November Testing Party (cont. from October Testing Party thread) - Join Me!

Hi ladies,

I previously posted here about 2 - 3 years ago when I was pregnant with my first. My daughter is now a little over 2 years old.

Now we are trying to conceive #2. I had a positive opk starting Monday night (cd 13). We dtd that night. All Tuesday i had side pain from my right ovary, so I'm thinking I ovulated then. ( I normally get this pain once a month also). We dtd that night also as well as yesterday night(wednesday) just in case.

I took the opk this morning and its still showing positive so I do hope I ovulated on Tuesday like i think but not sure with the opk still being positive (My cycles are normally 28 days and Tuesday was my cd14).

I'm planning on starting to test Nov 1st (11 dpo assuming I ovulated on Tuesday)

Do you have any other signs of ovulation? Are you temping? Checking your cervix? Checking your CM?

Either way, best of luck and welcome to the thread. :hugs:

No, I normally just go with my side pain once a month. This month I started testing with the ovulation test for the first time to make sure we didn't miss the ovulation day as its our first month trying.

Looking forward to this thread with all you wonderful ladies :)
Hi gsm. I have added you to the front page. Best of luck for this cycle. Is it your first cycle TTC #2?

Turtle - yes he won the whole competition. Here is a pic of his bakes for each round! They were all yummy and I can proudly say I didn't help him with any of them!


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Hi ladies,

I previously posted here about 2 - 3 years ago when I was pregnant with my first. My daughter is now a little over 2 years old.

Now we are trying to conceive #2. I had a positive opk starting Monday night (cd 13). We dtd that night. All Tuesday i had side pain from my right ovary, so I'm thinking I ovulated then. ( I normally get this pain once a month also). We dtd that night also as well as yesterday night(wednesday) just in case.

I took the opk this morning and its still showing positive so I do hope I ovulated on Tuesday like i think but not sure with the opk still being positive (My cycles are normally 28 days and Tuesday was my cd14).

I'm planning on starting to test Nov 1st (11 dpo assuming I ovulated on Tuesday)

Do you have any other signs of ovulation? Are you temping? Checking your cervix? Checking your CM?

Either way, best of luck and welcome to the thread. :hugs:

No, I normally just go with my side pain once a month. This month I started testing with the ovulation test for the first time to make sure we didn't miss the ovulation day as its our first month trying.

Looking forward to this thread with all you wonderful ladies :)

Our posts must have crossed! :)
gsm, welcome! :hi: I'm pretty sure I O'd on Tuesday as well, so we should most likely be the same dpo! We can wait it out together. :) Good luck!!!

Bing, that's amazing! And even more awesome that you didn't help him with any of it! I was wondering, when you said he was going to apply for the show...if you had helped him a lot, it wouldn't be good for him to say "Can my wife come along to help me make the stuff?" :haha: Those all look scrumptious, I'm now drooling over here! I wish you could send me some! :haha:
oh my God, those cakes look amazing Bing! Love love love GBBO - except that it makes me hungry when I watch it!

Not much news here for me, on CD3 today so patiently waiting for AF to disappear. It's been a heavier period than last month so I'm hoping that's an improvement.

Hope everyone else is doing well! x
Bing, those look so yummy! Congrats to Mr. Bing and please do keep us posted. We will all be over for dinner and dessert later :drunk:

MnG: I haven't made it to catch up on the October board yet, but I'm so glad to hear you had a good appointment. I'll go check up right after this!

We did get to it last night :blush:, though DH had a very stressful day and so it wasn't a normal release, but still something. I'm debating tonight or tomorrow for our last BD for the month. Maybe we'll do both for good measure. I am attaching the OPKs for yesterday and today. I had a lot of that pressure and cramping this month too. It has been a nuisance for sure!

