***November Sparklers 2012***(101)babies(14)angels**33 babies here

Holy cow - congrats Coleey!!! Was your son early too? How exciting that you're the first one to have your baby!

WTB - I was thinking of you this morning! Congrats on making it to 33 weeks!! We need an update though - do you think you'll make it much longer?!

Good luck Ashley! I can't believe our babies are starting to arrive - so crazy!
Cridge--I'm really not sure on how much further we will go. I'm super sore today and am not convinced the girls are done. I have extra monitoring now as baby C is less active. If she keeps up the lack of movement they may decide to go ahead and take the girls today. I've had a touch of caffeine to try to get her wriled up!
Wow congrats Coleey!!! That is an impressive weight for 36 weeks :):)

Ashley - hope you're feeling well, keep us posted!

Woke up last night with sharp sharp pain in lower abdomen and side. Felt like the ligament and stretching pain I've had just really intense. I think it was because I was sleeping without a pillow wedged under my belly, but not sure. Lasted about 10 min then went away.

Pretty sure it wasn't contractions though as it was sharp stabbing muscle spasm type pain...any experienced moms ---- that's not contractions right? I thought they were more of a dull ache type pain?

Anyways, it was intense and took my breath away. Actually a bit frightening to wake up to!
OMG!! I am a blubbering mess!:cry:
Congrats Cooley!!!! I can't believe babies are starting to arrive already! What a wonderful weight on her too!:happydance: I am happy to hear everything went well for you!

Ashley!! Good luck!! I am so excited to hear an update!!

WTB- Congrats on making it to 33!! Keep us updated!

Wow ladies! I can't believe the time is here for us to be having birth announcements. I feel like we were all just finding out the sex of our bambinos!
I am 34 tomorrow. It is blowing my mind to think that you ladies are having your little ones just over 2 weeks from where I am today! Nor can I believe I'll be term in just 3! And I am sure it will fly by as this is such a busy month in our family. Can't wait to hold my baby Willow in my arms:cloud9::cloud9:
No change ladies. Doctor won't send me home though cause I'm still contracting regularly...
Wow that is exciting news today! Congrats Cooley!
Good luck Ashley!

Thanksgiving baby!(well if u lived in Canada, it's thanksgiving weekend here right now)
Gaia, I often get a pain like that - almost like a really bad stitch? I think it's muscle/ligament related.

For me contractions felt like when you have a stomach bug and all you want to do is empty your bowels (sorry if this is tmi!). I kept getting that crampy feeling you get when you need the loo. Although I have to say that my labour was a bit unusual as I had the urge to push from the word go. xx
Uh oh, I've been having tummy bug like cramps today :p.. I really wish I knew what to expect so I actually know if its starting...
Yah I definitely think it was RLP as it was on one side and so sharp. It was awful though! I hope contractions are a more manageable pain for me...yikes.

I think probably because I was at a wedding yesterday and on my feet a lot, plus just generally taking on a crazy busy day that's probably why...

Resting for the next couple of days!
gaia - I've been having RLP the last couple of days too. It's weird because I haven't had that in months.

For me, contractions felt just like af cramps and I would get very sick to my stomach. My BH are like that, just not as intense. I was reading something today and it said the difference between BH and a real contraction is that BH start at the bottom of your belly and a real contraction starts in your back and works it's way to the front of your belly. I don't know how accurate that is for everyone, but I thought it was an interesting way to compare BH to real contractions.
Hmmm well I'm just hoping they aren't as immediately painful and sharp as my RLP because I was freaking out last night! It was intense!
Oh my goodness, congrats Coleey! Can't believe we are starting to have babies in here already!
gaia - I hope the sharp pain isn't how you feel contractions! That doesn't sound fun. I never experienced "sharp" pain with contractions, but they are pretty intense. Maybe you were having one but because of the position you were in it was pulling a ligament?? :shrug: I hope you can avoid that happening again!
Yah after resorting to Dr Google (haha) I'm pretty sure it was just round ligament pain. I have felt it before several times it was just worse last night. We have been traveling and at a wedding last night, and sleeping in a hotel bed so not too surprising! I think I just overdid it!

I'm sure contractions are painful but yah, the sharp pain is not something I could breathe through for 12 hours!
Congrats Coley! Hope all is well Ashley, the things you miss when you are away a few days!!

Somedays I feel ready to have baby already others he could stay in there a couple more years :haha: today is a stay in there kind of day!

I go to doctor Wednesday I'm going to ask when they start checking for signs of labor and if I could maybe get induced at 39 weeks tho I really don't see me going that long. I don't want to be induced but we have no one to watch my son and my mother and possibly sister can only come for a week to help with our son. But what week am I suppose to tell them to come?!?! I'd hate to have them get plane tickets and then I have baby before they come or after they have to leave. I hope he says yes I don't want to be alone cause my husband has to baby sit. We could find Simeone during day but not at night and everyone we know here will be away for thanksgiving holiday. What a mess!!
Okay, so the Dr tentatively scheduled my c section for Monday, oct 15 at 3:45 pm. I have one week to try to fatten up lil baby C who is a pound behind her sisters (3 lbs 6 oz as of today). Pass the Chocolate Glucerna!!!!
Okay ladies. No baby yet. We got sent homeafter 20 hours in L&D. My contractions were 1-4 minutes apart for basically 22 hours but they were not making any change to my cervix. She still has not engaged so they gave me pills for preterm labor that I have to take every 6 hours as long as I'm feeling contractions. They say every pregnancy is different and this one definitely has been. Thank you for all your sweet words and thoughts. I'm slightly disappointed after all that pain and nothing happening but I know its best for her to stay in at least another few weeks. They won't do anything to help me progress until I'm 39 weeks.
Sorry to hear that Ashley, I hope you are not too uncomfortable. Are the pills they have given you an attempt to stop the contractions? I find it strange they would try to stop your labour at such a late stage in the game! X
Aww, sorry to hear that Ashley. I know how frustrating that is. I went through the same thing with my second at 35 1/2 weeks. Contractions were coming on like crazy, and it was the 3rd time it had happened in the few weeks leading up to it, so they were going to see how it went, about 18 hours later no progress in dilation, so they gave me meds and sent me home. They then kept me on the meds until 39 weeks.

To sharon- my midwife told me they give meds to stop the contractions if there hasnt been much progress, because as late in the pregnancy as it is, baby is still developing. Especially their brains. So if it is really coming, they will let it happen, but if it seems like nothing is progressing they stop it so that the baby and mother are not being put under too much stress. :thumbup: That way mom can get some much needed rest before the real deal and baby isnt being squished up in there. Contractions can really put baby into distress and effect heart rate and vitals. Not to mention it gives baby some time to fatten up a bit:thumbup:

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