spotting! :hugs:
Sarah - that is awesome that DH got to feel baby kick! We are still waiting for that. :coffee:
BumpHope, that must have been scary! But if you visit the 2nd tri forums, it seems a lot of ladies have been getting random red bleeds out of the blue. :shrug: It seems more common than I would have thought. I know I would go to the hospital if I ever had any red as well, it's just so much better than worrying at home!

Sarah, that sounds like so much fun! So happy you could fly and had a great time. :) Sorry you're feeling like a zombie, though, and probably back at work today as well! Did you wear a nice maternity dress showing off your bump? I have a wedding this coming weekend and I bought a dress for it yesterday.

So with the pack n play newborn napper, can they sleep in that for long periods of time? Or is that more for like the living room, and you have the bassinet in your bedroom? I'm so confused with how this all works!!

So exciting DH got to feel baby!! I don't know if I posted it on here but my DH felt baby once last week. It was all about perfect timing...he only kicks strong enough to feel from the outside every once in awhile, and it seems like DH is never right there when he does it. It was one fleeting kick but DH was very excited....I'm looking forward to him feelling baby more often. So far he hasn't felt baby since that one time. He rubs my stretch mark cream on my belly every night but of course when that happens baby is probably fast asleep.

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