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October 2015 testing!

Lawes1987- it's still early. Try to stay positive. I know its hard but Your not out yet!

Dinky- so sorry AF came :hugs:

Sdc010905- sounds like you have a great chance! And I know what you mean about being healthy. I was so good the first few months. Then I started to drink my caffeine for the first 2 weeks. Now I am until I get a bfp lol. I continue to take my prenatals but other than that I'm not being too healthy. And afm I'm feeling pretty down lately. I posted a long explanation in my journal. Pretty much I know I have O'd but not sure when. Either Friday or sunday. If Friday we DTD Thursday so I will be good but if Sunday we don't have much of a chance. DH wouldn't even try because his hip was acting up and he "knew" he wouldn't be able to finish. Feeling a little resentful about it so this might be our last month trying. I don't want to resent my husband..
Hello Ladies,

here I am, solid smiley face this morning and we bd last night.
I plan on bding again tonight (and continuing because I don't wanna do it just for baby hahaha).
I got ovarian pain yesterday and tightness in breasts so I guess my body is more than ready, this is the first month it happens so hopefully this cycle is a good one for success.
I got my last beer last night and will reduce caffeine today (un shot of expresso a day, I don't wanna give up on caffeine so early).

I know what you feel ladies about being healthy. I still a couple drinks sometime the first 2 weeks and reduce caffeine only after ovulation.

A lot of baby dust to all


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Just wanted to throw in an update for me. I'm still waiting to ovulate, though I think I'll O tomorrow or the next day. I'm cd 15 today and the last 2 cycles I've been o'ing between 15-18. I'm still breastfeeding my 10 month old son, so that's a factor.

Got an almost positive opk yesterday and will see what today's is later on. Had some good cm the last couple days and have been able to bd every other day since I started seeing decent cm. I'll keep doing that until I confirm ovulation. Wish me luck!!

After a miscarriage in July and then a chemical in August, I'm hoping for a sticky 3rd bfp!!
Yay!! I will wait to update the page until your normal FRER! False positives aren't too common (no one is going to complain when they get a true positive so the amount of false + vs true + is skewed online) so I hope it's a true bfp! :)

Definitely a false positive. Used a FRER with FMU and BFN. Also tested with another FR Gold digital using the same FMU and BFN. Feels a little like I got punched in the gut. :nope:

I know it's still early, but getting a false positive followed by BFNs has a great way of making a girl feel hopeless.
Yay!! I will wait to update the page until your normal FRER! False positives aren't too common (no one is going to complain when they get a true positive so the amount of false + vs true + is skewed online) so I hope it's a true bfp! :)

Definitely a false positive. Used a FRER with FMU and BFN. Also tested with another FR Gold digital using the same FMU and BFN. Feels a little like I got punched in the gut. :nope:

I know it's still early, but getting a false positive followed by BFNs has a great way of making a girl feel hopeless.

Sorry to hear that! Try to wait few days before testing again
Tested with cheapie and new frer and BFNs. I'm like 10-11dpo. Feeling out. I know it's early and not out till witch but with twins had Bfp at 8-9dpo and with daughter it was 10-11dpo so I'm just not very hopeful. Nipples tender/sore to touch and crampier this cycle otherwise everything just like last cycle and AF was right on time...so yeah blah when it comes to hope....

Oh no Maybe!! This early FMU is still different concentration wise. Just a few days and try again. :hugs:
MiaMama - yay for good timed bd! I did the same thing over the weekend. Dh and I went out to eat and split a bottle of wine :haha: had to have one last drink before the tww. Lol

Rcp925 - FX for a sticky bean!!

Maybe_baby_ - so sorry it was a false positive! :hugs: Hopefully it will come soon! I can't imagine how you feel right now. Getting a squinter is one thing. You can convince yourself you were seeing things but a digi? That's terrible. I am so sorry :hugs:

HappiestMom - FX it's just a shy little guy in there. Every pregnancy is different so hopefully your precious pregnancies aren't a sign!
:witch: arrived a day early, hooray. Had a massive temperature drop yesterday morning and then AF started. This is actually unusual for me as I normally have a temperature drop and then AF starts the next day, but oh well. Something else unusual for me this cycle was I didn't have a lot of the moody PMS symptoms. Anyway, I should be ovulating (I hope) sometime between 10/14-10/17 and will be able to start testing again around 10/29 thanks to my "lovely" short cycles. I am very disappointed that I only got to 9DPO this last cycle :growlmad:

Sorry AF arrived LilacPetal. :hugs: Short cycles are a double edged sword. More opportunities to try but less of a chance of implant :/ FX for next cycle!
:witch: arrived a day early, hooray. Had a massive temperature drop yesterday morning and then AF started. This is actually unusual for me as I normally have a temperature drop and then AF starts the next day, but oh well. Something else unusual for me this cycle was I didn't have a lot of the moody PMS symptoms. Anyway, I should be ovulating (I hope) sometime between 10/14-10/17 and will be able to start testing again around 10/29 thanks to my "lovely" short cycles. I am very disappointed that I only got to 9DPO this last cycle :growlmad:


