November Autumn Babies

Jwilly, how was your scan? And how’s your grandpa?

Lovescookies, how are you feeling? I feel like I’m starting to come down with something and I feel just awful.

Ash, so exciting you heard the heartbeat! It’s such a beautiful sound.

Azure, welcome! I’m a few days behind you and also had spotting for a couple of weeks, but no answers as to why. I’m happy they found the cause of yours and it’s since stopped.

I’ve haven't been feeling well lately, it feels like a cold/flu which is not something I’m enjoying on top of ms. I’m just grateful it’s the weekend. Lots of rest for me...well as much as my toddler allows :)
Eugh feeling so I'll today!! Spent the whole morning on the sofa, trying to avoid being far successful just! ...I've managed half a slice of bread and butter, but that is all, trying to think about lunch at the moment, but literally nothing is taking my fancy!

How are you all doing symptoms wise?
zoboe i feel constantly sick from about 2/3 pm with it ramping up at bedtime, morning is actually my best time which is awkward lol!

I had another scan yesterday putting me at about 8 weeks 2 days - all was well little bean has grown since 6 weeks from 3mm to 17.4mm! heartbeat increased to 165bpm from 117 :)

feeling more assured after that! can't help but fret though, having miscarriages really taints the joy of your pregnancy imo as right now i am still very cautious and darent get my hopes up 100%!
Zoboe, bread and butter is my go to right now! It's so hard to eat when you just don't want anything.

Nootles, Im glad your scan went well! That sounds very reassuring to me. I hear you on the struggling after a mc. I always wonder when I will start to actually feel excited and not scared?

We had a busy weekend this weekend. Thursday night before our scan I started to bleed, so naturally I had a meltdown. We didn't think my grandpa was going to make it through the night that night, and I was convinced I was miscarrying... It was just awful. At our scan Friday morning we were happy to see little beb measuring right on track with it's little heart beating away! We didn't get to listen to the heartbeat (and I was too overwhelmed/shocked to ask why) but it was nice to see it on the screen. I guess I have a sub chronic hematoma that caused the bleeding, which shouldn't cause any further problems unless it gets bigger. Our scan was in the same hospital that my grandfather is, so we were able to go straight over and tell him the good news. Amazingly, it was the first time he was coherent and talking in two days! It was so special, and I'm so glad that we were able to share that news with him. He wasn't able to say much but smile and say "great-grandpa" :cloud9:.
aw jwilly thats so sweet about your grandpa!

i have been having a bit of brown discharge myself which i could do without but all seems fine so i am trying to keep the crazy lady worries away!

Just really wanting to move past tri1, my MW said for me the worry will probably go away when i start to feel the baby move!
Nootles great news on the scan! Brown blood is old blood, so prob nothing to worry about. I also can relate to the worry stealing the joy...although my worry is being overshadowed by feeling queasy so much of the time. Trying not to barf is a full time job!

Jwilly I&#8217;m so happy your scan was good and you got to see the little heart beat! They have to use a Doppler in order for you to hear it, I think. Maybe we&#8217;re too early yet for that? And how sweet that you got to tell your grandpa you&#8217;re expecting! <3

I&#8217;m 8 weeks and have my first midwife appt today! Not sure if they will offer another ultrasound since we just had one a week ago. I&#8217;ve gained 1 pound so maybe my constant all-day eating to get ahead of the nausea is starting to catch up with me.
Jwilly that is a moment you can treasure forever <3 your Grandpa may not get to meet your little one, but just from those couple of words you can see how excited and in love he is! ...nearly made me cry...damn hormones!!
Nootles, I think feeling movement would be reassuring for me as well. I feel like I'm holding my breath between every ultrasound. Sorry about the spotting. I went into full panic mode when I saw mine, but I think spotting in the first tri is more common than we think.

Wishn, you might be right. I see other ladies hearing heartbeats but maybe they are further along. I'm sure they don't want to scare us if they can't find it on the doppler yet! 1 lb isnt bad at all. I think I'm going to be in survival mode for most of the first tri. I'm letting myself eat whatever I can (usually it is unhealthy), otherwise I wouldn't eat at all! It's so hard because I'm used to eating so clean. Good luck at your appointment!

