November Autumn Babies

No headaches here, but the food aversions are for real. I made a casserole on Sunday that I normally love, but after eating it once, I haven’t been able to go near it again. I can’t even let DH sit at the same table as me when he’s eating it, too smelly! I’m not too interested in meat, mostly getting by on raw fruit and veg, pretzels, Cheerios, and toast. So much toast! My weight is still stable.
Food and just plain old adversions to smell over here. Sickness is back with a vengeance as I couldn’t even keep down my prenatals this morning. While my doctor tells me sickness is a good thing, I can’t help but want to shout at him he’s crazy. I feel like a zombie these days. I’m counting down to second trimester praying that I’ll find relief there.
Wishn, sorry that the vomiting has begun :( I do find that I usually feel better after... I try to tell myself that when the heaves start!

Happy, glad your scan went well! Sorry about the headaches. I can't say I have suffered from any yet during pregnancy, but I hear you on the food aversions. My appetite is next to nil, unless I can find something to eat that doesn't make me want to be sick! It seems to change constantly though. I will be CERTAIN that I am making something that I want, and by the time its ready it makes me want to hurl :(

We had another ultrasound this morning. Measuring right on with a little heartbeat fluttering away. Today's scan was so cool to see, because baby actually looks more like a baby and not just a smudge on the screen :haha:. The sub chronic hematoma seems to be resolving itself, so all is good there. We are officially grads of the fertility clinic! Our next appointment is with our family doctor on April 12.
Sorry you’re still so sick Nogreater. I haven’t gone back to my prenatals yet...I’m scared to, they made me feel so ill all day. I’m just taking folate and omega 3.

Jwilly congrats on another good scan and graduating from the fertility clinic!

I can’t stop eating today...the second my stomach starts to empty I feel gross. Water is not my friend.
Jwilly, congrats on another beautiful scan! And glad the sch is resolving itself.

Wishn, I wish I had an appetite. I used to love food and creating new dishes. These days I can’t stand the sight or smell of food. And today I’m certain I’ve spent more time in the bathroom than I have my entire life. I can’t even keep down liquid. I’m really struggling today.
Jwilly and happycupcake congrats on good scans!

Sorry about the sickness Wishn and Nogreater.

My appointment went really well. I had a scan which showed a fetal heartbeat and measuring one day ahead. There was no sign of molar tissue so that's really good too. She's already checked my cervix length, which at the moment is really long.

I really like the consultant who runs the rainbow clinic. She really took my concerns on board and is happy to go along with whatever I want. I have my booking in appointment with my community midwife next Thursday when I'll be 8 weeks. Then I go back to the Rainbow clinic when I'm 10 weeks. I'll have my standard 12 week dating scan at the local hospital, then I'll be back at the Rainbow clinic at 14 weeks when I'll be having weekly checks on my cervix along with reasonably regular vaginal swabs and blood tests to check for bacteria/infection and my immune system. Once I get to 24 weeks as long as everything looks good and I'm happy to then the appointments will become fortnightly.

She also agreed to my request for a section without question. My last consultant was constantly trying to talk me out of it. She said my reasoning was understandable, despite the fact I delivered Alexander naturally and labour progressed fully despite his small size so I have laboured successfully. I've gone into spontaneous labour twice and both times have been the result of me developing a uterine infection. DD was a EMCS due to fetal distress and it was a really close call. So, labour has not been a positive experience for me and I don't want to chance a 3rd infection if I get to the end.

The new consultant was much more open to discussing how I could have developed the infection last time too. At my review after losing Alexander my last consultant was really dismissive of everything because I had an infection. As far as she was concerned the infection caused labour. I wanted to discuss my cervix because everything I'd read said dilation could cause infection, waters to break and I'm a group b strep carrier. By the time I was worried that my waters might have been leaking (which they were) and went to hospital I was already 4cm dilated! I hadn't felt a single contraction, it was 7 hours after that examination before I started to feel any and Alexander was born 5 1/2 hours after that first contraction. But she wouldn't discuss the possibility of any structural problems or underlying causes.

