November Autumn Babies

Bless you lovecookies-I hope you and baby are ok! Baby definitely needs to cook in there a while longer!

I know what you mean ash about he drinking...I’m drinking no where near as much as I should-I only tend to remember when I start feeling sick again, but it’s so difficult with teaching all day!

It’s so lovely now though, all of my pupils ask for daily updates on baby- we are going for our private gender scan on 5th June and I’ve promised to go a gender reveal video and pop a balloon for them to reveal what I’m having 💗

The sickness is easing and isn’t at the same time-anybody else still suffering? I’m still being sick first thing every morning, but otherwise through the day my appetite is coming back-I still can’t stomach chicken though!

I think I also felt a little movement earlier today,too! Unmistakable something touching against my uterus,which was exciting!

Hope you ladies are ok! X
Ash I’ve been having some weird sensations in my uterus too...woke up at 4 am with them. No idea if it’s BH or early movement, or maybe just dehydration! I don’t think it’s a big deal that you haven’t gained much weight yet. You’ll probably gain less overall than you did with the twins! I basically eat all day and I’m only up about 5 lbs...trail mix bars, fruit, full fat yogurt, nuts, these would all be quick healthy snacks if you are trying to get more calories!

Lp that’s so cute that you’re going to do a gender reveal for your students! I love it!

I’ve been feeling a lot better too this week, but last night and today I’m suffering with reflux. I have this yucky lump in my throat that makes me gag when I cough or clear my throat and I can’t stop burping! I think I need to start a food diary so I can figure out if it’s certain foods that I’m eating that are triggering this feeling. It’s not fun, and I have a feeling it’s only going to get worse as my uterus gets bigger and starts squishing my organs more!
Wish, that's exactly what my acid feels like! For me dairy makes it unbearable, but I can't seem to stop it completely. I was put on tablets called omeprazole which stop your stomach producing acid. They have helped a huge amount! Hope it clears up for you soon!!
Zoboe isn’t it awful? Do you have heartburn too? I’ve had this gross feeling in my throat for weeks now, but the heartburn just started for me last night. I think I might be able to get Omeprazole over the counter in Canada...for now I’m just taking Zantac but it doesn’t really help much.
Wishn no heartburn for me, just the reflux. Its a truely horrible feeling, and I really hate being dairy free too!! I love cheesy meals, and I'm hoping this doesn't last forever!! My brother is dairy intolerant, so I fear that once I'm off it, I may never be able to eat it again!
Ash, don't worry. With our second and third I lost weight until the third tri, but I didn't put much on in those weeks. I think if you're underweight or close to being underweight that is more of a concern, but if you're healthy then I wouldn't panic about it
How is everyone today?

I think I'm starting to feel the baby move :cloud9:
Little one has been sat on my bladder all day, haven't stopped peeing!! ...other than that all pretty good over here! Started to buy some second hand bits and bobs which is exciting, I had a funny feeling in my tummy earlier, and wondered whether it might have been baby moving, but I really don't know, could have been anything! Spent the afternoon in the garden getting it a bit more organised :) hope you're all doing OK!
Hello ladies! Long time. I was away on holiday but am now back and trying to get back into my daily routine. I’m 15.5 weeks now and all is well. Baby’s heartbeat going strong in the 150s. I’ve lost weight but have definitely popped a bit so there’s no more guessing whether or not I’m pregnant because I certainly look it! I felt and saw some movement over the weekend and I’m looking forward to it being more consistent. How is everyone else doing?
Kitty, that’s so great you’re feeling movement!

Zoboe, I’ve been feeling some funny things too, but nothing I could definitively say is the baby moving. I think it happens later with the first baby. Good for you starting to buy things...I need to start!

Welcome back NoGreater! Hope you had a nice holiday. I’m glad you’re feeling better. And you SAW movement? Wow!

Lar, 14 weeks tomorrow, woo hoo!

I’m doing pretty well. We announced to DH’s parents when we saw them on the weekend, so that was a lot of fun. I had a midwife appt yesterday and we got to hear the heartbeat again, as well as some funny sounds when the baby was moving around! I’m starting to have a real bump, and I think I need to retire my pre-pregnancy pants, they’re so uncomfortable. I tried to shop for maternity clothes last night but it didn’t go well. I’m not big enough yet, so the full belly panel is huge and the shirts and dresses just make me look fat! I ordered a few pairs of under the bump pants with the side panels, so we’ll see how those go!
Thanks wishn! Tomorrow does feel like a milestone. I still have a flat stomach but i am thinking I will get a little bump in the next monh or so.
Thanks Wishn! It was a much needed break. Yes, I felt movement and lifted my shirt and to my surprise you could see where i was being “poked” from the inside. The same thing happened with my first pregnancy. My husband didnt believe me at first until he sat and saw it himself. It’s something very difficult to fake haha.

