November 29th Due Date - I need a buddy!

Good luck Allie!!! I'm sure you will do great and soon you will have your sweet baby boy!
Good Luck Allie. I'll be thinking of you & really hope everything goes well.

I'm excited for you!!

S xx
I am anxiously awaiting Allie's story! :coffee:

I get my first cervix check tomorrow...can't wait to find out if I'm dilated/effaced.

How is everyone holding up? Feels like these last few weeks are going to drag on...
I logged on and checked quite a few times to stalk Allie! I am patiently waiting...

I couldn't go to sleep until 3:30 a.m. on Saturday so I spent the night making 17 flannel wipes...God knows why but I did!!! Then last night had a big scare..I woke up at 4:00 a.m. in PAIN on the lower abdomen on the right....It wasn't going away and I knew it wasn't a contraction. I called the oncall dr. and he was of no help..he said to take tylenol, drink water, lie in a warm bath or go to the hospital. I just chugged a big glass of water then after about an hour the pain went away. I called my dr. today and nurse basically said that if I wasn't feeling any pain today I'd be ok and if I felt any pain that I should go in!!! Thank goodness it went away but it was definitely a bit scary. My head started running in a million directions thinking if I had an appendix issue and if they would to do an emergency C-section to get the baby out..blah blah blah...........................

I have my weekly appt tomorrow also..will know if I progressed from 1 cm/50% to anything more...kinda nervous!!! I am also going to ask the dr if she can tell what station the the baby is in etc....good luck with your appt. Bumphope....
Desperately waiting on Allies news too!

Desi- that sounds scary. How frustrating the in call doctor was! Go into hospital or don't go in?! Maaaaan! Glad you're feeling better now.

Have you girls had your 'show' yet? I had mine yesterday and more today. Yesterday was all clear and jelly like but today I had more that blood stained.

How far you girls venturing on your own? When u go out or to work do u take hospital bag with u? I take my notes but leave bah at home although not sure what how I'd get it if something happened!!
My work is only 2 miles (about 6 min driving distance) from home so I am not taking my bags to work. Hospital from work (and home) is a couple of miles as well. I figured if I needed to go in to the hospital, DH could run go home get the bags. I really don't have a birth plan written/typed out! Do all of you have that? I was just going to pretty much "wing" it! May be I should type something out huh? I haven't lost the plug yet. Did they start checking you how far dilated/effaced you are? How long do they wait after your due date before they start talking induction?
Desi - Glad you are feeling better, but wow, how confusing to have a dr. give you options! I have had a birth plan written up for a bit now, and just finally printed it out. I think it's okay if you don't want to write one up, you may just have to verbally express what you want/don't want as things come up. Even with a birth plan, I feel like I may have to tell them what I want/don't want because I highly doubt they sit there and memorize those things. :winkwink:

Sarah - I'm still going out and about on my own. I haven't been far though and honestly, I haven't even thought about what I would do if I went into labor while I was by myself! :haha: I think it just doesn't feel like it's going to happen soon so it hasn't crossed my mind I guess?! That is great that you have had your bloody show! I, on the other hand, have had zero symptoms of impeding labor.

During my NST's, they can tell that I'm having contractions (about 10-11 minutes apart) however since I can't feel them, it really means nothing. :dohh:

So today my dr. said I'm about 1cm dilated and 50% effaced and that baby is very low down, but that my cervix is still high up. Needless to say, with my cervix still being high up, it was a highly unpleasant check up! :blush: She said she'll give me a sweep at next Wednesday's appointment if I haven't gone into labor by then...and I highly doubt I will have. Though, the dr said that the check up itself can start contractions. But still, 5 hours later and nothing! I can't believe how close my due date is but it really feels like this baby is not going to come out on his own. :dohh:
Omg, I almost forgot to share my story of the day....went to the bank to put something into our lock box. In order to get into the room with the lock boxes, we have to punch in a code and then have a hand scan and then the door unlocks. So for some reason the code worked but then the hand scan wouldn't work. I tried and tried. Finally I got an employee to help me and he couldn't figure it out either so he called another employee over. She had me try a few times as well and then finally said something like, "I don't mean to offend you, but have you gained weight?" while motioning down to my belly with her eyes! It then clicked that perhaps my swollen hands (which don't really look swollen to the naked eye, but of course I know they are since my rings no longer fit) were throwing off the hand scan!!! :haha: She explained that the scan measures the size of your hand and what not so that's why it probably wasn't reading my hand properly and again said she didn't mean to offend. I wasn't offended in the least! I was actually more amused at how uncomfortable she was trying to explain it to me! :rofl:
ANy news on ALLIE???!! I'm so excited another elevenses is on their way!! :) I'll be waiting....:coffee:
HAHAHA..Bumphope - that is a funny story! I don't think I would have been offended either!

