November Autumn Babies

Yay for great scans, boo for nausea. Now I feel bad for complaining about mine, I've only felt nauseated, didnt puke so far. Today it kinda dusappeared so I got worried and googled but google says it can come and go. Also I'm probably gonna get bunch of kilos in my first 3 months because only thing that helps with nausea are carbs lol
yay for the scan wishn! i have another on sunday and i will be 8.1 then so hoping to see a little strong bean in there!

hugs for the nausea ladies, i get it in the evening rather than the morning which is awkward!

Witchy carbs are my bestie atm too! and i never usually want bread/pasta but right now i need it
NoGreater, between the stomach pains, heartburn, fatigue and nausea I have been in tears more than once this pregnancy. I feel so selfish because we've waited so long to get to this point, but it is so disheartening sometimes.

Nootles & Witchy, I am wanting carbs too! Im not usually a bread/pasta eater, but lately all that appeals to me is a slice of white bread with butter.

I was sick again this morning and I'm getting worried that this morning sickness is ramping up :( It came completely out of no where and I have no idea how I will hide this at work or make it to a washroom if it comes on as fast as it did this morning. I work in an all male field, so I don't really even have anyone to confide in. I'm not even 7 weeks, so I am kind of anticipating it getting worse before it gets better? my back aches...a lot ...I can't find a comfortable way to sit, stand or lay! But it almost makes me feel more confident, because while I have symptoms, 'little squishy' (long story, but the name stuck) is probably OK! Phoned the midwife team today, but got answer phone, so waiting for a call back some time soon :) haven't really suffered with nausea much yet, but I do find sometimes that I'll be eating, and suddenly look at a certain bit of my food, and think that if I eat that again, I may be sick! Happened yesterday with leftover Chinese, I just couldn't face eating the beef, but could eat the sauce and the rice fine! Pregnancy is weird! Hope you are all doing OK :)
I’m just trying to survive each day. What “works” one day, doesn’t the next. Like noodles are now a no no for me. I had a smoothie today and it felt refreshing. Tonight I’m craving salad. I’m starting to feel more fatigued throughout the day. I’ll gladly switch my sickness for fatigue, at least I can nap here and there.

Jwilly, I truly hope you find relief soon and you don’t have any tummy trouble at work. Haha tummy trouble, can you tell I have a toddler?

Hope you ladies are all getting along better! best friend is getting married in a couple of weeks, and I am her bridesmaid. At this point, all being well, I will be 7 1/2 weeks. I obviously won't tell most people for a long time yet, but I'm debating whether to tell her before her wedding, just in case I'm acting weird (or puking, please no!) ...I don't want her to feel like I'm upstaging her at all, and can't decide on which is the right decision!!
I would tell her ahead of time because that avoids the whole upstaging thing. Not that you would be, but I think it would be best to say something before the day, that way she won't question things like when you don't drink or if you don't seem yourself
I agree with happy...if you’re going to tell her, do it well in advance, and not the day before the wedding! If you don’t tell her before, be prepared to put on a happy face and pretend you’re feeling great even if you’re not! You could explain not drinking by saying you want to stay sober to make sure everything goes smoothly and look after anyone who has one too many.

I had an awful morning yesterday...brushing my teeth triggered an episode of gagging and dry heaving but nothing came up. I was shaking and crying by the time it was over. I hope every morning isn’t like this!! I got DH to clean the toilet in our bathroom really well in case I end up praying to the porcelain god this week. Ugh.

How’s everyone else doing?
Hello ladies! Okay if I join in? I got my BFP at 10dpo on Saturday, today I'm 4+1 and my due date (atm) is November 28th! I've got a stepdaughter who's 8 years old, an 18 month old girl and we had an early loss last November.

So far I've been really tired and hungry but no appetite really and an aversion to most foods but no nausea yet. I've also been alternating between feeling freezing cold and then sweating and hot. Oh, and INSOMNIA about every other night, which is kind of weird lol. I hate insomnia though.
So I'm just waiting for the nausea to kick in!
Congrats Lilac!

...I'm 5 weeks today! Drinking at the wedding isn't an issue, as I dont drink anyway, and all my friends know that :) ...I think I will tell her ahead of time though!

