November 29th Due Date - I need a buddy!

Yeah, I feel baby all over, mostly in the area right below my belly button but I've also felt kicks way above my belly button, off to each side, and then the low down pelvic kicks I mentioned. Those are the ones that weird me out because I thought our uterus was higher than that. No back or bum kicks yet though. Sounds interesting! :haha:

Oh, Sparkle, I feel for you having the opposite of constipation most of the pregnancy! Urgh, I hate it! Since it's abnormal for me, I think I'm going to call the doc if it continues tomorrow because I'm worried about dehydration. :( Glad to know it can be normal though.

And also in the aches and pains department, I've developed shooting pains in my hips randomly throughout the day and calf cramps at night.

BumpHope, awww how lovely DH saw baby from the outside!! We are also signed up for our prenatal classes starting mid Sept. I think our lamaze is a 4 week course. I still haven't signed up for the breast feeding classes or newborn care classes yet.

I'll be interested to hear how you like prenatal yoga. I couldn't find a class here, and I'm wondering if regular yoga would be far too much.

We haven't done any nursery decorating yet. In fact the room is still full of boxes from when we moved a month ago! I'm hoping to get started this month. Hooray for getting your crib ordered!! :)
I get hip pains at night. My nightly leg cramps have seemed to get a little better lately, but the hip thing is so annoying! All i want to do is to sleep on my just feels soooo good! :sad2:

Allie - I spoke to the yoga place today and they said their instructors for the prenatal level class are certified and trained in prenatal yoga, so I would check that out before signing up for a regular class. If you can find instructors who are certified in it, then maybe they can make movement modifications for you during a regular class?? It was hard for me to find a center that offers prenatal yoga classes regularly (as in more than once a week and not in a 'workshop' type format). I wonder why they are so hard to come by?!
Oh, and a friend of mine said her dr. prescribed magnesium supplements for the leg cramps and that really helped her. Not sure if I really need it now since my leg cramps have gotten better, but I'm going to ask my dr. about it at tomorrow's appointment just to see what she thinks about it. Will let you know what she says!
Hey girls.
Sorry I've been quiet- been crazy busy! I had 24 week midwife apt yesterday and all seems to be as should be. No ones mentioned the gestational diabetes test to me so think I'll have to call up and ask. My friend who's 37 weeks has got it but they're managing it with injections and she's still due to have normal delivery.

I can feel baby move loads now although he does have the odd quiet day which freaks
me! We're having a bit of a heat wave in uk at mo- been 29c and been so uncomfortable. But don't your girls have that temp most if the summer? Don't know how u cope?

We're moving house again this weekend. 3rd move in 8 months and will be our final move! The flat we've had to get renovated is nearly finished but we e decided not to move back there as will be too small with baby so we've rented a house. So been packing and sorting the departure from this place as well as managing the renervation of our flat. It's been so so stressful and I had a melt down last night- only for 20mins but just needed a cry as too much happening at once. Plus old landlords are taking us to court fir £3k of damages that we didn't do so having to write our defence!! It's horrible!

Bit nervous about moving house this weekend as going to a new area and it's really in suburbia. Not sure if will like it and I ve lived in the area I am now for 10 years.
Well will shut up now as I've been writing as though this a counselling forum rather than a baby forum. It's my little one and it's kicks that are keeping me sane and putting it all into perspective.

Oh funny you've just mentioned leg cramps- 7.30am here and just woke up with worst leg cramp in calf. I jumped up in bed and tried to stretch it out. So sore- will get on the magnesium!!
Aww Sarah :hugs: Don't worry i had a complete breakdown here last night too. Loads of different things going on on these sides too but mostly difficult to deal with because I've got SPD and it's getting worse. Hip pain, leg pain, soreness below bump everything. When I walk i look like an old woman. Going to have to get therapy to deal with it :( The things we do for these little ones eh?! To top it off the weather in the UK has been INSANE! So add hot and bothered to the list and the result was me in tears in my OH's arms last night! He was brilliant though and said "I've got so much respect for mums! Dad's could never deal with all this!"
Thanks Sparkle. Sorry it's tough in your camp too. Lovely your OH being so supportive. I just feel so stressed with House move, checking out of this temporary place, renervating the falt we own and the Worst thing is this awful courst case. We just cant afford it And didnt do any damages to the landlords place. Hes just being An opportunist and uts so upsetting!

I've struggled with heat too and think sleep deprivation didn't help. Slept better last night as just had cotton sheet and the fan on.
Ladies, just got back from the dr.'s. First off, I really like this dr. - I saw her once before and since then it has been a crapshoot getting an appointment with her...they always try to lump me in with the midwives and save the dr.'s for people with complications (or so I've been told by the phone appointment center people!). And I'm not too happy with the midwife I have seen a few times because the last time I saw her, she made me feel like I was a nutcase for asking too many questions. :growlmad: In any case, the dr. said I could continue to see her if I wanted or go back to the midwife, whatever I felt comfortable with. So I had them switch all but one appointment to her. Yay!

