November Autumn Babies

Beautiful photo <3
What do you mean, group session?
I know what you mean, shaving is also becoming quite awkward ... thinking of doing away with the lady patio :blush:
Thanks! The group session was good. It was about 6 women and their husbands all due around the same time. They make a presentation on a few topics - last night was fetal movement, choice of birthplace and preterm labour - and we can ask questions, and then we each see a midwife privately to check blood pressure and fetal heart rate. I got there late so I didn&#8217;t really get to chat with anyone, maybe next time.
Oh yeah shaving is getting awkward too...I shaved my bikini line last week and got the worst razor burn! I hear that waxing during pregnancy can be super painful...don&#8217;t think I will go there. I&#8217;ll just let things run wild I think! Or let DH do it...oh man that might not be a good idea!
Your bellies are so cute! I look like I’m carrying around a small basketball under my shirt. I don’t have a proper picture, sorry. Oh my, I had to use a mirror to wax the other day haha. I think it’ll be the last time I’ll wax myself for awhile. The first time I just let things go wild and free and it proved to be too much after giving birth and needing stitches. So I’m trying my best to keep it neat. Can’t believe 3rd trimester is lurking around the corner. Wishn, that’s amazing that you have that group of couples and also that you get maternity leave until 2020. Maternity leave here in the US is less than disappointing.
That&#8217;s interesting, I don&#8217;t think we have that here where I am. We do have a bumps for lunch thing, but I didn&#8217;t bother with it before and won&#8217;t this time as I&#8217;m quite unsociable. I have Asperger&#8217;s so I find the social thing awkward.

I haven&#8217;t had to have stitches before. Been super lucky! However, can&#8217;t always count on the same again so this is a good argument for keeping it tidy. But I can&#8217;t see properly. Husband offered, but I really don&#8217;t like the idea ...
I haven&#8217;t waxed there before (that I remember, anyway) but I have tried epilating lots of times but it just hurts too much! It&#8217;s evil
Happy, that’s great you never needed stitches. I’m hoping not to need any this time around so I’m really doing my research to prevent them. It might be fun to have your husband’s help. I know everyone is different but my husband and I find nothing too embarrassing so I think it would just be funny for us. I wouldn’t start waxing now if you’ve never done it before. I’ve been waxing myself for years but even I had to take a few extra deep breaths because my skin is more sensitive this pregnancy. I might just trim from here on out. Hope you ladies have a lovely weekend!
I think it&#8217;s almond oil massaged into the perineum that&#8217;s meant to help? I don&#8217;t know what else does though. I hope I don&#8217;t tear too. I do have to work on my pelvic floor though, I sneezed the other day and a tiny bit of pee came out :oops: haven&#8217;t had this problem until then!

I don&#8217;t know why, I just don&#8217;t like the idea of anyone else shaving there for me. I&#8217;m not embarrassed or anything, it just makes me uncomfortable for some weird reason. It may be because it would be out of routine for me. I would shave in the shower, if I had him do it it would be out of the shower and that feels wrong lol
Lol I understand that. I wouldn’t want a mess out of the shower either. Yes, perineum massages are suppose to work I didn’t do that before. It certainly couldn’t hurt this time around. Here’s to hoping this one doesn’t come out fist first like my last. Yes, pelvic floor exercise are so important. I had separated abdominals after my first and have since learned so much about pelvic floor strength through therapy.
Ugh yeah epilating is horrible! Especially on bikini line! I have an electric trimmer/ shaver that works pretty well for keeping things tidy...I could probably do it myself in the mirror when my belly gets too big to see down there, since there are no sharp blades to contend with.

Nogreater, fist first, ouch that doesn&#8217;t sound fun at all! What else has your research found to reduce the chance of tearing?

We had our first day of prenatal class today and they said something like 80% of first births tear, not all bad enough for stitches. They mentioned the perineum massage with olive oil or evening primrose oil, but no strong evidence that it helps. I wonder when you should start doing it? Third trimester?

Has anyone been drinking raspberry leaf tea to strengthen the uterus? I remember my naturopath said not to drink it in the first trimester. I would think it&#8217;s probably fine to start drinking it now, I need to do a little research.
Lol I understand that. I wouldn’t want a mess out of the shower either. Yes, perineum massages are suppose to work I didn’t do that before. It certainly couldn’t hurt this time around. Here’s to hoping this one doesn’t come out fist first like my last. Yes, pelvic floor exercise are so important. I had separated abdominals after my first and have since learned so much about pelvic floor strength through therapy.

Yeah it just isn’t ok with me lol! Plus if he cuts me I will probably kick him in the face.
Pelvic floor ... I totally took that for granted until recently. I have some weights for it because I find that easier than using willpower and my memory.
My gosh, fist first?!? Like Superman

Ugh yeah epilating is horrible! Especially on bikini line! I have an electric trimmer/ shaver that works pretty well for keeping things tidy...I could probably do it myself in the mirror when my belly gets too big to see down there, since there are no sharp blades to contend with.

Nogreater, fist first, ouch that doesn’t sound fun at all! What else has your research found to reduce the chance of tearing?

We had our first day of prenatal class today and they said something like 80% of first births tear, not all bad enough for stitches. They mentioned the perineum massage with olive oil or evening primrose oil, but no strong evidence that it helps. I wonder when you should start doing it? Third trimester?

Has anyone been drinking raspberry leaf tea to strengthen the uterus? I remember my naturopath said not to drink it in the first trimester. I would think it’s probably fine to start drinking it now, I need to do a little research.

I don’t mind epilating my legs and armpits but down there absolutely not! Not keen on using it on and around my knees, but tough. I prefer it to shaving because otherwise I itch like crazy and I always find the electric shaver things burn me? Don’t know why though.