We've been very busy. DS had "Dress like a Book Character" day at his school and he went as Frodo from Lord of the Rings. I got one day's notice on this and was up early sewing a cloak out of a curtain. It did turn out nice, but grrrr. DD has 2 book reviews due tomorrow so tonight should be fun (shakes head no). My SIL is having her gender reveal party Sunday and we are supposed to dress in pink or blue. I think it is a girl, but don't want to be teased if I'm wrong. I know I shouldn't stress about it, but I am. I overthink everything. I should be in a mental institution :dohh:


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Bing - that all looks amazing!

MamaBee - that sounds like an adorable costume. I love LOTR!! (yes, I'm a total nerd in case you were wondering)
Good evening ladies! I hope everyone had a great day today.

Bing - those baked goods look AMAZING!! I made a batch of brownies tonight and after seeing those I may have to go grazing on them again. I have a huge sweet tooth.

Mamabee - Not a Lord of the Rings fan, but I think it's super cool that you were able to sew your LO a last minute costume. I'm so not creative. My mom used to make all of our halloween costumes and outfits for school productions. I wish I had gotten that creative eye.

AFM, 1dpo today, let the tww begin. Man, I hope it flies by. We managed to BD again yesterday so I hope we got enough swimmers to get that eggie.
I had a good day today, I went to visit a good friend who I haven't seen in a while. She has a LO who will turn 1 on Halloween and it was fun to watch her and DS play together. Anyone have any fun plans for the weekend? We are making a sitting area in our backyard with a fire pit so I will be doing a lot of manual labor this weekend. Also, I have family coming over for Thanksgiving this year so I need to give my house a thorough cleaning, so I will be starting on that this weekend. Yippie!
So much to catch up on. So I will say hi, glad to hear things are going well for pretty much everyone. And I so want some sweets after looking at those pics.

Afm, cd9 and hubby should be home tomorrow so we can start smep. Trying to stay positive this month. Hugs to all.
Morning ladies! :wave:

Irish - yes GBBO is great! I wanted Richard to win it this year but think he did mess up a bit in the final. Nancy was my second favourite, so can't complain that she won. I think I'll buy the GBBO cookbook for hubby for Xmas as a joke present! :haha:

Mama - Mr Bing :rofl: I love it! I'm sure others will go in pink too so if you do get made fun of, you won't be alone! ;)
Is the control line the left or right line in those pics? I always thought it was suppose to be the line on the right but that seems to get lighter which is confusing me! Im not very good at line reading anyway which is why I use digital OPK's! :)

Megan - sounds like you have a busy weekend planned! Our friends have a fire pit in their garden and I love going round and sitting around it drinking in the evenings!

Eclaire - GL with SMEP. Go catch that eggy!

Afm - I was shattered last night and fell asleep about 9.30pm so we didn't get to DTD! So we need to definitely make sure we start tonight as I'm on cd10 today. I usually have and 28/29 day cycle and ovulate around cd15/cd16 so I'm still okay to get plenty of BD's in before hand! :blush:
This weekend we have my sister visiting with her two nieces who are 4 and 2.5 years old. Not sure what we are going to do yet as a lot depends on the weather but I'm looking forward to seeing them.
We are refurbishing our lounge/dining room at the moment and we have our new sofa being delivered today which is exciting. Then our new dining table & chairs should be delivered in around 3 weeks time!

Anyone else have much planned for the weekend?

MamaBee, I agree, you're very creative! I would never be able to do something like that, especially last minute! I bet he looked so cute in his costume! :) The gender reveal party sounds like fun! Aww, sorry that you're worried about getting made fun of if you choose incorrectly! I'm SURE there will be multiple people there wearing each color, so you'll be in good company. And besides, you have a 50/50 chance of getting it right! I'm assuming your 10/22 9:30am test was your positive opk, right? Or am I reading it backwards?

Megan, sounds like you bombarded that eggie this cycle! I really hope you catch it, your chances sound great! And man, sounds like you have a really busy weekend! Sounds like fun will be so satisfying seeing your work once it's all completed.