Broken out in spots today, and feel blotchy ...I don't often get spots so its really obvious! Back is a bit better, but feeling very nauseous at the moment. Got my appointment with midwife on April 16th, which can't come quick enough!
Congratulations Lilac!

Wishn, I hope you’re doing better today.

Zoboe, I agree with the other ladies. I love weddings so much, I hope you aren’t sick and able to enjoy it. April will be here before you know it! I can’t believe March is almost over, where has time gone?

I’m so up and down these days. I seem more productive in the morning, so I take that time to prep meals and snacks for the day. When I fail to prepare for dinner before my last snack loses its effectiveness I tend to get really sick at night. I’m slowly figuring out what works for me. Now I just need to find a bit of time for me. Between pregnancy, parenting, being a wife, and working (from home but still work) I’m feeling like less and less of myself. I dream of spa days

How’s everyone else?
Zoboe, I second what the other ladies are saying. But I would definitely tell her as far in advance as you can. Thats great that you don't drink-you won't have all those prying questions! Not drinking is the thing that I'm having the hardest time hiding.

Congrats Lilac!

We rescheduled our scan for tomorrow morning, as it looks like my grandfather is in his last days. We are really hoping he makes it until tomorrow afternoon so that we can tell him about the pregnancy. He has been waiting so long for us, and I know he would be thrilled. I am starting to worry though, as if the scan doesn't go well, I could be looking at a pretty rough next few weeks...
Aww jwilly I hope tomorrow goes ok for you, and your grandfather will be so happy! Fx for you
Unfortunately a miscarriage here, it hasn’t been confirmed officially(scan tomorrow am) but I’m bleeding heavily, bright red with clots and have cramps so will only confirm what I know tomorrow:cry:. Good luck ladies, hopefully my turn soon!
Jwilly, I’m so sorry to hear about your grandfather. I hope your scan goes well tomorrow so you’re able tos share the good news. My mother was practically on her deathbed when I was pregnant with our first and it helped her strive towards getting better to meet her grandchild.

Bbbbbbb, I’m so sorry. Even after my own losses, I’m still unable to properly convey my condolences.
Nogreater I hope you can get some me-time this weekend. Life is busy enough and then add to that feeling terrible and it’s a lot to take sometimes!

Jwilly I’m sorry to hear about your grandpa. Good luck with your scan tomorrow! I have a feeling you’ll be sharing good news with grandpa.

Bbbb I am so very sorry this is happening. Thinking about you. Keep us posted.

I feel pretty darn good today, which of course has me worried. I think it’s because I had such a good sleep last night. Really makes a difference. My work week is really crawling...
Congrats and welcome Lilac.

Jwilly good luck for your scan tomorrow! I’m sorry to hear about your grandpa.

Bbbb I am so very sorry this is happening to you. I'll be keeping you in my thoughts.

As for me I'm waiting for my appointment on Tuesday. I still have a cold that's given me one hell of a cough which is making me feel pretty sick. That makes me worry because the only pregnancy I felt nauseous with was my molar loss.

Wishn I have the same problem brushing my teeth. Don't know what causes it but it's happened to me every pregnancy so far.
Loves_cookies, I think where I went wrong is that I brushed my tongue and triggered my gag reflex...BAD idea! Sorry you’re feeling sick, would it help the cough to have a humidifier in your room at night? Will you be having an ultrasound on Tuesday?
Bbbb- so sorry you’re going through this. :hugs:

Everyone else with scans coming up good luck! And everyone with morning sickness I’m sorry you’re dealing with that! My only symptoms have been food aversions, a lot of bloating, minor back ache but only today, and exhaustion. I had an ultrasound this morning with my fertility doctor and we saw and heard the heartbeat! It’s beating at 117bpm and measuring one day ahead.
I guess after looking at this thread for a few days I should join. I'm due on 11/4, so 7+5 today. I have had a scary start to this pregnancy, spotting pretty much every color off and on up to 5+5, when I had a red bleed. We did betas, which rose adequately, so I was told to wait until my booking appointment. One healthy baby, measuring perfectly yesterday! The bleeding hasn't come back in 2 weeks, turns out I have a 3 cm SCH, which caused it.

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