November Autumn Babies

Lol clearly your body wants sleep more than noodles
Wishn good luck at your ultrasound today!

I've been feeling really lazy about cooking lately as well. I just have no motivation. But these noodle recipes sound amazing!

We went out with friends this weekend, and we managed to keep our secret. Although I'm not sure my "fake drinking" was super convincing. As long as no one asks, they can speculate all they want!
so sorry rebecca and Mrsmummy! big hugs to you both!

i have been terrible with eating, i caved to a footlong subway today! in my defense it had lots and lots of very healthy salad on there!
I've finally booked my first appointment - it will be on 29th :) Can't wait to get that first one over so we can tell our parents!

We're visiting my dad for Easter and it will be great to tell him then that we won't be able to come to our usual visit in December :D This is first baby in my family so I'm excited to tell him :)

Also, my in-laws don't even suspect anything because I've spend last 10 years convincing them we do not plan to have baby any time soon (sister in law constantly talked about planning hers so when she got pregnant and announced it it was like - oh, okay) so that will be fun announcement too :D

In last week my nausea kicked in, no vomiting yet thank god, but I mostly spend my time lying around and watching tv. Good side of not having a job when you are pregnant I guess.

I must admit I still POS every few days. I have bunch of HPTs (and OPKs) from planning pregnancy and have nobody to give them to so what a heck, I'll just use them until I go to that first appointment :)

Sending hugs to all of you :hugs:
Wishn, yay for your ultrasound today!!!

Noodles have been my life. They’re the only thing I can stomach at the moment. Maybe it’s all the broth that makes it soothing.

Witchy, how exciting! How are you planning on announcing?

I had my first ultrasound. I’m only 6w4d but I’ve had two mc so they’re monitoring pretty closely, although I don’t want too many ultrasounds. However, baby is measuring over 7 weeks and has a strong heartbeat above 130! I didn’t get to see my last baby’s heartbeat, it just wasn’t beating at a 9 week scan, so it was very moving to see the flicker and hear the heart beating.

I was up all night with nausea and night sweats and didn’t get much sleep so I’m looking forward to catching up today.
Yay witchy so exciting! Im sure the 29th will be here before you know it.

NoGreater, I am struggling with the nausea as well. I vomited for the first time yesterday and now I'm terrified it is going to happen again. Even more terrified it is going to happen at work. I have a long run to the bathrooms! Im so glad your ultrasound went well it must have been so nice to see and hear that heartbeat :cloud9: sounds like a nice healthy baby is growing in there!
Jwilly, omg I’m sorry to hear about your nausea and hope you don’t need to vomit again. While I don’t know how much, I’m certain I’ve lost weight. With my sickness I’m only able to have one meal. I’ve never experienced sickness like this before, here’s to it being a great sign
NoGreater, I weighed myself over the weekend and I've lost 5 lbs since my transfer. I'm having a hard time eating anything as well. I'm hoping it is a good sign! Our first scan is a week from today!
Hi everyone I’m expecting a November baby hoping to join the group I’m abit I’m abit unsure of due date though,I had tiny pink spotting on the 4th Feb started heavy on 5th had sex on the 18th & 19th got a negative on 3rd and a positive on 5th March.i think my cycle is normally 30-31 you ladies have any ideas what due date could be please
Welcome marie! Based on LMP of Feb 5, your due date would be Nov 12!

Nogreater yay for a good scan today!

Jwilly, sorry you vomited...I have such a fear of vomiting. I’m not that bad yet but my doctor offered me a diclectin prescription, just in case. I might fill it to have on standby!

We had a great ultrasound today!!! Baby is measuring a little ahead at 7w3d and we saw the little heart beating away at 139 bpm. We’re SO happy and relieved! Also found out that since I’ll be 40 when I give birth, I qualify for funded NIPT testing, a bonus of being a “geriatric” mother I guess!
Wonderful news Wishn! While I hardly consider 40 geriatric, how closely are your doctors monitoring you? I’m simply curious.

Welcome and congratulations Marie!

No sooner than I find the “magic food combination” is it no longer the solution. I feel like I’m fighting a losing battle with this every-waking-and-sleeping-minute sickness.
Thought I would jump in and say hi, I’ve been on BnB since I had my first. I was totally shocked on Friday to find out I was pregnant. Super nervous as I have a condition called Psoriatic Arthritis and I’ve been on a clinical trial for a new(ish) drug for it, only animal studies have been done on it in regards to pregnancy. I booked a private early scan today for next Thursday, and we’re not planning on telling anyone until after the 20 week scan if everything is ok and I can get away with it that long.

Looking forward to following everyone’s journeys. I’m due anywhere between the 17th and 21st of November :)
Thanks ladies! We’re excited!

Welcome Dom85!

Nogreater that sounds just awful. Would you consider getting an anti nausea prescription? It’s called diclectin/diclegis depending where you live. It’s a combination of vitamin B6 and doxylamine and it’s safe in pregnancy.

I don’t think I’ll be monitored any differently than I would be if I was younger, provided nothing comes up that makes me high risk. I’ll be seeing a midwife, not an OB. I’ll see her for the first time next week, and will do the prenatal testing with her, and likely another ultrasound at 11-14 weeks and another at 20. My thyroid levels will also be checked once per trimester.
My nausea is getting worse today and if I don't vomit tonight I'll be very surprised. They don't tend to prescribe anything here unless your bad. I'm already burping like I do before I'm sick. I hate this part of pregnancy. I'm phobic of vomiting though it's not as bad as it was since having 3 kids with sickness but I still cry every time I'm sick.
Welcome Dom85!

I’m strongly considering asking for a prescription even though I usually tend to ride things out, but this is becoming unbearable.

I used midwives for my first pregnancy and gave birth at a birthing center. I’m considering a home birth for this one as dh nor I like hospitals and the closest one has an extremely high c section rate. I would go back to the previous center but it’s now an hour away from where we live. Due to my hypothyroidism, I’m required to have my thyroid levels checked monthly.
My nausea is getting worse today and if I don't vomit tonight I'll be very surprised.

Omg same here. Last night I was in tears and my husband just did not understand. I feel like I’ve lost control of my life because if I’m not sick, I’m asleep. I’m so nauseous and sick at times I can’t eat and then I eat because I’m sick thinking it will be better only to make it worse. It’s such a vicious cycle. I hate to complain because I’m so grateful for this pregnancy but i just want to cry at times.

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