Thanks ladies and good luck.
@Suggerhoney I'm right behind you I'm cd2 today. I hope you ovulate this cycle and get you rainbow baby.
Hi almost cycle buddy hehehe. Thanks lovely I really hope I do ovulate, even if I don’t get my BFP this cycle I’ll just be happy if I ovulate tbh and then hopefully get my BFP very very soon.

Keeping everything crossed for you my love.
Hi ladies. Apologies if I miss anyone. Got far behind again. Tested positive for covid Thursday and been quite poorly with it. Also terrified of it harming baby. Been a wreck.
@ehjmorris I’m sorry you started bleeding. Big hugs
@NightFlower I’m sorry about the cp. I hope next cycle brings you your healthy, sticky bfp. Take care of yourself
@jellybeanxx i can see something on your test. I really hope they get darker.
@Suggerhoney i think your anovulatory cycle was down to having flu and the trauma of the bowel obstruction. That’s a lot for your body to go through. Women can have the odd anovulatory cycle. You may have had some in the past and not know because you weren’t tracking and ttc at the time. I honestly don’t think your fertility can just stop suddenly like that. Hopefully your body will feel better recovered now and you will ovulate at your normal time. I know it’s no good in me telling you not to stress as I know what it’s like myself. I’ve had 100+ days cycles in the past and you just get convinced the next cycle will be the same. But stress can also delay ovulation so please try and stay as positive as you can. Try and distract yourself with some of your hobby’s between now and then to help you relax. Sending you positive thoughts and lots of luck for this cycle.
@tdog omg, I can see all your lines. Eeeek!! I’m so excited for you and can’t wait to see this afternoons
wishing luck to anyone I’ve missed
it’s crap that you have covid and I really hope you feel better soon.
Horrible being poorly at the best of times , but worse when your pregnant and can’t take much for it.
I’m so so sure your baby will be just fine.
thanks love. I’m praying it was just down to being poorly.
I’m going to try and be positive and I’m getting back into reading books again, which I’ve always loved but haven’t really gotten back into since having my son. Books are a good distraction.
just kind of wanna fast forward to ovulation and have a feeling time is going to drag. Just wanna get there and ovulate so I can relax a bit. That must of been awful going over 100 days. My AF is between heavy and medium, not as heavy as it is normally but not light either.
I’m wondering as I kept getting matching lines on my opks on and off last cycle, did my body keep trying to O but failed?
It’s so worrying. I just want my rainbow so so badly and pray it happens

I also realised the bowel blockage started on cd11 and went on to cd18 , so around my ovulation time.
I would of brought every brand of pregnancy test they had hahaha

I have so so many pregnancy tests it’s crazy.
Hopefully will get to use them all and I ovulate this cycle.
Just realised I won’t be testing in November now as next AF will be due December.
I will start a December due date group for us that have gotten AF. Bit early I know but for us that are still stuck ttc and have AF I think will be good to have it up.