November Autumn Babies

I can’t believe how rude some people are. And I’m somewhat surprised they haven’t had a smack in the face for it! Take some delight in the fact one day they will say something similar to someone who wouldn’t think twice about doing just that
So, I had a growth scan for the SUA and baby was 1 lb 14 oz on Wednesday, which was basically 50th percentile, so we can wait until 31 weeks for the next US.

Speaking of rude people, I had a rude person who was loading my cart at Costco. She told me to take care next time so I didn't end up like this again. I was pissed. I tried for this baby, spent months washing out harmful meds to be ready to conceive. I informed her I wanted 4 and she was surprised. I later reported her to her manager as it was very uncalled for from an employee.
Azure, we usually have similar comments, or the ‘are you INSANE’ look from people when we say between us this is our sixth
People should really mind their own business! That lady at Costco geez what nerve saying that to you! That goes beyond rude.
It has been a while. How is everyone? I am doing ok. My bump doesnt seem to be growing the last few weeks, and I am looking forward to looking more pregnant, but then again I should enjoy being able to move around comfortably. Can you believe we're only 3-4 months away?!
Hey Lar, glad you’re doing well! We really are getting close! I have less than 3 months to go now (and so much to do!) My bump is getting bigger and more obvious. Feeling lots of baby kicks and hiccups, which I’m loving! I’ve already gained 20 lbs and the extra weight is making my back and feet really sore...sleeping is getting really uncomfortable. My baby shower is Sept 2...anyone else having a shower?
Glad you’re feeling good Lar! I’m the opposite and I’m glad my belly is smaller (still very obvious) than my first pregnancy. It’s made tasks, especially driving, so much easier.

Wishn, baby showers are so much fun! Since this isn’t our first, even with the large age gap, we made certain to tell everyone no shower. It’s more for peace between families than anything.

I can’t believe third trimester is here and only three months to go until we have a new family member. I too have a ton to do and am making a spreadsheet to help keep me organized and focused.
Nogreater I’m actually kind of dreading the’s with DH’s extended family and I won’t know a lot of the people very well. It gives me social anxiety! But at least I will get to open presents!

My DH has an epic spreadsheet of all the stuff we need to do...he’s the organized one!
The U.K. don’t tend to do baby showers so much, I’m definitely not having one and since this will be my fourth, sixth between us, it would be weird. I wouldn’t like it anyway, I don’t like being the centre of attention because I’m unsociable lol
Showers are pretty common for first babies here. I refused to have a wedding shower, but a baby shower seems more worth while because you need so much stuff! I usually get through awkward social situations with the help of a few drinks, which unfortunately is not an option now!
I agree. I don’t like being center of attention. My first pregnancy I had three surprise showers! Can you imagine? But yay for presents! And here’s to you having some delicious virgin drinks.

I’ve just finished a workout and feel like I climbed a mountain. I’m so ready for a nap now haha.
Hi ladies

Happy I'm also suffering in the UK heat, I know its not as hot as other countries but we just aren't built for it, most houses have no air con for a start. I want to nest but I just can't move, it rained for two days about a week ago and I got so much done compared to the previous weeks.

I'm nowhere near ready even though I'm 3rd trimester Thursday. I may think about my bag next month though as I do feel it is getting closer.
I am having a baby shower on August 19th. I will only be 26 weeks. I know that sounds kind of silly... I wanted to do it later but the reason I am doing it so early is because my brother is living in Holland and he is visiting the US then. My family wanted him/his family to be there, so that's when we're doing it, which is fine with me... it's just early in my pregnancy. I still don't feel secure that baby is doing okay, but I suppose maybe I never will. Our shower will just be my side of the family (my husband's only family is his aunt who lives in a nursing home and his brother). We're thinking that in October we might do a separate shower closer to where will live, that would include his brother and some friends... but I don't about that yet. And nogreater.. yes, I wish I could drink at my own baby shower for sure!
Nogreater, 3 surprise showers?! Ack that would kill me! I feel exhausted just climbing the stairs and getting into bed at night, how sad is that!

Kitty, I’m sorry you’re still suffering in the heat! I would be in trouble without AC. I don’t feel ready either...we’ve bought some of the big stuff, but waiting until after our shower to see what we still need.