Eclaire, glad hubby will be back in time for your fertile window this month! Wahoo! Now get to work, and good luck! :winkwink:

Bing, sounds like you have a nice weekend planned too! And yeah, sounds like you have plenty of time before you reach O, so I wouldn't think starting SMEP on cd10 instead of cd8 would be a big deal. Good luck! :)

We have kind of a busy weekend ahead of us. Tonight we're watching game 3 of the Wold Series ('s the first time in 29 years that our hometown team has even made the playoffs, much less the World Series! I was 4 the last time they went (and won)! It's a huge deal in our city these last few weeks). Then tomorrow we have our Halloween party to go to! It's at a local brewery, and we made my costume this year. I'm so freaking excited for it, I can't wait to see how it all looks together! I'm going as a pinata, and DH is going to be wearing a poncho and sombrero and have a pinata stick, as the guy who hits the pinata. :D Making my costume was time consuming but actually really easy and so much fun! Then on Sunday we have a birthday party to go to for a friend...if we're feeling okay from the Halloween party the night before that is! Ha!
CD 9 and already I just can't wait to ovulate!
The 2ww is almost as bad as actually waiting to ovulate!
Anyone else with me? :hugs:
I am itching to change my signature from my ovulation chart to a pregnancy ticker :(
Miss I am right there with you. I hope the vitex helps me ovulate a little earlier this month as I usually ovulate anywhere between CD16 and 18. Hubby is back tonight and we start smep. I am in the tub shaving my legs as a welcome home gift. I hope he appreciates it.:winkwink:
Wow this thread has been really busy since I was on here. Looks like everyone is doing good so far this cycle fx for everyone!

Afm I am totally bummed this month and ready for my AF to start. The one month we aren't suppose to be trying I have had loads of ewcm and last night and this morning had ovulation spotting. Why oh why does this have to happen this month of all months sigh.
Miss, I totally know that feeling. I was so excited to hit ovulation this month to have something to do towards the goal (plus I got to pee on a stick POAS addict here)! Hopefully, we can all change our tickers soon.

Eclaire, I love the feeling of freshly shaven legs (though I hate shaving) when crawling into bed at night. So, even if he doesn't appreciate it, you've done something nice for you ;) Have fun :sex: tonight!

Turtle, Royals? How fun for your hometown! And, please post pics of your costumes! I love the idea and may steal it one year! And just think, after a fun night at the party, he can actually 'hit that thing'! :haha:

Bing, you should totally get him the cookbook. Can you paste one of his recipes somewhere in it as if it were part of the book? New furniture just in time for a visit from some toddlers = perfect? Truly, though, new furniture sounds like so much fun. It always inspires room makeovers! I agree with the others; you still have lots of time for :sex: and I know you'll get it covered in the coming days. GL catching that egg!

Megan, I'm 2dpo today so we should be testing around the same time. I hope the next couple of weeks fly by (as well as that witch)!

Crystl, I'm such a nerd also and love sharing that with my kids. DH is currently reading The Hobbit with our son at bedtime and we let him play the Lego LOTR so he is a little familiar. He was dead set on being Frodo for character day. I'll see if I can attach a pic.

The OPKs I posted are with the Control line on the left, so you can see they go from positive to very negative. I only began testing that day, so I'm not sure how long they were positive before. I have had it happen where I got so many positives in a row I was thoroughly confused, so I'm thrilled to see a regular progression and hope I caught that egg this time around!


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Woo hoo I am not alone. We say we can't wait to ovulate but then the next thing is symptom spotting and POAS super early, like 6dpo!
The wait is agonizing.

What CD are we all on? I'm on CD 9 and thankfully my Fiancé is working tomorrow until 5pm and then I have him at home ALL week.

Fingers crossed with plenty of BD we have super high chances of becoming pregnant this cycle :lol: symptoms other than vivid dreams. Wanting time to go by a little faster!! Hubby and I are very anxious! symptoms other than vivid dreams. Wanting time to go by a little faster!! Hubby and I are very anxious!

Do you mean 4dpo? I think we are near the same day. I've had some odd dreams too! I can't tell if they're a product of anything real or just my overactive imagination because pregnancy has been on my mind. I dreamed two nights in a row (during ovulation) that I was actually pregnant. One can only dream (pun intended)! :haha:

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