November Autumn Babies

Does anyone else have puffy hands, feet, ankles, fingers? I can’t remember seeing much of this with my others except for a few days before due date with eldest when I had preeclampsia. I have had to take my wedding and engagement rings off and my watch is digging into my wrist which is wasn’t before. Can’t remember if this is normal for hot weather and pregnancy, haven’t been pregnant through the summer for seventeen years
Oh no happy! I’ve never experienced the puffiness before. (Although I do have a serious case of charlie horses that I can’t shake.) I hope it’s not preeclampsia and just fluid retention. Are you monitored differently with preeclampsia or is it the same until the last weeks leading up to delivery?
Me! I couldn’t put my rings on this morning. And on hot days my feet and ankles get pretty swollen by the end of the day if I’m on my feet a lot, my sandals even left indentation marks on my ankles the other day. I gained 5 lbs last week, which I think was mostly due to water retention during the heat wave. I had my BP checked last week and it was normal. I have an appt with my midwife tomorrow morning, so I’ll get my BP checked again!
They don’t do frequent check ups here, my next one is 24 weeks I think, or later.
My socks had sunk into my feet! I rolled them down a little so they weren’t sat on my ankles and it was only for a short time but my feet looked like they were being cut in half. I didn’t have ankles left. Just huge puffy things. I laid on our bed with my legs raised for a while and eventually they weren’t as puffy. I don’t have a clue what I weigh as I haven’t replaced the batteries in our scales but I can see I have put on a ridiculous amount of weight
Happy I’m glad you were able to elevate your feet and see some results. And Wishn I’m happy your bp is normal. However, I hope you two find relief from it soon.

Wishn, how are you coming along teaching your exercise classes? I notice I get tired more quickly and a bit crampy if I’m cycling or working out too intensely, so I’m trying to find balance. It’s really a catch 22 because if I don’t workout on a daily basis I experience pelvic hip pain.
Happy that sounds awful! Put your feet up whenever you have the chance. I’m also piling on the pounds...and my scale battery is dying too.

Nogreater, I’m doing alright with teaching so far! My step class is fine, I hardly feel different, maybe a little more out of breath. My flow class, which is yoga/Pilates, it’s getting harder to bend and twist, can’t lie on my belly anymore and should probably not be doing crunches anymore (I just show them a couple). I hope I can keep teaching another couple months!

I was a bit of a mess this morning before class because I couldn’t find any clean clothes that fit me and I cried my eyes out. Oh pregnancy...DH wasn’t sure what to do with me!
I find walking, whilst nice, does my knees in. Anything more strenuous than walking is worse. I used to ignore it but can’t so much at the moment, I guess because I’m heavier.
Actually that makes me wonder, if I was a healthy BMI to start with, but if my BMI then goes ‘overweight’ during pregnancy, do they class that as overweight or not? Or do they go by an average amount women put on during pregnancy?

Also, is anyone else finding their hips are itching like mad?
Wishn, that’s great that you’re still teaching. I worked out until the day my water broke and it felt good for me. I recognize not all women or pregnancies are the same. Aww, pregnancy emotions are so real. I can’t seem to take jokes these days and get rather emotional.

Happy, I always thought they went by how much weight you gain during pregnancy. For instance if you were a healthy BMI prior to pregnancy then you are told a weight gain up to 35lbs, while overweight women should gain 15-25lbs. I know you’re in the UK so I don’t know if that differs from the states. And I don’t have itchy hips or skin but that may be due to my obsession with running oils on to prevent that or new stetch marks.
Yeah pre-pregnancy I was on the verge on an overweight BMI, so if I gained even one pound I would be considered overweight! I think it’s like Nogreater said, weight gain up to 35 lbs is okay if you are a healthy weight before pregnancy. I’m already up 18 lbs at 23 weeks...if I can keep it to a one pound gain a week from here I might stay under 35 lbs gained. Here’s hoping!
I was at the upper end of healthy. A few pounds would take me into overweight. I know I have put on a lot but I don’t want to know lol! Im hoping baby wearing and breastfeeding will knock off the extra pounds afterwards.

I use coconut oil but it doesn’t seem to help much, it’s really annoying
I dont have any puffiness but I have been getting leg cramps too nogreater. I started taking something called natural calm to help with my constipation and it helps with leg cramps too. I have noticed a difference.
Happy, I’m sure the extra weight will drop off after you deliver.

Lar, I could slap myself. I have natural calm and also magnesium oil spray and have failed to use either. I’m going to drink some natural calm and use some magnesium oil tonight. It’s amazing all the things I forget to do while pregnant. Thanks for that tip!
Those with cramps, have you tried increasing your potassium intake? Eating a banana or a potato or something else high in potassium could do the trick. Making sure you stay hydrated, pretty sure that’s a thing too
Happy, I do eat potatoes and watermelon daily. I’m allergic to bananas so I’ve always had to find other ways to get potassium. How’s your puffiness?

Thanks again, Lar. I drank the natural calm yesterday and didn’t have any leg cramps at all! Perhaps I need magnesium. Either way, I will definitely be adding it back into my daily routine along with more magnesium rich foods.

Hope everyone has a great day!
Ah, yeah, don’t eat the bananas then! Cramps are horrible. I had one in my toes the other week which just refused to budge for ages.
I made the mistake of wearing skinny jeans earlier today. It has been cooler and I felt a little chilly, so I decided since I haven’t had a chance to wear them aside from once, I would put those on. Dumbest thing I could have done. They were so tight, obviously being skinny jeans, I mean duh. The midwife said the day before don’t wear anything tight ... so that saw my ankles puffing up again and just above them. However, they have gone down a lot since. I keep checking my BP and it says normal, so I’m hoping it isn’t inaccurate.
I hope your cramps are easing!

Anyway. A photo of me wearing the stupidest thing in the world. And the 22 week wriggler


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I'm glad everyone seems to be doing good besides some minor issues. I've been having leg cramps a lot also, mostly at night when I stretch (it's so weird), and as far as weight gain goes I haven't really paid much attention :haha:

We just got back from a long cross country trip to visit my family, and the kids are adjusting to the time difference but we're doing great otherwise. I had a great time but I'm very happy the trip is over. It is exhausting to travel with 2 21 month olds and being pregnant. The next big milestone in our lives is that our kiddos turn 2 and then this baby boy gets here. I can't wait! I'm feeling him move all of the time and my placenta moved so I'm back on the VBAC train.

Here's a picture of my bump at 20 weeks
20wk pregnant.jpg
Lovely bumps happy and ash!

Happy, you couldn’t pay me to wear skinny jeans right’s way too hot and I’m way too fat! I’d be scared I’d have to cut them off.

Ash, that’s great that your placenta moved and you can have a VBAC!

I was 24 weeks on Friday! Word is getting around at work so lots of people are coming up to me to congratulate me, so that’s nice. I put in my paperwork for maternity leave today, very exciting! I’m taking 15 months off...kind of crazy that I won’t be back at work until 2020!
Wishn, I had to ask my husband to peel them off me! It was slightly cooler that day, which is why I put them on but they definitely didn’t help!
Can’t wait to get to 24 weeks :)

So compared to previous photo, I seem to have become huge within a week :shock:


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Cute bump happy! I wouldn’t say huge, but definitely rounder than last week!

I think I’ve painted my toenails for the last’s getting so awkward! We have our first group session with the midwife tonight. Here’s my 24 week bump.


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