Lar, I don’t think its silly to have a shower at 26 weeks! That’s 2/3 of the way there! You’ll have a cute bump and you won’t be too big and uncomfortable yet.
Kitty, I hope you find relief from the heat. Pregnancy is hard enough without the heat and humidity.

Lar, I don’t think it’s silly. You’ll be just a week shy of third trimester. I certainly agree it’s more comfortable at this stage to move about and enjoy your shower.

Wishn, you’re not alone. Tasks are becoming more of a challenge for me. Don’t get me started about not being able to sleep comfortably. I look forward to sleeping on my stomach again. Overall, I’m still relatively small so I can’t complain too much. It’s amazing how much our bodies can grow during pregnancy.
I only had a shower and then a sprinkle for my first child, I already have all of the things I need, so it would be really awkward to have a shower at this point for me.

I just found out I passed my GD testing, so that's something to look forward to! :)
I'm not having a baby shower. I had one for my first pregnancy and because I had boy/girl twins I have almost everything I need for this baby. I personally feel like it would be rude to expect people to buy me something for the new baby considering I already have a kid .. just me though. I wouldn't mind a celebration for the new baby but would definitely write no gifts.

Hubby and I just bought a home so we're thinking of having a house warming/baby welcoming in October sometime but who knows. This pregnancy is kicking my butt - I think it may have to do with the fact that I'm chasing around 2 toddlers all day. They're pretty well behaved but with my back pain and just being tired and not sleeping well at night it's all catching up to me. I'm still incredibly grateful to even be pregnant though.

I had my gestational diabetes test on Friday and I'm hoping that it comes back normal but I did have it with my first pregnancy so I'm expecting I will have it - although I've been testing my blood sugar at home after some meals that I think are carb heavy and it's always been within range so ... I'm really not sure what to expect this time around.

I'm 26 weeks will be 27 on Wednesday and just cannot wait to meet the baby. Between moving and my twins 2nd birthday I'm sure the time will pass by quickly. I hope it's the same for you all!
Great news on passing your GD test azure!

Congrats on the new house Ash! When do you move in? I hear you on pregnancy kicking your back has been horrible and I’ve been sleeping poorly too. And having to chase toddlers on top of it? Poor you!

Would the chance of you having GD be lower with just one baby/placenta this time? I failed my 1 hour glucose tolerance test last week, so now I have to do the 3 hour test this week sometime. I’m really hoping I don’t have GD...DH was reading that something like 85% of women who fail the 1 hour test pass the 3 hour test. So that gives me some hope!
We were supposed to close on Tuesday but it's been moved up so we're closing sometime this week hopefully, we just have to wait to hear back from the title company. :happydance: I honestly don't know how I get through the days chasing toddlers but it's not like I have an option so .. there's that. :haha:

Uhm, as far as lower chances of GD because of one baby I guess it's possible but my doctor hasn't said I have a lower chance. The only thing she said is "it is possible you may not have it this time because you only have one baby" but I don't think they really know enough to say I have a lower chance because of one placenta, although I totally take your point. I'm hoping so much that I don't have it, it was totally manageable when I had it with my twins though so I know if I do have it this time around it's not the end of the world, it just means I can't go to the donut shop and grab a dozen donuts every other week. :cry: It's so crazy how many people fail the one hour and pass the 3 hour. I actually read the other day that the one hour test has a false positive rate of about 15-20%!!!!! I think they need to come up with a better test honestly. It's a joke. I've been taking my blood sugar at home after meals like I did when I was pregnant just to get an idea of what my numbers were looking like and it honestly doesn't look like I have it but the official test is the only way to diagnose it. Anyways, best of luck with your 3 hour test, and just remember if you do have it, it's a bummer but really is manageable with the right diet.
Congrats on the house Ash! I only have one 4 year old to chase/chauffeur around. Bless you with two! However, it does force me to exercise even on days I don’t feel like it. So I guess that’s one advantage to having little ones at home. I hope your test comes back normal.

Wishn, I hope you pass your second test. I’ve read that women who eat really well have a higher chance of false positive. I have to go this week for my test and I’m nervous. With my first pregnancy I was able to drink freshly squeezed orange juice but I have to see if my new midwife will allow an alternative method.

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