Hi ladies cd3 and I’m just so so nervous and scared I’m not going to ovulate this cycle either.
I know if I don’t then it’s game over for me and I’ll be leaving baby and bump because being on here would be just be too hard knowing I’m never going to get my rainbow baby. But I’m praying I do ovulate and I can finally be in the 2ww and at least stand a chance.
I see that
@jellybeanxx good luck hopefully be more clearer tomorrow. Glad temp went up.
See I told you it was implantation bleeding. Looks like a BFP on the Frer and wondfo. The easy@home I think I see a shadow but with my miscarriage I didn’t get a line on them until 11dpo.
I am so sorry love that sucks so bad. Hopefully this cycle is the one. What cd are you on? I’m cd3.
Just praying I ovulate this cycle I’m terrified I won’t at all again

TTC absolutely sucks arse