Happy thats awful Im so sorry. I hope your midwife and other professionals who know you well can back you up and support you if social services escalates things. Despite your anxiety, you seem like a wonderful, caring mother and a strong advocate for your kids and family. Keep fighting! But also take care of yourself and your babe. Is your DH able to speak to them next time they call or come around?
Nogreater, Im sorry you ended up with GD too! I tried to follow the diabetes diet they gave me, but it was so much more starchy carbs than I usually eat it was giving me high levels (like over 8). So Ive switched back to what I consider a healthier lower carb diet with more focus on veggies, proteins and healthy fats. It would be tricky if you dont eat meat. Do you eat eggs and dairy? Im only having one serving of grain/starch at each meal or snack, so to get enough calories and stay satisfied Im adding things like avocado, olives, cheese, eggs, nuts, seeds, etc. I made an awesome granola that is about 50% oats and 50% seeds, nuts, hemp, chia, coconut etc.
I have a growth ultrasound next week. Im excited about seeing our babe again! 20 weeks was a long time ago. Nervous to find out if baby is huge already due to the GD. People keep commenting on my bump, saying Im going to have a healthy strong baby, which is perhaps a nice way to say I look huge!