Bumphope - I asked my dr. about "stripping the membranes" and she looked at me like I was nuts because she was explaining stripping the membranes as if it is breaking the waters! I am confused. What "terminology" did you use with your dr. for "sweep"? Also, I am the same as last time - 1 cm dilated, 50% effaced. Unlike last time she didn't make any predictions on whether or not I would have the baby by due date etc. She said if baby's heartbeat and my BP is fine, she would let me go past the due date. She is also gone entire next week so I will be seeing her Nurse Practitioner and I know for a fact she is "rough" when she does internals so I am NOT looking forward to the checkup next week. I asked the dr. about what station she thinks the baby is in and she said she is at -1. Did you ask at what station your little guy is?

I wonder if any of us will have the baby on T-giving :p! I am really getting anxious to hear Allie's news......
Wow It has been a long time since I have been on here. I have been so busy with work that I haven't had time to do things that I enjoy like reading all of your posts.

Congrats Sparkle! I can't believe that our babies could come any day now. At my 37 week appt the doctor checked me and I was 1 cm and 70% effaced. She told me that baby's head was very low. I was all excited thinking it was going to happen soon. At my 38 week appt yesterday, the nurse didn't check me. I almost asked her to but then figured I would be disappointed if I hadnt progressed any. I think that I have lost a lot of my plug but it was clear. I just have to keep telling myself that baby will come when she is ready.
The doctor told me that they wouldnt let me go past 41 weeks. I don't know if thats standard or if it is because I have a lot of swelling in my legs and feet- which makes for very long and hard work days.
I am going to make it a point to get on here at least every other day to check in and hear about everyone's birth stories :) Good Luck everyone!
Desi - I used the word "sweep" with my dr and she explained that she would do it next week and made a round motioning gesture with her finger. I imagine that was her way of miming the separation of the membranes. :haha: It's the same thing as striping the membranes. Wonder why your dr. explained it differently...? She didn't want to do it this week since she thinks a bit early for me b/c of the GD and lung development. I just have no hope that anything is going to change by next Wednesday though! And I am REALLY not looking forward to a sweep if just a cervical exam was soooo painful. :nope: Though, she did say that if my cervix was lower down, it wouldn't be as painful as it was today since it's pretty high up still. I have never heard the terminology "station". Dr. just said the baby was very low in my cervix and that it was a good thing because it will make pushing easier. But now I'm going to ask her next week. :winkwink: dr. equated stripping membranes to breaking water...but I think that they are both different..I will use the word sweep next time but I don't want to confuse the nurse practitioner...

The stations thing was in our childbirth class..this site has some more info:
That is funny Desi! Did you eventually get access to the lock up?

Ohhhh I want to hear Alliles news!!!

I have a sweep planned for next Thursday which is my due date. Its so frustrating as my last check up was last Thursday at 38 weeks and I dont get another now until next Thursday 40 weeks. It feels like a really long time at this stage of the pregnancy. I want to know whats going on - if im dilated etc. Ive not had any internals.

Cant believe y
Ooops! Meant to say i cant believe you girls are still working! I was exhauseted when I finished last week.

Now ive had my show I feel like it could be any day but it still could be weeks! I cant work out if I want baby to come now or if I should be savouring these last few days!

I am with you, Sarah....can't decide if I want baby out now or if I'm not ready yet! Just have a few more last minute things to do by this weekend. But at the same time, I am so uncomfortable...I just want to lie in bed. How is it going with the inlaws by the way? My mIL is here now. Kinda just wish I had these last few days alone with DH.
Bumphope-Glad u said that... A part if me feels guilty for wanting more me time.

In- laws haven't really been here past week & I feel guilt for that too... I've a he'll of a conscience! We sent them to Ireland last week for a few days, they were back on weekend but me & Hubby had loads on. Then on Monday they went down to South of England for w/e & not back til Friday. Then theyre off to Europe for a few days next week!! We've basically organised all these trips for them - so do feel bad as they've come all this way to see us & we've shipped them off!

Your MIl there til baby comes?

OK..I couldn't resist so I did a bit of stalking on Allie's prego journal..someone said on there that she had the baby!!

"Allie has had her bubba ( I hope she won't mind me saying), I read it in fb. Mum and baby doing well.xx "
Good detective work, Desi!! :D

Sarah - My MIL will be here until just after Christmas! My mom is also coming in mid December so there will be a little over a week overlap.

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