@Mum42crazy awww hon I'm so sorry the
came but I'm keeping everything crossed that u get a lovely Christmas
@ciz haha thanks hon. So sorry u had 4 losses as well its heartbreaking but u have given me hope that it is possible to get a sticky.
Oh sweetheart I'm so sorry u have gone thorough this as well.
Yes I have already had a full blood panel done back in September after the 3rd chemical in July.
I had blood work done on cd4 and again 7 days b4 AF was due. So they basically checked all my hormone levels b4 and after ovulation.
My results came back and everything was normal and really good.
Then I went on to have a 4th chemical in October and now I've been referred to the reacurrung miscarriage unit and I have a telephone appointment with them on December 3rd.
Hoping I won't need that appointment.
Maybe Wright everything down that u want to say and ask and then will make things easier hon and u won't forget anything.
I have started taking Macca Root capsules that I was advised on here by another lady.
Its really good for all sorts of things but also great for fertility and ovulation and implantation.
So I'm hoping if we have caught again this cycle the macca works and I will finally get a sticky viable beanie.
U can get it off amazon and if u want I can send u the photo of the one I take.
Its helped me ovulate a little later than normal and I've only been taking it for about 2 weeks.
I was ovulating on cd 8 and then cd13 and none of them stuck.
So I'm hoping with a day 15 ovulation it will stand a better chance.
So ladies
Guess what, I had ewcm this morning then a few hours later I felt pain in my right Overy. I've have lower back ache all night and cramps but really felt the sharp twinge in my right overy.
I've since done another opk and its negative. And my cm has done the same as last cycle.
Instead of the normal creamy cm I get directly after ovulation its snotty and stretchy.
I had this last cycle from ovulation day onwards and just new it wasn't the norm.
And yep I was pregnant.
And now I'm getting it again.
So I really think we have caught again but freeking out its just not gonna stick.
This is gonna be a very long 2ww.