November Autumn Babies

Thanks. Finding a midwife is high on my list this week. The hospital only allows limited movement and basically one birthing position (on back) and I can’t be confined to a bed while in labor. It would drive me mad. I’ll be contacting midwives about home births this week. A lot of people’s main concern is what if something happens. Fortunately, I live walking distance to two hospitals, so I feel confident in a home birth.
Nogreater, I really hope you can find a midwife so you can have your home birth. I think our hospital’s birthing suites are pretty good, but they still really look like hospital rooms, and I hate hospitals. Our other option is the birthing centre, which is even closer to our house. The rooms look more like a hotel than a hospital. Since this is my first and I’m older, I’m a bit nervous about giving birth outside the hospital in case something goes wrong. Or in case I wimp out from having a natural birth and decide I want drugs!
I'm still planning for a homebirth. We are about 10 minutes drive away from the nearest hospital. I did have my first in a birth centre attached to a hospital but my sister and mother had haemorrhaged and I was worried I would too. I didn't though.

I've had two births with just gas and air and one without any meds. With my first everyone told me I'd be desperate for an epidural but I ended up 8cm when I got in and even though there was a moment I faltered, it was too late to do anything anyway.
Believe it or not, but none of the hospitals in this area have natural birthing options or a birthing center. It’s really frustrating. Where I used to live all hospitals had natural birthing rooms with tubs, balls, stools etc. The hospital where my doctor has rights has a c-section rate that’s 22% higher than the nation. That scares me because I don’t want to be forced into surgery when it isn’t truly necessary.

Wishn, I understand. I thought I might wimp out too but the thought of needing an epidural was much scarier for me. I requested Motrin when I thought I couldn’t handle it anymore at 9cm haha. My midwife denied me and before I knew it it was time to push!
I’m happy to know I’m not the only one looking for another natural birth. The first time people asked and learned I was planning a natural birth they were very discouraging. But for me it’s just natural. I’ve had three separate fractures all without pain killers I think I can survive childbirth, although it is quite different. But I have a high tolerance for pain.
Sorry for the lack of update ladies and thank you for asking after me.

I've read back but now I can't remember who said what so I'm sorry I can't offer much to others here.

AFM I was 17 weeks yesterday and the stitch has now been in for 2 weeks. At the moment the Dr's are hopeful. Everything looks stable and the funnel is smaller than it was when the stitch went in, but every time my cervix is measured it's shorter (last measurement was 7mm), but only time will tell. I'll be taking progesterone until at least 24 weeks, apparently it's not recommended after a cerclage as there's no evidence it helps, but equally there's no evidence that suggests it doesn't either. I'm lucky thay my consultant wants to do everything possible to sustain tje pregnancy. The NHS doesn't recommend bed rest and if it wasn't for my previous loss would have cleared me to return to work already. That said i'm staying off my feet as much as possible and they've signed me off work for another 4 weeks. I've been referred to the perinatal mental health team for support because i'm struggling to cope. I'm rapidly approaching the point when we lost Alexander (19+4) and every twinge is sending me into a panic. This baby also looks to be a boy which is also complicating my current feelings although I'm not really sure why.

I can't remember who asked but yes I always believed that Alexander was born as a result of cervical problems because I just couldn't see how else i could be 4cm dilated without feeling a thing (especially since I only got to 3cm in labour with my daughter before emcs) and because I had an infection which in most cases seems to ascend from below according to Tommy's charity.

Since I can't remember who's said what I'll just ask a general how's everyone doing?
It’s good to hear from you loves_cookies! Glad the stitch is doing the job so far, hopefully your cervix won’t shorten any more. You’re getting good care and doing everything you can, that’s really all you can do. I hope you can take it easy and find ways to distract yourself from thinking about it and the constant worry. I’ll keep hoping and praying for you! :hugs:

I’m doing pretty good. Physically I’m feeling great, but still not showing much or feeling any movement. We’ve now told our immediate families and a couple of friends, but I’m not feeling ready to go public just yet. Feeling some anxiety about whether baby is okay in there. Our anatomy scan is less than 2 weeks away, so if everything looks good then, maybe I will feel more reassured and want to tell everyone!
good to hear from you loves_cookies. I have been concerned about you after not hearing from you after you discussed the issues you were having in your last post. glad things seem to be going ok after the stitches.
Loves cookies, I’m glad everything is going well with the stitch. I hope it remains that way. It’s good you try to stay off your feet as often as possible. I hope the support helps you with your anxiety and coping.

Wishn, I hope your anxiety lessens and you find some reassurance with your scan.

My anatomy scan is in a couple of weeks and I’m hoping all is well. Overall, I feel good. I get a bit tired midday but if I keep myself busy I don’t notice it as much. I hope everyone has a nice and relaxing weekend!
How is everyone doing this week, its been a little quiet. I've ordered a double pushchair and the toddler seat came yesterday but the main pram probably wont arrive till later on. I've been trying to sort my spare room (which is a bit of a junk room) so I can make it into a room for my 1 year old and the baby and generally sort through my baby clothes to find out what I actually need and get rid of the clothes that won't last another baby.