As of today, I think I’ve officially grown out of my pre-pregnancy pants. I’ll be wearing dresses from this point forward. I tried to buy maternity pants but they felt uncomfortable and made me look twice my size.

How is everyone else doing?
I feel everyone on the outgrowing of regular clothes. I despise pregnancy jeans so I've been living in maternity leggings. :/ I need to get to the store and grab some summer dresses since it's warming up here. I've been showing in a serious way since about 12 weeks but I think that's because I had twins the first time and they completely obliterated my ab muscles. Who knows. I'll post a picture later. I took a picture last week but this week I really really look pregnant so I need to take another. I did weekly bump pictures with my twins and I'll most likely do it again. I actually love having a pregnant belly though because I can eat what I want and however much I want without being bloated and looking gross - I just look pregnant, it's awesome!

I don't have another ultrasound until 20 weeks so that's 5 weeks away. It seems like eons away. I had ultrasounds every two weeks with my twins so I don't know how I'm going to survive but I know I will. My mom ordered the baby's crib on Monday, that'll be here on Friday. It seems early but she offered so I took her up on the offer. Should be fun except that I won't set the crib up until he's born because with my twins they didn't actually end up using their cribs until they were 3 months old. I plan on co-sleeping (or some version of co-sleeping) with this baby to help with nighttime breast feeding but we'll see how that all plays out. At least we will have the crib whenever we end up needing it.
Ash, I envy you. I still can only manage tiny meals and not very frequently at all. I wish I could pig out...maybe one day. I understand the crib situation. We bought a beautiful crib for our little one four years ago and it went unused. She refused to sleep in it and we ended up co-sleeping for three years. I still have the crib so we’ll see if this baby likes it. But we’re not opposed to co sleeping again at all.

I’m 16 weeks today! I still feel good so long as I don’t eat too much or go too long without eating. I make sure my meals are as nutrient dense as possible since I can only manage small amounts. Hope you ladies have a good day!
nogreater- I envy you that you're eating nutrient dense meals! Omg I'm eating crap to be honest. Anything healthy I can't seem to have an appetite for except fresh fruit. As my acupuncturist said I need to be increasing my protein intake but I am not craving protein at all, it actually makes me feel a little bit sick. Ugh!

When you co-slept did you have like a doc a tot? or did the baby just sleep right next to you? Did you have a edging type thing for the bed so baby didn't fall off? Sorry for all of the questions but we didn't co-sleep with our twins so I really don't know what I'm doing in terms of co-sleeping.
I'm 16 weeks today :happydance: I've been living in my old maternity clothes but I really want some maternity leggings soon.

NoGreaterLove that's so awesome, everytime I feel it (which is not that often I have a look and put my hand to feel it but then baby stops :shrug:

I have an appointment with a midwife to discuss my previous traumatic birth and my regular midwife appointment next week. Hopefully that will go well. My next scan is the end of June at 20 weeks. I keep forgetting to take pictures of my bump, I'm a bit useless at that sort of thing.

I have nesting feelings in my head but its not translating into actions, I just feel so tired.
Ash, ask all the questions you’d like, I don’t mind. At first we tried what I think was called an infant nest. Honestly, it resembled a small dog’s bed. It was meant to be put in the middle of parents. However, she didn’t like that. So less than a week I returned that and bought some railing so she could co-sleep without falling. We had a platform bed at the time so it was low enough to the floor that I wasn’t too concerned but I still wanted her to be safe.

Kitty, movement is definitely reassuring. With my first she kicked/moved non stop. She was face down very early on and throughout my pregnancy and so I was constantly kicked in my not fun. I’m so terrible at bump pictures. I didn’t take any with my other pregnancies either. I think it’s so cute when other mothers do it, but I do manage to have professionals done a couple of times. Hopefully that makes up for me being prettt rubbish at taking the monthly ones. I really hope your appointment about your traumatic birth goes well. Not being able to find a midwife in my area for this birth is scaring me. I’m having a hard time trying to wrap my mind around a hospital birth. I know it’s not for me and I know my doctor is not in agreement with my birth plan even though they try to sound convincing. But I still have time so I’m taking it one day at a time
NoGreaterLove Oh no, I hope you can find a midwife soon. :thumbup:
Happy 16 weeks kitty! Good luck with your midwife appt. I’m the same with the nesting...I make mental notes of all the things I want to clean and organize, but so far have taken very little action! It’s supposed to rain all weekend so if I’m housebound maybe that will motivate me. I’m not tired, just lazy!

Nogreater, I hope you can find a midwife soon. Are you still hoping for a home birth? What is it about your birth plan that the doctor doesn’t like?

I think we will have a bassinet beside the bed, the kind with mesh you can see through. I would be scared to crush the baby if we had it right in bed with us!

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