Which brings me to another issue, I had a battery of tests done after Alexander's delivery and turns out one of the tests was positive for lupus anticoagulants. Now pregnancy and infection can give this test a false positive, the only way to know is to have it tested again. If I'd have known I'd have definitely followed it up and I'm quite angry that I wasn't given the chance. I remember asking her in my review whether all the results are okay and she said they were.

So now we have three options - do nothing and monitor, follow the treatment protocol as if it were definitely positive which is daily blood thinning injections, or try the middle ground and take a baby aspirin and monitor the situation. So, I have a prescription for baby aspirin but I haven't started it yet. I know loads of pregnant women take it during pregnancy and it's fine, but I haven't taken a single bit of medication during any of my pregnancies and I'm a little reluctant. I had a PPH after Alexander's delivery, so a little concerned about taking blood thinners if I go into labour prematurely. But I'm not sure I want to do nothing either as if it's a true positive then there are increased risks of problems with the placenta and a higher risk of stillbirth. The other thing that's playing on my mind whilst I weigh up this decision is after Alexander's delivery the midwife thought my placenta looked like it had become partially abrupted. The pathologist also mentioned the possibility in his report. But the last consultant completely dismissed the possibility because I carried my daughter to term with no problems (other than having an infection at delivery).

Also strong food aversions here, quite often the idea of eating anything is enough to make me gag and feel sick. The drink aversions are even worse I can't do water at all now, I only seem to be able to drink tea in the morning or that makes me feel sick. I'm only managing sugary drinks, but that makes my mouth taste really sweet and I have a sore throat making swallowing really painful, that really helps the sick feeling - not! I also have a fairly constant headache, although pretty sure it's a mixture of stress and dehydration in my case.

Sorry for the essay, thank you for reading it all if you got to the end!
Hey all. I have a due date of about nov 22nd. I joined a facebook group for babies with nov due dates. If anyone wants to join, let me know.
So tired! My DD is a terrible sleeper and ends up snuggling up in bed every night. Then she wakes up in our bed and whines regularly. I hate the two year molars, she has been teething for a month solid and the final ones haven't gone anywhere in that time, she just drools all day.

I have to muster the strength to head to Aldi for a Ribeye roast for Easter dinner. At least the weather is beautiful again! I'm so happy about the weather.
Welcome Lar!!

Azure I hope you can get some rest this weekend! It’s still not exactly springlike here, April is usually a pretty ugly, gray, wet month around here.

Nogreater that sounds just terrible. :hugs: Hopefully you’ll turn the corner soon. Are you considering getting a prescription? I haven’t taken any of my diclectin yet, but just knowing I have it in my purse brings me comfort.

Lovescookies I’m so glad to hear you appointment went well! The consultant at the rainbow clinic sounds just great, really listening to your concerns and taking them seriously. You are doing a great job advocating for yourself and your baby. Is there any value in having the lupus test repeated before you decide whether to treat it? Or maybe take the baby aspirin every other day to reduce the risk of bleeding?

I’m finding popsicles to be a good way for me to stay hydrated since I’m having trouble drinking enough too. I can’t stomach coffee or tea anymore.

I’m so happy to have a 4 day weekend! We don’t have much planned, dinner out tonight, and I’m cooking a leg of lamb on Sunday for Easter. I’m really looking forward to eating chocolate this weekend since I gave it up for Lent. If I turn out to have an aversion to chocolate I will be very sad.
Lovescookies, it sounds like you have a great resource and comfort at the rainbow clinic. I think it’s absolutely amazing.

Wishn, I’m strongly considering a prescription as this is day 2 of non stop vomiting. I’m awaiting a call from my doctor. I can’t keep down water so I know I’m dehydrated. At this point I don’t even know what there is to come back up but there seems to be no stopping it.

