Congrats and welcome w8ting!
Newlywed, Ive heard of doctors waiting. With my first pregnancy I was at a birthing center and it was just routine to only have one scan around 17-20 weeks unless there were concerns. The midwives did check for a heartbeat with a Doppler at every appointment, but other than that the procedures and tests were very minimal. I didnt even have to drink the fluid for the glucose test as they had an alternative that included eating bananas, grapes, and drinking orange juice. Dh and I were appreciative at the time. This time around, Im at a different practice (sadly, no midwives, which Im a bit nervous about) weve decided to only consent to 2-3 ultrasounds. However, are you able to request an early scan? I was always able to request scans even with the midwives.
Im so tired and hot now all the time! After the bit of blood yesterday, I think l need to stopping exercising so intensely. Exercise is my form of therapy, so I wont stop completely, but Ive probably been pushing myself to hard and I know better.
How is everyone else?