November 29th Due Date - I need a buddy!

Thanks for the love, ladies.

Allie - Yeah it was the same way with movements. She was pretty strong last week and it slowed down to almost nothing but just flutters since Friday. At my last dr. visit the dr said to only start counting at 28 weeks and she said she would give instructions at that point on how to count. I guess its normal to not feel the same strong movements everyday?! But I agree it definitely is worrisome.

Bumphope - I have been shopping and I realized I do not have a lot of 0-3 month clothes too. Since we live in Kansas, I need to get those footed onesies but I hear that you get a lot of 0-3 month clothes at your shower so I am going to hold off on those until last minute. My baby shower is on Oct 22.

May be it is time we post bump shots? I will try and get a pic posted tonight.

PS: Those in US, Childrensplace has free shipping today only. I ordered a few things for next Summer!
I think flutters are still okay at this point. I imagine we feel different kinds of things...wiggling, punching, kicking, turning, thumb sucking, hiccups....and not all will be a giant kick! Although Alex likes that because he's a huge football/soccer fan. ;)

Don't panic about having enough stuff yet ladies! Let's save that for October and November haha! The way I see it with clothing for newborns is that he is going to be born in the winter when we will hardly leave the house anyways. My cousin who had a baby boy last November said she felt like she didn't leave the house until spring!

I did get two bags of boy clothing from my (other) cousin who has a 2 year old so I feel pretty set in that department, though.

Good idea to post more bump pics Desi! Here is my 23 week and 24 week bump. :) The one people keep saying is a 'small' bump. (The blue dress is 23 weeks the green shirt is 24 weeks).


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Ah gorgeous pics! I don't think the bump looks small. It's lovely. I think people just don't know what the right thing to say is. Some people have told me I look small and others have asked if it's twins! I'm feeling huge though. Really struggling to find clothes I'm comfortable in. Are you girls weighing yourself? I've put 6lbs on in 10 days!!! Worrying when I read you're meant to put on 1pm a week!

The third and final move at the weekend was exhausting but went well. We had removals men also and it took them 11 hrs! I obviously didn't do much moving but lots on unpacking on Sunday and was so shattered. My poor little baby though- I've somehow turned the meant to be nursery into my walk in wardrobe!! I think I need to do a clear out! Especially as nothing fits!

Those of you with kiddies already - how long if ever dud it take u to get back into pre pregnancy clothes? I'm wondering if I should pack allowed up and put in attic til post baby or give some to charity?


Lovely bump Allie - I think it looks perfect! (Trust me, it so disconcerting when people say your bump looks massive - which I guess mine does with twins - but then I always feel like I have to apologise, and worry that by the end my little legs won't be able to support me!)

The weight gain has started with a vengeance. My dr did say that he expected me to put on lots after week 20 (hubby was worried as I lost weight in the first tri) and he was totally right! Think my poor stomach might be getting squashed as have been getting some reflux and feeling a little nauseous - ugh. :(
Lovely bump, Allie! Just when I thought I was feeling comfortable with my bump, my SIL told me twice today that I look huge! I have to agree with Sparkle, I think people just don't know what to say sometimes so they just blurt out whatever comes to mind. But really, is it ever a good idea to tell someone they look huge?! Grrrr....
Oops, meant to say that I agree with Sarah.
I weigh myself every day...mainly just because I don't want to go a while without weighing myself and then get shocked if my weight jumps. :haha: I have gained 8lbs total from my pre-pregnancy weight but I also had some extra pounds on me to begin with. I'm scared to see how much weight gain I have in the third trimester. Wish I could just stay this size. :winkwink:
8Lbs! I'm jealous! I've put on 18lbs already! And thats nit including the 5lb i lost in first trimester!! But i did used to exercise loads and with my bleeds ive not been abke to do anything since march. My face and arms etc look the same so nit sure where all the Lbs are going. That said my hips and bum feel bigger. Clothes feel really tight on the bum!
Thanks everyone! I also have only gained 8 lbs this pregnancy so far (but I was considered 'overweight' prepregnancy). Obvs you need to gain more with twins and if you were athletic before pregnancy like you, Sarah. It kind of weirds me out, though. I've been eating like mad this week though so I bet I'll gain more soon. I woke up wide awake at 6 am and had a breakfast feast this morning, for instance.
Now it's your turn to post bump pics. :)

Sarah, I'm glad the move went well! Phew, now you can hopefully relax and not worry about moving for awhile. :hugs:

BumpHope, I have followed your lead and switched over to the doctors and left the midwives at my practice. I heard the most awful stories about the midwife I was seeing, at church last week (being so dismissive of this lady's symptoms she missed her going into preterm labor) that I just decided enough was enough (as the midwife always made me feel like I was being silly and was very dismissive).

How is everyone's week been and how is everyone feeling?
I have FINALLY taken a bump pic...24wks + 5dys. Thus far I think I have gained all my weight in my belly which is just fine by me.

Allie - glad to hear you have moved over to seeing someone that makes you feel more comfortable. :hugs: I have one more appt at the end of this month with my MW and then I'll be back to the dr. I like for the rest of the pregnancy.

Have you all decided what type of pain relief if any you want during labor? Originally, I thought I wanted an epidural without a doubt (just remembering the contractions during my MMC is probably what drives this desire). But I have just been reading up on it all and now I'm confused and thinking I may try to go without. I'm even wondering about a water birth, which I never before thought I'd want (not sure if it's even an option at the hospital). Go figure. Hopefully our childbirth class at the end of this month helps me lean in one direction or another.