With regard to the leg cramping thing, she didn't want me to go on the magnesium supplements. She thought it wasn't necessary to go that drastic of a route. She suggested it could be a few things causing the cramps...dehydration, lack of potassium or electrolyte in my diet. I don't think I'm dehydrated as I drink a lot of water and fluids daily. So the dr. suggested eating more potassium rich foods (banana, kiwi, etc.) or drinking a sports drink (that says it replenishes electrolytes) 3 times a week. I actually like that she didn't jump to tell me to take meds but rather suggested natural remedies.

Also, they want me to do the glucose test between week 24 - 26 so I'll probably go in next week. My blood pressure was a bit high, which is not normal for me, so they want me to go in in two weeks to get it checked out again. Crossing my fingers that it's back to normal by then!! :wacko:
Sarah, good luck with your move this weekend!! I hope all goes smoothly for you! :hugs:
BumpHope, do you have any symptoms of gestational diabetes or is that just when they normally do it? I wouldn't worry too much about your blood pressure unless there was protein in your urine (which they would have told you). Do you remember how high it was? Probably just nerves! I can feel my heart pounding before every appointment.

So happy you got switched to the doctor. I know exactly what you mean, as I'm with the midwives (drs. saved for complications yadda yadda) and they always make me feel like I'm paranoid!!!

For example I mentioned yesterday I had an upset stomach, well, it came with cramps. Then last night I had a bit of tan staining on my panty liner (kind of like what I got after walking for 5 hours that day), I wouldn't even call it brown, but I figured I should call. I left a message with the midwife and they called me back and made me feel stupid for even calling. I guess I should be glad that they think everything I had yesterday is normal but I still don't like to be made to feel foolish....

Sarah, good luck with the move this weekend. It's no wonder you're feeling emotional! It's a stressful thing to move, I know. And you've had to do it so much. Also really sorry about your landlord....we had a similar experience a few years back but only for $700 (they said we had a dog when we didn't). Try to stay out of the heat! I guess I'm just used to it by now...I walk the dog and end up sweating nearly every day now. :hugs:

Sparkle, what is SPD? Sorry you're suffering with it!! Will it be physical therapy you're doing? I hope you're managing to keep cool as well! :hugs:

Thanks for the leg cramp tips, girls! I will try the banana, kiwi and sports drink plan at first. I get the calf cramp every night when I lay on my left and end up laying on my right. Do you all manage to sleep on your left all nightlong??? I find it impossible, even with the expensive pregnancy pillow I bought on Monday!

Oh, and beware the magnesium supplement side works like a laxative! (Which Lord knows I don't want right now)
Nope, I don't have any symptoms for gestational diabetes. They said 24 weeks is when they normally check for it, but no later than 26 weeks. I'll be 24 weeks on Friday based on my LMP due date of 11/25 (I still have my original measurements due date of 11/29 shown on my ticker below but have just given in to using the 11/25 date now!).

My blood pressure was 130/82. They took it twice, which they normally have to do because for some reason the first time always has a high second number. So even though they did it twice again today and it was still high, I'm not too worried as I get so winded just walking from the parking lot to the office and then up the stairs. :blush: I'll be more worried if it's still high in two weeks though!

Allie - that is so ridiculous that the midwives made you feel like that! I felt sorta silly going to labor and delivery a few weeks ago because for some reason it just sounds so serious to me! But they made me feel like I could and should come back whenever needed. So now I won't hesitate to call them to at least speak to a nurse there if I ever need to again. I hate feeling hesitant to ask a question because someone is going to make you feel stupid for asking it!!!!

I can definitely not sleep on just one side all night. It is impossible with the hip pain. I have a preg-pillow too and it doesn't feel like it helps at all with the hip pain. But it does prevent me from sleeping on my back and it supports my back too (since I have the U shaped one) which is nice.

Magnesium supplement = laxative?! Hahaha! Um, no thank you! :winkwink:
SPD is when the pelvic ligaments at the front separate too quickly :( It's soooo painful, i had it in the first pg as well. It affects your legs, your back, it hurts to roll over in bed or get out of a car...basically anything that involves lifting your legs or separating them too far (!). I'm being referred for physio therapy at the hospital hopefully the appointment will come soon. I'm getting a bit down being in pain the whole time. They did prescribe paracetamol so i'm taking that to keep the pain at bay. But baba keeps kicking me like crazy and is thankfully blissfully unaware of how much pain he/she is causing me! Which is fine, that's what mums are for right!
Aw Sparkle, sorry to hear you are in all this pain. Hope the physical therapy helps with the pain! :hugs:
I get horrible pain in my left hip too - every time I roll over in bed, get up from a chair, and take a few steps....I thought it was just regular preg pain but maybe I should get it checked out? I definitely don't stay on my left side all night - often wake up on back or on my right!

