During O time you will see an increase in cervical mucus and your cervix will be high/soft if you check it. Some women experience light cramping on one side during O time and some will experience mid-cycle spotting. A lot of women will temp to determine O time as well. If you track your symptoms each month then you will learn your body and get a good indication of when you are ovulating. One does not absolutly need an ovulation test to determine when she is ovulating.
www.fertilityfriend.com is a good resource for tracking your symptoms and periods.
Teach2, shift work can be hard to get BD in, you just have to get creative. I do shift work also, my DH and I have been known to wake the other up for some
, especially when I am working a midnight shift.
Well, another weekend went by when DH didn't want to BD so I am probably out for this month. I am not sure what is going on with him but it's been 6 freaking weeks since we have had sex. I am starting to go through withdrawals, self pleasure only goes so far. I know for him it's mostly due to his weight and not being happy with the way he looks but I am starting to feel as though he is unattracted to me. I am pretty sure this isn't the case but I can't help but feel that way. Sorry for the moan ladies, just feeling a bit hurt right now.