Zoboe, it was so special <3 I'm not usually a crier, but it definitely had me teary!
Regarding hearing the heartbeat. The ultrasound machine is the determining factor over wether or not you can hear the heartbeat. I had my first ultrasound at my fertility doctors office and they have AMAZING ultrasound machines (they have to for ivf and IUI). When I went to my normal ob we saw the heartbeat but did not hear it. They have a very old ultrasound machine.
Ash, that's interesting! Our ultrasounds are still at the fertility clinic, so I'm not sure why they didn't try. I am back in for another scan on Thursday, so I will ask then. Hearing the hb would be so reassuring!
Jwilly- i would definitely ask. When I got pregnant with my twins and had my first ultrasound at my fertility clinic at the time they also didn&#8217;t let me hear the heartbeat. But this one they did. Different place though, possibly different equipment. I&#8217;m at a brand new fertility clinic so they probably have top of the line equipment but I&#8217;m not positive on this. I would ask. Although hearing the heartbeat at 6w2d which is what I was, it was very very faint. I could hear it but it&#8217;s not like when you hear it at 8 weeks.
Yay for scans! Jwilly, so glad you were able to tell your grandpa, how special!

Sorry to hear about everyone’s nausea. While I’m not physically sick anymore, I do have this odd feeling that my stomach is full and everything is sort of sitting in my chest. It’s incredibly uncomfortable and makes it almost impossible to eat anything. Other than that, I’m slowly starting to feel better.
Glad you had a good scan and were able tell your grandpa Jwilly.

Yay for a good scan Nootles, glad to hear everything is going well, pregnancy after loss is one of the hardest things.

How'd the midwife appointment go Wishn?

I've never heard the hb whilst having an ultrasound and they don't listen in on the doppler until 25 weeks here from memory.

I'm finally starting to feel better and the cough has mostly gone. Still feeling sick from time to time, but it's mostly after lots of activity and moving around. I am suffering from some major food and drink aversions though. I idea of drinking makes me want to or actually gag, so I'm not drinking enough which is probably making me feel worse. Today I've managed to drink one 660ml bottle of water and two cups if tea and it's 6:15pm here, no where near enough.

I have my first appointment at the Rainbow (pregnancy after loss) clinic tomorrow and i'll have a svsn and try to make a care plan to move forward. I'm really nervous, and I don't see my pregnancy beyond tomorrow.

I don't think it helps that today was my scheduled c-section date for Alexander. A day when my arms should be full and they're not. I've had to deal with some particularly insensitive people on work, which just reminds me I'd rather be anywhere else but there.
Good luck at your appointment tomorrow Love Cookies :)

Feeling much better, spent the day organising the house, and rearranging things...definitely nesting!
Glad you&#8217;re starting to feel better Nogreater!

Zoboe glad you&#8217;re feeling better, I think I&#8217;m nesting too! I started cleaning out the closet in what will be the baby&#8217;s room.

Big hugs, lovescookies, today must be an emotional day for you. Good luck with your appt tomorrow, I hope it gives you some reassurance. Just take it one day at a time.

I&#8217;m having trouble drinking enough too. I&#8217;ve been eating a popsicle everyday which is very refreshing and doesn&#8217;t make me want to barf. If you can stomach fruits and vegetables with high water content, like cucumber, watermelon or citrus that will also be hydrating!

Our midwife appt went well! She said it wasn&#8217;t necessary to have another ultrasound until 18-20 weeks, but I said I&#8217;d like to have one for reassurance so I&#8217;ll have one at 11-12 weeks. It&#8217;s a bit annoying that I&#8217;ll still have to see my family doctor to have my thyroid monitored and do the non invasive prenatal testing.
Lovescookies how was your appt yesterday?

I had my first bout of vomiting this was disgusting. But I actually have felt pretty good the rest of the day! :shrug:

How’s everyone else doing?
Wish - I find that my morning sickness seems to stem from the taste in my mouth. It needs to be fairly neutral, nothing too strong, and definitely nothing sweet! Polos are good though, mint helps a lot. When I first get up, I have to run to the bathroom and brush my teeth before the nausea catches up with me...must be a funny sight!! ...other than that, most of my days are OK, just get a bit dizzy or nauseous at times. I've also got a very strong sense of smell at the moment, and keep complaining about things that oh can't even smell!
Anyone suffering with headaches every single day? And aversion to the mere smell of crisps urgh. Can't eat properly. One meal a day, then small things here and there if I want them. Had a scan yesterday. Measuring to date and saw a good heartbeat
Happycupcake - so many food aversions, can't eat anything smelly, or anything that will leave a strong taste in my mouth, or anything sweet! Really doesn't make it easy! ...I've bought snacky things like mini party eggs and mini sausage rolls to keep in the fridge, and try to eat throughout the day, but I am really struggling, and I think the hunger feeling actually makes me feel worse! ...discovered yesterday I've lost 2kg since becoming pregnant =/ as much as ms is quite comforting, I do look forward to this stage being over!!
Yeah I know what you mean. Don't worry about losing weight, it isn't hugely uncommon. I lost weight with DS2 and DD. I had them just under eleven months apart, when I got pregnant with DS2 I weighed about 14.5st, by the time I had DD I was down to 10.5st lol! They were both fine though

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