Allie - my stomach's been up and down throughout the pregnancy. I find I'm really sensitive to certain foods eg dried apricots (so much for trying to be healthy!) As long as the upset is only occasional and doesn't last for more than a day or two at a time I just keep my fluid intake up.

Sarah - poor you with horrid landlord. Hopefully he's just trying to scare you and he'll withdraw the case once he sees you're prepared to defend it. He's probably just seeing what happens - it's pretty easy to file in the small claims court. I'm from the UK (and have had landlord issues before) but we're currently living in Hong Kong - and the heat is insane! Thank goodness for a/c.
Hi Robyn, I would go and get any pain checked out so that if it is SPD they can give you some advice on how to stop it getting any worse. To be honest yours may not get any worse but if it does it's always good to have some remedies to deal with it! :)
Hiya Ladies,
Did you all miss me? I was gone for a few weeks. I was just busy with family in the beginning and work has been super hectic so I haven't had a chance to log on at work and then after I come home I have been trying to get started on this one grad class that I need to finish before the baby arrives! Looks like everyone is doing ok and feeling movements. I can feel her most days but the last couple of days, I haven't been feeling very much of her. I might call the dr. tomorrow to see what she says.

II had an appointment last week and they scheduled me for the dreaded G test on Aug 30. I am nervous and hoping everything is ok. I have definitely been pigging out on sweets but I hear that doesn't affect if you will get diabetes or not :p!

I have also started shopping like a maniac. My closet now has clothes for the baby starting from Newborn to TWO years. Am I crazy for getting 24month clothes? What can I do, they are having huge summer sales everywhere and I couldn't pass up a good deal :D!

Sarah - Hang in there! I can definitely feel how overwhelmed you must be. I am getting very overwhelmend with everything and am worrying if I am worrying the baby tand that worries me. It is a vicious cycle, I tell ya!

I will try and keep in touch more often. I miss you ladies :)!
Hi Desi!!! :hugs: Of course we missed you, welcome back!! Don't disappear again! ;)

Definitely let us know what the doctor says...I'm curious myself. When you say you feel her a little, I'm assuming that's okay. The thing I've been wondering about is that last week I felt some crazy strong kicks from him and the past few days they've just been little wiggles and flutters again with a few kicks, but not the crazy strong ones from before.

Yeah, I'm always worrying if I'm stressing out the baby. I was away at a family reunion the past few days and I was just SO emotional. I cried about 5 times for various reasons (only in front of my husband and alone) and didn't have a very great time. I couldn't do all of the stuff everyone was doing activity wise, and I was hot and uncomfortable and hungry and super emotional. I also couldn't sleep at the hotel. Then I felt guilty that getting upset was upsetting the baby!

Sparkle, I hope the physical therapy helps out with the pain! :hugs:

I hope everyone is doing well! Good luck with the upcoming GD tests! (Desi, I also have been eating tons of sweets but I looked it up and also read it doesn't affect whether you get GD...I have a really strong family history, though).

Oh, one more bump! What are you bumps like these days? I was with one side of the family last weekend for a wedding and had everyone tell me how small my bump was!! It gave me a complex and then this weekend I was with the other side of the family and they were telling me the same thing. I am seriously starting to get paranoid I will be measuring small because of how 'small' everyone is saying my bump is.
Welcome back Desi!! Good to hear ur well :) @Allie don't worry about your bump everyone is different as are their bumps! You were quite skim to begin with so that nay be your stomach muscles holding everything in! With my first I was much smaller and I didn't really "pop" until I was 7 1/2 months! This time round was so different! As for the movements apparently that is very normal as long as there is some sort of movement. It's not until we reach about 28/29 weeks that they even suggest we start recording how often they move. It's just our job to worry! I was the same last week and this week is becoming a little more regular.
Welcome back Desi! :hugs: I feel you on the overwhelmed thing. This weekend I started setting up baby's closet and afterwards I felt so depressed because I barely have any 0-3month stuff. I know it's a little silly to feel like that (as DH promptly pointed out) because it's not like we don't have ample time to buy stuff or like we can't buy things if we need more even after the baby is born. But nonetheless, I was in total panic at not having enough onesies!! :wacko:

In other news, I felt baby hiccups this weekend. Very cool to feel all these different things!

Allie - Don't worry about your bump size! Some people are just smaller than others but that doesn't necessarily mean baby is going to measure small. Consider yourself lucky! :winkwink:

I agree with Sparkle on the movements things. I think it's perfectly normal not to feel consistent movements right now...until around week 28. At last week's dr. appt., the dr. asked me if I was feeling movement at least once a anything more than that is probably just a little bonus at this stage.

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