It seems like spring has finally sprung here, but I’m still waiting for consistent temperatures. Unfortunately, it looks like my Easter will be spent hugging the toilet. I really wanted to do some gardening and go to church but I don’t know how I’ll get along. I hope everyone else has a beautiful holiday!
Wishnandhopn - a definite chocolate aversion here, and I'm usually a chocoholic! Can't eat or drink anything sweet, which drinks wise pretty much leaves me with water, I usually live off blackcurrant squash, but I can't stand it at the moment because of the sweet aftertaste!
I keep trying to make myself eat chocolate because it's totally alien to me not to want it, but it just makes me feel sick. I was so sure I wanted egg mayonnaise earlier, had some and urgh that won't be happening again in a hurry.

Has anyone any experience of having nabothian cysts in their cervix and coming out of it? And free fluid, in the Douglas pouch (?), but without any adnexal mass, that's common isn't it? I read it can be caused by the cl cyst?
They didn't appear concerned and didn't note down any concerns. I read that a heterotopic pregnancy is extremely rare in natural conceptions
Hey everyone hope you don’t mind me joining in. I think I’m due roughly around 20th Nov with baby #5 eeeeek
Welcome and congrats mumandco!

Happycupcake, I have no experience with any of those things. Were they noted on your ultrasound report? When is your next scan?

I had a rough day yesterday, another morning bout of vomiting (witnessed by DH, lucky guy) and felt terrible all day long. Managed not to puke at work! I’m hoping today is better.

How is everyone else doing? I hope the rest of you are faring better than I am! I am counting down the days to the *magical* 2nd tri.
Hey everyone, is it ok for me to join? Due date is 20th November for now!

I’ve reached 7 weeks, and paying for a private scan this Friday afternoon just for reassurance that everything is ok!

Though I’m not sure I need it...severe nausea since 4 weeks (found I was pregnant 8DPO at just over 3 weeks) and started vomiting now- I cry at the touch of a hat (cried in KFC the other day because I felt the only thing I could stomach was a Krushem and they had none!), tiredness, extremely sore boobs...there’s definitely something cooking in there,but fingers crossed all is healthy on Friday!

I’m a teacher, so glad to be having these couple weeks off-I’m so incredibly worried about having to tell my school in the new term I’m pregnant,because we are already low on staff and me going on maternity in November will not go down well!
I went to bed fairly hungry and woke up, ate, and now I feel nauseous. I should know better than to let myself get that hungry at bedtime. Now I pray it gets better, the kids want to go to a playdate with some friends.
Welcome and congrats mumandco and lpjkp!!

Happy, I’ve never heard of such nor had any experience with either of those. Have you heard anything further?

Wishn, I’m sorry you’re still sick. I too am counting down until the “magical 2nd trimester.”

I spent part of the weekend in the hospital receiving fluids. I was diagnosed with HG and given a prescription, which has helped tremendously. So overall I am doing much better. I went from not being about to keep down food or fluid for days to now if I get sick it’s only once a day and that’s only if I eat something too acidic or accidentally overeat. I really hope you other ladies find relief soon.

Mumandco may I just say I love the spacing of your children! I love large families. I hope to have a large one some day...granted that I don’t get this sick every pregnancy.
Oh Nogreater I’m so sorry to hear you were so sick and in the hospital! I’m glad you have meds now and are feeling better. How awful that must have been. Really hope this resolves for you soon. :hugs:
Thanks Wishn. The staff made my time there nice. They were all so kind and understanding, but I hope I don’t have to go back. I’m grateful for the medicine because it does work. However, I’m unable to stomach my prenatals. My doctor said I can stop taking them at 9 weeks and start again when I’m feeling better. I’m not so comfortable with that idea so I may take your advice and take folate until I’m feeling better. I’m only 3 days behind you and I can’t belive we’re so close to second trimester!
Prenatals are just evil for nausea! With HG I have no doubt it’s even worse. Honestly I’ve had 2 different doctors and my midwife say it’s okay to just take folate in the first tri. And with the meds you will hopefully be able to keep food down so you’ll get your micronutrients that way.

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