I'm sorry about AF. I have short cycles too but I'm trying to lengthen them! This cycle I took soy isoflavones cd 2-6 and then I've been taking extra b6 on top of my usual prenatal. I usually don't O until cd 17-19 ish but I'm already getting flashy smileys on cd11 & 12! So I'm hoping it made me O earlier and will lengthen my LP so any fertilized eggs will have time to implant. My last LP was only 8 days :nope: not good!
Maybe baby: that is beyond cruel, hope its just a case of different urine concentrations and you have goid news tomorrow. Cant believe a fr digi would do that.....
Gina: thats tough, so far ive managed to cover the necessary days every cycle but feel nearly apologetic about insisting we do it after a couple of nights already at it. I know what you mean about the resentment, i spent all evening sat worrying about whether hed be in the mood or not after work (night shift) as i got my solid smiley that evening. In the end he did with no reluctance but it still had me stressed! He was probably glad the bloody flashy had finally disappeared!
:witch: arrived a day early, hooray. Had a massive temperature drop yesterday morning and then AF started. This is actually unusual for me as I normally have a temperature drop and then AF starts the next day, but oh well. Something else unusual for me this cycle was I didn't have a lot of the moody PMS symptoms. Anyway, I should be ovulating (I hope) sometime between 10/14-10/17 and will be able to start testing again around 10/29 thanks to my "lovely" short cycles. I am very disappointed that I only got to 9DPO this last cycle :growlmad:


I'm sorry about AF. I have short cycles too but I'm trying to lengthen them! This cycle I took soy isoflavones cd 2-6 and then I've been taking extra b6 on top of my usual prenatal. I usually don't O until cd 17-19 ish but I'm already getting flashy smileys on cd11 & 12! So I'm hoping it made me O earlier and will lengthen my LP so any fertilized eggs will have time to implant. My last LP was only 8 days :nope: not good!

girls it may be worth checking your progesterone levels with a blood test at 7dpo if your lp is always that short. I had mine done and realised i have practically no chance of successful preg without fixing it first. It explained my 2 chemicals and im glad i didnt waste anymore time and effort without checking....this process is exhausting enough x
Sorry AF arrived LilacPetal. :hugs: Short cycles are a double edged sword. More opportunities to try but less of a chance of implant :/ FX for next cycle!

This is why I am happy this month I ovulated CD15 and not CD11/12... I hope it's gonna work out this cycle after this chemical pregnancy last month...
The good thing is I don't want to test as early as before because it is difficult to get several positive and then have an early miscarriage.
:witch: arrived a day early, hooray. Had a massive temperature drop yesterday morning and then AF started. This is actually unusual for me as I normally have a temperature drop and then AF starts the next day, but oh well. Something else unusual for me this cycle was I didn't have a lot of the moody PMS symptoms. Anyway, I should be ovulating (I hope) sometime between 10/14-10/17 and will be able to start testing again around 10/29 thanks to my "lovely" short cycles. I am very disappointed that I only got to 9DPO this last cycle :growlmad:


:hugs: sorry about the witch! I actually found through temping I only had a 9 day lp the first cycle I pinpointed O so the next cycle I took vit C and half a b6 in the morning and vit C and half a b50 complex before bed. That cycle I had a 15 day lp. Did the same thing the following cycle and got my bfp! Idk if that's truly what did the trick for me but it definitely didn't hurt!
sdc - mine have been bouncing between 8-10, but yes, definitely too short. I honestly didn't notice it until my august-september cycle and I didn't fully understand how important a long LP was until joining this forum, and with raised eyebrows/look of concern when I told my OBGYN about my cycles I just got my referral for a fertility specialist and will probably be doing blood tests after I O this month. I might wait until next month to go in though because of traveling.
Definitely better to find out sooner rather than later for a short lp. Otherwise you are just stressing yourself out for nothing. it's very hard to keep a pregnancy if your lp is too short for a baby to implant and stop AF from showing up. If no bfp for me this month I am going to use opks and possibly temp to make sure my lp is as long as I think it is. I've never confirmed o, just suspected so hopefully I'm not wrong in thinking I have a 14 day lp.
God I've been ridiculously emotional today... 10 dpo and AF is due on Thursday. Not sure if it's a good sign or not.
sdc - mine have been bouncing between 8-10, but yes, definitely too short. I honestly didn't notice it until my august-september cycle and I didn't fully understand how important a long LP was until joining this forum, and with raised eyebrows/look of concern when I told my OBGYN about my cycles I just got my referral for a fertility specialist and will probably be doing blood tests after I O this month. I might wait until next month to go in though because of traveling.
sounds like you're on the right track. Im lucky in that my normal doctor did the bloods snd wrote the prescription so i didnt have to dee a fertility specialist but if these dont work in a few months im going to. I have to take them 3dpo-12dpo as apparently for most people af wont dhow as long as you're on them. A little surprised that my doc and alk the online info i can see agree that if you haven't got positive by 12dpo then you're out and you can stop. If you get bfp you stay on them.
11dpo and woke up feeling clear headed and happy... god these mood swings are confusing! Also noticed the last few days I'm craving bacon and fried egg (haven't eaten it for years) and cheese all day long.
11dpo and woke up feeling clear headed and happy... gone these mood swings are confusing! Also noticed the last few days I'm craving bacon and fried egg (haven't eaten it for years) and cheese all day long.

Sounds like you have tons of promising symptoms!! Fx'd for you!

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