November Autumn Babies

Thought I'd update for those interested. I do not have gestational diabetes this time around .. so I guess having two placentas can cause you to have GD even though you might not have it with one baby. Woot! Ice cream tonight here I come :D
Yay great news Ash! Ice cream it up! You deserve it after chasing kiddies around!

Thanks Nogreater, and good luck with your test! That’s interesting what you said about people who eat well having false positives...kinda makes sense that my body wouldn’t be used to processing 50 g of sugar in one shot. I rarely drink sweetened beverages. Freshly squeezed OJ sounds much more delicious than that weird orange’d have to drink about 500 mL of it to hit get to 50 g.
That’s fantastic news, Ash!

Wishn, thanks! Yes, it’s a lot of sugar for the body at one time, which is why I’m so hesitant. I’ll definitely post an update after I’ve completed it. Can’t believe there are roughly 12 weeks remaining in this pregnancy. It’s so exciting!
Congrats on the house Ash! I only have one 4 year old to chase/chauffeur around. Bless you with two! However, it does force me to exercise even on days I don’t feel like it. So I guess that’s one advantage to having little ones at home. I hope your test comes back normal.

Wishn, I hope you pass your second test. I’ve read that women who eat really well have a higher chance of false positive. I have to go this week for my test and I’m nervous. With my first pregnancy I was able to drink freshly squeezed orange juice but I have to see if my new midwife will allow an alternative method.

May I ask why you had an alternative before? Curious.

I am meant to have this done soon because my dad has type 2 diabetes. I didn’t have to have it before because he hadn’t been diagnosed before. Not relishing the idea tbh. I hate hospitals and this means being sat there in the place I hate, for a few hours. Everyone keeps saying how horrible the drink is, sugary things are really triggering my heart palpitations so I’m not looking forward to that. Anxiety triggers them too, so it’s going to be a rubbish day. Then I worry if I do have it, I’m so picky with what I eat (Asperger’s, generalised anxiety disorder, lingering eating disordered thoughts of safe and fear foods) that I’m not sure how I will manage :dohh: how much of the drink is there? Like shot glass, pint glass ... ? Part of me just doesn’t want to do it.

I hope everyone is good :) pleased the hot weather has significantly cooled down here! I had my cardiology appointment, the trace was fine but like with DD they want to do the holter monitor and echocardiogram. They were meant to do it before my appointment but nobody could be bothered to write to me
I’m glad it’s cooled down for you happy! The 50 g drink tasted like sweet, flat orange pop, kinda reminded me of the orange drink from McDonalds when I was a kid. It think it was around 250-300 mL, and you have to drink it in 5 minutes. It wouldn’t be my first beverage choice, but I wouldn’t call it horrible. The 75 or 100 g drink would be more disgusting I’m sure. (Not sure which I’m having?) They say if you eat protein before the 1 hour test it’s better. I hope you pass the 1 hour so you dont have to do the 3 hour!
Happy, I was at a birth center and my midwife gave me the option of drinking the glucose or a list of natural methods that are also proven to be effective. Given that I don’t consume processed sugars we both thought it would be best if I opted for the natural sugar. There’s even been a jelly bean study done that shows it’s just as effective as the glucose. It’s worth asking about in my opinion. This test has certainly given me a bit of anxiety because my doctor throughout this pregnancy has not been very supportive with my “natural” lifestyle, although I don’t live too far out of the box so to speak. You can technically decline any test, especially if you’ve tested negative in previous pregnancies. However, I decline so many tests in the beginning this is one I do consent to. Although I’ve heard the glucose drink doesn’t taste that bad and they even have dye and preservative free ones now that you can request.
GD testing Update: if you’re curious I’m being allowed to track my glucose levels via a blood glucose monitor. I have to monitor over the next two weeks. While it’s not the fastest option, nor is it for everyone, it’s what they offered and I accepted. At the very least, it’ll be interesting to see how my body responds to the foods I eat every day.
That’s somewhat reassuring to know lol I can just down that then.

Interesting, it’s two hours here and I asked in a half joking manner about an alternative which there apparently isn’t, I’m in the U.K. so I don’t know if it’s just here or what.
Tbh considering I had social services at our door earlier today completely out of the blue, concerns because I want a home birth when I have mental health problems (anxiety being the most problematic), I think they’d hit the roof if I refused any test despite the fact I am within my rights to do so
Nogreater that’s great that you were given the option (although I personally am not keen on checking my blood sugar multiple times a day!)