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I am pretty sure I'll have an epidural, just so that I'm ready in case I need an emergency c-section - but that's more because of the twin situation - there are 2 chances for babies to be in wrong position! We don't have our classes until September....wishing I booked them a bit earlier now. Haven't discussed it with my dr yet though.
I plan to go as long as I can with gas and air but fully expect I'll end up having an epidural down the line! I've been told birth plans are pointless as what will be will be!
Great bump pic, BumpHope! You look great!!! :) Not huge at all!

I had another experience of someone not thinking I was pregnant this morning. :nope: I was at human resources for the school district I work for and the woman (who knew I was having a baby) assumed I had already him! I had to correct her and say no, he's coming in November....

Do you all have bumps that are smaller in the morning and bigger at night? I've noticed this strange pattern!

As for pain relief, I'm going to try to go natural as well. They don't do gas and air here which is too bad as it's the route I would go. I'm just REALLY afraid of an epidural! BumpHope, what made you change your mind about the epidural? I don't know how far along you were with your MMC but I have heard before that that can be worse than actual contractions (my MC was really early so it was more like horrid period cramps). Robyn, I can understand why you'd go for the epidural with twins! I just don't know...I still plan on doing a birth plan and laboring in the whirlpool for as long as possible. At my hospital you can labor in the whirlpool to 8 cms but can't give birth in it. I really want to avoid an epidural but I think I'll explore other pain relief....What to Expect When You're Expecting talks about a pain med called Demerol. I wonder if that's the same drug that makes the baby really sleepy? I probably don't want that either! So much to think about....we start our lamaze/childbirth classes in mid-September.
Allie- interesting you say that about the MMC pain. I was going to say in my message that I was in so much pain with my MMC that I dont think I could do proper labour without some form of pain relief. I was 12 weeks when I had mine and got rushed to hospital- I was getting full on contractions lasting about 50 seconds. Was agony. And sorry if tmi but it's even more unconfortable when u can feel all the blood coming out if you. Oh it was such a horrible sad time.

But I'd not heard before that the pain can be worse than labour. That's good news!!
:hugs: Sarah!

Well I used to be totally anti C-sections but someone on one of the theads I follow had a family member who lost a baby this week at 23 weeks due to a cord accident! :( Now I've googled that a bunch and I'm feeling maybe C-sections aren't so bad. I don't know what to think. Childbirth itself is very daunting! I feel like I need to research a bunch.

I hope everyone has a great weekend. :)
Hi Ladies :wave:!!!

Glad to hear everyone is ok :) Beautiful bumps Allie and bumphope! Mine is so big at night especially, definitely noticed that pattern! I am feeling ms again and i'm soooo tired. I can't believe how long we still have to go and at the same time we're so far along. I guess it's that middle part of the pg! I am personally going to try and have an epidural this time. I did just gas and air last time but that was because she came in a couple of hours so we didn't even have time. I really want to have it this time though because i remember those contractions and it was like nothing i'd ever felt before. It's hard to know in terms of my mc because i was so early (5 weeks) past 12 weeks it's still proper contractions but i have no idea if they are worse or better than normal ones.
I have started getting nauseous again to the point where i can only eat really small amounts. Maybe because bump is quite big? Will try and post a pic asap X
Hi girls! Sorry I havent been on! Ive been so busy this past month.. I just had a yard sale this last weekend and that was a lot of work.. but I made enought to buy the crib and a new carseat.. yahoo! I had another ultrasound today to confirm the sex, and she is still a girl :) My doc wants to look at her again my next visit because we havent been able to get a good look at her face on 4D.. :) I love seeing her, today she had her hands on her face..
Love the belly pics girls!!!
Im huge ... and people are making comments.. "you sure there isnt twins?" you sure thats your due date? Ugh, do they think Im stupid or somethin? lol... people can just be silly.. I carry big, and I did the first time too.. so back off, cuz I still have 15 more weeks to get GIGANTIC. :)

Pic in dress is 24 weeks.. Pic with the "yikes" face is 25 weeks LOL


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Wow Lucky! What a gorgeous bump! Welcome back it's been a long time! I'm going to attach one of me but it is me lying down! If i can get it to work...However bump is still massive! I went for a HUGE chinese yesterday at lunchtime and i was so full i couldn't eat anything for the rest of the night! Is any one else crunching on ice?! That seems to be a new thing for me especially in the evenings. Same in my first pg actually come to think of it.... :shrug: who knows? I think it's because i get really hot and it's less filling than ice-cream or ice lollies which are a bit too sweet sometimes. Fussy bump!
Lucky- you look fantastic! Certainly a big bump but you still look so good!

I wish I could crave ice instead of sweet things. Healthy baby! I'm after everything with sugar in it!
Sparkle- are you going to have nother scan to confirm sex?

We are going buggy shopping at the weekend! So much choice its crazy!

Hugs to all

S x
Sarah i'm so sorry for your friend :hugs:

but i don't really think this is the best place to talk about it. Especially as we're all coming up to exactly that point of pg. The forum also has rules against talking about Pg loss in threads other than stillbirths and neonatal loss. Hugs to you and your friend though it must be horrible for her :(

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