The research on raspberry leaf tea and miscarriage is mixed, but as far as I’m aware the advice is (or was a few years ago, anyway) to drink it in the third tri, but I can’t remember from which week.
I drank it in my third tri and can honestly say it didn’t do anything to bring labour on, but I couldn’t say if it helped labour as in strengthened uterine muscles. DS2 and DD were both easier births, especially DD, but then subsequent births generally are anyway :shrug:
Still, providing you don’t drink it too early, it certainly can’t hurt
Wishn, I’ve also read that there’s no concrete evidence that perineum massages are 100% effective. But it couldn’t hurt, right? My understanding is that you have one or two massages a week starting at 34 weeks and then increase from there as you approach your due date. In regards to other methods to prevent tearing, apparently pushing while on all fours or in positions other than on your back can prevent tears. Also, warm compresses during labor or a bath can help. I’ll let you know what else I find.

I drank raspberry leaf tea throughout my first pregnancy, all three trimesters. This time around, due to my two previous miscarriages, I’ve waited until this week (I’m 24 weeks now) to start drinking it. However, my midwife told me I could’ve started it at the beginning of second trimester. It has levels of magnesium, potassium, iron, calcium, and vitamins B, A, C, and E so it’s just all around beneficial to drink despite its earthy taste. I’ll gradually increase the amount and steep time introducing the strongest batch around 38 weeks.

Happy, lol to kicking him if he cuts you. I’d do the same. Haha yes, exactly like Superman actually! I didn’t noctie any tearing though until I was told I needed to be stitched. But this time I am truly trying to prevent any tearing.
Yeah, I think most of the advice from the NHS is don&#8217;t touch it till you&#8217;re practically term, but there isn&#8217;t any hard evidence to say it&#8217;s harmful earlier. I think with a history of miscarriages be they early or later, I would definitely avoid first tri just in case, and if I had a history of preterm labour I would probably wait until third tri. But there&#8217;s certainly not any evidence to say it is definitely harmful, I think we just see a lot of scaremongering. I would on,y be cautious during the first tri and later if I&#8217;d had late losses
23 week bumpie!! ...can't believe how time is flying! My bestie had her baby yesterday, who is just the cutest! ...I am getting quite big now, yesterday, a boy at work said to me 'why is your tummy so big? Are you having a baby?' ....luckily he was right or there could have been trouble! He's also only 3 so can get away with it!!


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Happy, I agree and definitely a lot of scaremongering.

Zoboe, you carry so well. Your bump is lovely! I’m so glad the boy was right haha. My lo did something like that and was so far from being right, it was so embarrassing for me haha. Children are so innocent and honest though it’s adorable.
Zoboe, lovely bump! So neat too. Someone last week inadvertently implied I look pregnant year round after he assumed I had had the baby lol

I don’t know what it’s like elsewhere in the world at the moment but the UK is melting in the heat and it’s doing my head in! Anyone else?

Oh, and 24 week bump for good measure


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Aah thanks no greater, and happy. Yes he is a lovely lad, so I would have forgiven him anyway! ...Im really struggling with what I think is round ligament pain today, all down my right side, ouchie!!
Cute bumps Zoboe and happy! Sometimes I see people at work eyeing my belly like they&#8217;re trying to figure out if I&#8217;m pregnant or just getting fat (my bump is not as obvious in non-maternity clothes).

I heard the UK is hotter than it&#8217;s been in centuries...that&#8217;s crazy.

It was really hot here a couple weeks ago but we&#8217;ve been getting non-stop rain the last couple of days so it&#8217;s broken the heat somewhat. We&#8217;re going camping this weekend, so hopefully it won&#8217;t be too hot for sleeping. Today is my last day of work before I&#8217;m off for 11 glorious days! I can&#8217;t wait...I really need this break, DH does too. Summer is always busy, but add baby planning and house hunting to that and it&#8217;s been just insane.
Yeah, Zoboe, round ligament pain is horrible. I have been experiencing it more and more recently.

Wishn, I don&#8217;t know precisely how hot it got outside today but in our house it got up to about 33c or just more than 91F. The hottest on record was in Kent which is fairly close by where we are, in 2003 at 38.5c or 101.3F
Wishn, I’ve been both appalled and amazed by people’s audacity to ask me if I’ve simply stopped exercising or just eating too much. I’m carrying this pregnancy completely differently than my first so I will admit that sometimes I don’t look pregnant, but people should really mind their manners. Amyway, your trip sounds like it’s going to be amazing! It’s been raining here non stop for the last week with today being the first dry day. But more rain is expected sigh.

Zoboe, have you seen a chiropractor for your pain. When I was first experiencing it I saw mine and was adjusted a couple of times. Then I was told that squatting and pregnancy safe core exercises would be helpful. Now that I’m no longer sick everyday I squat daily and also workout at least 6 days. I haven’t had any pain since. It may not work for everyone but it’s proven to be my relief.
Oh happy that heat sounds miserable...I&#8217;d be lying in a cold bath all day for sure. I hope it cools off for you guys soon.

Nogreater that&#8217;s incredibly rude! People have been pretty polite to me so far, they only say something if I&#8217;m wearing a tight maternity top or rubbing my belly. The rudest person was my best friend! The security guy at a concert didn&#8217;t make me dump out my water bottle, and I thought maybe it was because of the bump, but she said &#8220;no, that&#8217;s not why, you just look fat, not pregnant&#8221;. Nice, huh?

I get the occasional sharp round ligament pain, but not too often since my chiro adjusts mine. Actually he said I could to work on mine myself (it&#8217;s just inside your hipbone) but it&#8217;s harder to find now that my belly is getting bigger. My chiro gave me a video of some nice easy pregnancy exercises/stretches if anyone is interested. My lower back and tailbone have been really sore so I&#8217;m hoping these will help.

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