Happy I hope social services stays out of your business and you get your home birth. It’s a 2 hour glucose test here in Canada too. (I suppose I could have declined, but I do want to know if I have GD)

I finished the 2 hour glucose test this morning. It was okay. I felt a bit sicky, but mostly I was just anxious having to sit there for two hours. DH came with me, which was nice. I should get the results by Friday, fingers crossed. I’m taking the rest of the day off work. Baby is having a dance party right now...watching my belly move is so neat and weird...kinda like a scene from the movie Alien!
Happy, how upsetting that social services showed up, and especially unannounced. I hope they stay away. I totally understand not wanting to draw attention to yourself by refusing the glucose test.

Wishn, I honestly wasn’t too keen on this alternative either, I really thought they’d allow me to drink oj like my last midwife. However, it’s turning out not to be as bad as I imagined. The prick doesn’t hurt and I'm able to record everything and be done within one minute. Thankfully this is only for a week or so. That’s nice that your husband went with you. Haha on the Alien scene. Enjoy your day off!
It’s frustrating because I don’t feel I need it done, my dad’s diagnosis is purely down to his lifestyle, nobody else in the family have it. The midwife says don’t have it done if I don’t want it, saw my old mw today and she’s pretty laid back, doesn’t think I have any need to do it, but then I don’t want to give SS ammunition
happy - I understand not wanting to do the test but I have to be honest here. Having gestational diabetes has almost NOTHING to do with your family having a history of diabetes. It increases your odds slightly but not by much. Women get gestational diabetes even if they have a very very healthy lifestyle - not just healthy eating habits but even women who work out multiple days/week. GD is caused by the way your body deals with the placenta. That's why it's tested at a certain point in pregnant (normally from 24-28 weeks) when the placenta has matured enough to cause the GD issue. I had GD with my twin pregnancy (which increased my chance of getting it) and had I not known I had it, there are serious possible complications for both mom and baby. Not only did I have to monitor my blood sugar while I was pregnant, the babies had to have their blood sugar monitored after birth to make sure their own bodies (without the placenta) would start regulating and dealing with the glucose. I know this is the extreme version but there have been fetal deaths caused by non controlled gestational diabetes so even though the test is very annoying I really encourage EVERYONE to get the test done (even an altered version of the test because I do subscribe to the idea that I'm not normally consuming 50g of pure sugar on a daily basis). It's the best thing to make sure you're making the right decisions for yourself and for your baby.

A little side note: children born to mothers who had GD are more likely to have type 2 diabetes when they're older so it also provides you information to make sure you kids have a healthy diet and get lots of exercise even after they're born.

Just my two cents. I don't mean to offend anybody but there are serious risks to having undiagnosed GD. Best of luck to everyone!
Thanks for that, what confuses me is the only reason they suggested I have it done is purely because of my dad. I haven’t had it done in any of my other three pregnancies, despite the fact I was overweight with them (I’m not this pregnancy). So they seem to be basing this solely on my dad’s diagnosis rather than whether I myself have any added risk factors playing into it
Ash, I don’t think it sounded offensive, rather very informative as you’ve been through it. I’m aware of the risk factors, which is why I don’t decline it but would rather have an alternative. I’m glad you tested negative this time!
Also aware of the risks but I do think there are better ways to go about it, personally I don’t particularly agree the way we do the GTT is necessarily the right way for everyone
Update: I got my results and I do have gestational diabetes. One of my three values was elevated. I’m so annoyed!!!!
Ugh wishin that was my situation with my previous pregnancy. I&#8217;m so sorry it totally sucks to get the diagnosis but know that it is totally controllable with diet and commitment. It will be ok <3. If there&#8217;s anything I can do to help info wise please let me know.
Thanks’s such a downer. I’ll have to go to the diabetes clinic at the hospital and be “educated” by a public health nurse about diet and exercise and testing my blood sugar. As long as my levels are good I can remain under the care of my midwife, but I think if I end up needing insulin they might have to refer me to an OB and that would mean more monitoring for me and baby. Not really sure...hopefully will get some more info from my own midwife on Monday. I’m really scared I’ll have a big baby because of this and need to be induced and/or have a c-section. DH was a whopping 9 lbs 8 oz!

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