Lar I’m sorry you’re struggling. If it’s any consolation you’re definitely not alone, I’m right there with you! I think depression during pregnancy is particularly hard because not only are you faced with all these decisions regarding medications, but you kind of feel like you should automatically be jumping for joy every minute of every day because you’re pregnant. And it isn’t that you’re not happy about that (though sometimes you unexpectedly end up feeling differently than you thought about pregnancy), but just generally finding everything harder.
I used to be on antidepressants years ago for a long time but came off them. I’m diagnosed with bipolar and it isn’t sensible to take antidepressants on their own in this instance. I found that my mood was its most unstable through those years. I’m currently using diazepam which does curb extreme moods, and it does to a degree help anxiety but it isn’t good for babies. Having said that, I have done a lot of research and it would appear rather similar with antipsychotics (what they want me on) and diazepam that you need to choose between coming off them completely, or using them regularly still if you’re planning on breastfeeding, to avoid withdrawal for the baby. So that poses quite a situation! Both have shown not to have any apparent lasting effects, it’s the being on them during pregnancy regularly then if you bottle feed, they’re going cold turkey and that can cause problems. I do wish medical professionals would be a little more transparent, though. I find they seem to hype up whichever medication seems best at that time, before they find another later on which seems the best, then the previous one is Satan. It’s far too confusing.
Anyway, if you want to talk at any time I’m only a PM away