My 5 year old has mixed feelings about this baby, some days she loves it and other days she tells me she wants no siblings at all. :shrug:
I am ok. I am in my 16th week now. Still throw up sometimes but i feel sick less often now. I am not showing at all yet and wondering when that might change. My last appointment to check baby was at 12 weeks, so part of me has been nervous lately, wondering if he is ok. I see my midwife on june 14th so i am looking forward to that bc she will use a doppler. Hopefully the heart rate will be good. I am also looking forward to the anatomy scan but I dont know when that will be yet. I hope that if that goes well it will put me at ease but knowing me.. probably only temporarily.
Kitty - I’m sure over time your 5 year old will come around. A new sibling is a huge change and I can imagine the emotions of wanting it and then not wanting it are totally normal.

LAR - I’m sorry you’re still getting sick. :/ I hope it goes away completely soon! I’m also feeling a bit anxious since we haven’t seen the baby since 12 weeks but I keep reminding myself that in the second trimester it’s very unlikely that anything terrible will happen.

AFM - we took the kiddos on a mini weekend vacation this weekend and I am exhausted. We all are. We’re having a great time and doing a lot of activities but being pregnant and walking as much as I have been is not the best combination. The kids are having such a good time though and the weather has been amazing. We have our anatomy scan next Wednesday and I can’t wait! I haven’t seen this munchkin in 6 weeks and I’m dying to get a good look at him again. I use my Doppler sometimes if I’m feeling really stressed about anything and need reassurance but overall I haven’t used it that much. I’m almost always able to feel him moving around when I lay down which is really comforting. He’s super active right now but I’m laying down very calm after walking around all day. No more nasty pregnancy symptoms here but my boobs (sorry TMI) have grown off the charts this week!
Glad you girls are doing well!

Ash there is no such thing as TMI on bnb! My boobs are also getting huge...well huger, I’m already a DD. I haven’t had to buy new bras yet, but it’s coming I’m sure.

I’ve been feeling anxiety too, we heard the heart beat at our 16 week appt but that feels like a long time ago! I am starting to show, but I can mostly still disguise it with loose fitting tops. I *think* I felt movement for the first time this weekend! Once on Friday night when I was lying in bed and then on Saturday while I was at a conference. It was in the same place on the right both times, and it just felt like a little “pop”. Not sure how else to describe it! Our anatomy scan is on Tuesday, so just 2 more sleeps! I’m so excited to see our little one again!
Kitty, my lo is excited but I worry about how she’s going to respond once baby is here.

Lar, sorry you’re still getting sick. But you’re not alone, I still get sick occasionally if I’m not careful about what I eat. My body responds so much better to fruit and a lot of leafy greens.

Ash, haha about your (.)(.) I’ve always been heavy chested but this time I’m grateful that they haven’t grown. I don’t think I could handle anything bigger than the F cup that I am. That’s nice that you were able to get away and glad everyone enjoyed themselves. How exciting for your anatomy scan!!

Wishn, yay for feeling movement and your upcoming scan! Will you be finding out the gender?

My anatomy scan is in another 1.5 weeks. I’ve been feeling movement daily so that’s been reassuring over the last 3 weeks since I saw my doctor last and heard the heartbeat. My pregnancy is only noticeable in my fitted maternity or workout clothes. Today I’m wearing a flow-y top and you can’t tell at all. I’m 18.5 weeks and can’t believe I’m almost at the half way point already!
I have pretty small boobs (a B cup) so having them grow during pregnancy is so fun for me, but weird because they look so different!

Wish - I always describe the babies movements as a "pop". Like popcorn :D I love it! I've been feeling him move a lot more lately, even when I'm not laying down which is nice.

nogreater - I also can't believe I'm almost to the halfway point, it goes so fast over the big picture. Daily it feels like it's taking forever though! Good luck at your anatomy scan :D
Our anatomy scan went great today! Baby was so cute, moving around a lot, and waving at us, but she was still able to get all the pictures she needed and everything looks good. We’ll get the official report next week. Crazy to think the babe was moving that much and yet I felt nothing! She told us to close our eyes at one point since we don’t want to know the sex. The baby is big for 19w4d, already 12 oz! I hope that doesn’t mean I’m going to have a 10 pounder! Thinking I should start watching my sugar intake.

(Photo is upside down for some reason?)


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What lovely results Wishn, congrats!!! Already 12oz....Sounds like you have a healthy bub. You’re quickly approaching the half-way point, so exciting!!!!
Hey guys, baby and I had our scan yesterday and we found a 2 vessel cord. Baby also was only 1-2 days ahead. My older two were like a week and one was 10 days ahead at this point, so I think I may see some growth concerns later with the cord. Oddly, DH also had a 2 vessel cord, but he's a twin.
azure - sorry t hear about the two vessel cord. I know a ton of babies who had the 2 vessel cord and they are on the smaller side but still healthy as can be :D

AFM - I had my anatomy scan yesterday at 19 weeks and the baby is super healthy! He's measuring 19w5d and was moving so much. He keeps me up almost every night from 9pm - 1am which I've read is normal but quite irritating when I'm exhausted. They also performed a fetal echocardiogram because he's a baby conceived from IVF and it's standard protocol. Heart is beautiful and working properly. I am so so happy and just can't wait to meet this little stinker. We're pretty set on the name Maxwell. How is everyone else doing? I've started to buy things here and there but since I've already had a boy have a lot of what I need already.

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