*October Bumpkins*2014* 43 Babies Born!

I tend do a lot of nesting on the weekends since I'm still working full time. We had an all day birthing class Saturday which was actually informative and useful. The different relaxation techniques are what DH and I liked the best. I have one last baby shower on August 30th, not entirely sure what I will be getting as everything is all prepped for baby.

Loving the bump pics!

Congrats Jm on 2nd tri :hugs:
This might sound odd but it has just hit me that I'm 30 weeks tomorrow. I've had I real omg/panicked moment realising how little time is left.
Yup, I'm right there with you! I was freaking out yesterday because I feel like there is still so much to do. I think a lot of that has to do with our kitchen remodel starting next week. Once that's done I think I'll feel a lot more ready
31 Weeks! Sitting in the doctors office. Bp is good, lost 5 lbs since my appointment 3 Weeks ago.
Hospital tour right after!
Feeling a bit of a wreck tonight...sore and achy all over, restless legs and arms, swollen hands and feet, and worst of all, the most painful, tender, itchy stretch marks ever...they are driving me nuts. The skin on my bump is sore to the touch, even though I haven't scratched at all :/ I'd quite like to just vacate my body for a while...but since that's not an option, I'm going to bed!!
Hopefully we will both make it that far!!! What is your original due date?

My original due date is 10/10, so 10/3 is the absolute earliest they will do it. In addition to the reasons everyone listed, I had heard (not sure if it's totally true) that scheduled c-sections are usually before EDD because if you go into labor the surgery can be a little more complicated with your uterus contracting and stuff? Makes sense in theory but I know they perform c-sections on women in labor all the time so maybe it's just a preference. Who knows.

That photons from my husband and daughter at Sea World in San Antonio Texas. When we went, I had no idea about the whole "blackfish" movie (not sure if it was out yet). Anyway,not a fan of animal cruelty although all the animals looked well cared for in this facility! Such a cute pic anyway!

Oh ok! It looks exactly the same! In fact I will post a pic. :) And yes, we are not fans of animal cruelty either! This was the Birch Aquarium at UC San Diego and it mainly just has all types of fish rather than like whales or other mammals that need much more of a natural environment to thrive. I have heard Sea World is going to start making some big improvements in response to all of the controversy in the media lately.

rbourre - So sorry your pictures didn't go well! I hope you were able to get something decent, and maybe you can do more another time maybe even in your home or something where your dd would be more comfortable. I am trying to schedule ours but it's so expensive. DH thinks we should wait and just do newborn pictures instead, which isn't a terrible idea. I just wanted to do maternity since I didn't get to last time since DD came so early. I know you are in the same boat there! And yes, I can so relate to how crazy all these new pregnancy symptoms are now that we are further along that we've ever been. Sometimes I seriously get so startled and literally jump when he kicks my organs! I picture him in there like elbow dropping my bladder, it's such a sharp and intense pain!

As far as nesting goes, I feel the need to nest, I WANT to nest, but I can't! We just finally painted the nursery but now have to wait for the carpet place to come install. Hoping that will done this week! Then we can get the baseboards put in this weekend and FINALLY start moving things into the room. All I want to do is start washing clothes, blankets, etc but right now all the furniture is in the garage so there would be no where to put anything if I did. I did however pack my hospital bag last night! I feel like that's major progress. It's just sitting in the corner, I wanted to leave it in the car but I have some bathroom items like shampoo and stuff in there that wouldn't be good to be in the heat for weeks. So I figure if there's an emergency, DH can always run home and grab it and it's all ready. I had to count on him to find everything to bring last time because I went in so early and I didn't get half of what I needed! There are a lot of other things we want to do around the house, but so much of our time and energy is focused on getting the nursery ready so we have big plans to do some major cleaning once the baby is here and we are both on leave from work.


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Hopefully we will both make it that far!!! What is your original due date?

My original due date is 10/10, so 10/3 is the absolute earliest they will do it. In addition to the reasons everyone listed, I had heard (not sure if it's totally true) that scheduled c-sections are usually before EDD because if you go into labor the surgery can be a little more complicated with your uterus contracting and stuff? Makes sense in theory but I know they perform c-sections on women in labor all the time so maybe it's just a preference. Who knows.

This is true. I checked with a few other ladies I know that are also having scheduled C-Sections and they are all within 5-7 days of their due date as well. I just hope that I don't have to deal with an emergency C-Section because our LO decides to come early on his own. I pray he will just stay put until October 2nd! :)
I spoke to soon ,
The nesting oh the nesting , today I pulled curtains down , stripped sofa cushion covers and wait for t !!! Pulled a carpet up haaaaa
.i just want everything done
Haha .
Had 34 week appointment today. Everything was good. Scale said I had gained 6 pounds in 2 weeks, but I'm subtracting a pound for my clothes (was wearing blue jeans) and a pound for each of my swollen feet/ankles. So that makes it only 3 pounds. Sounds much better :) I go back in two weeks for Group B Strep test, growth ultrasound, and they'll check my cervix. Woohoo! Then it's once a week after that! Can't believe it's happening this quickly.
Hopefully we will both make it that far!!! What is your original due date?

My original due date is 10/10, so 10/3 is the absolute earliest they will do it. In addition to the reasons everyone listed, I had heard (not sure if it's totally true) that scheduled c-sections are usually before EDD because if you go into labor the surgery can be a little more complicated with your uterus contracting and stuff? Makes sense in theory but I know they perform c-sections on women in labor all the time so maybe it's just a preference. Who knows.

That photons from my husband and daughter at Sea World in San Antonio Texas. When we went, I had no idea about the whole "blackfish" movie (not sure if it was out yet). Anyway,not a fan of animal cruelty although all the animals looked well cared for in this facility! Such a cute pic anyway!

Oh ok! It looks exactly the same! In fact I will post a pic. :) And yes, we are not fans of animal cruelty either! This was the Birch Aquarium at UC San Diego and it mainly just has all types of fish rather than like whales or other mammals that need much more of a natural environment to thrive. I have heard Sea World is going to start making some big improvements in response to all of the controversy in the media lately.

rbourre - So sorry your pictures didn't go well! I hope you were able to get something decent, and maybe you can do more another time maybe even in your home or something where your dd would be more comfortable. I am trying to schedule ours but it's so expensive. DH thinks we should wait and just do newborn pictures instead, which isn't a terrible idea. I just wanted to do maternity since I didn't get to last time since DD came so early. I know you are in the same boat there! And yes, I can so relate to how crazy all these new pregnancy symptoms are now that we are further along that we've ever been. Sometimes I seriously get so startled and literally jump when he kicks my organs! I picture him in there like elbow dropping my bladder, it's such a sharp and intense pain!

As far as nesting goes, I feel the need to nest, I WANT to nest, but I can't! We just finally painted the nursery but now have to wait for the carpet place to come install. Hoping that will done this week! Then we can get the baseboards put in this weekend and FINALLY start moving things into the room. All I want to do is start washing clothes, blankets, etc but right now all the furniture is in the garage so there would be no where to put anything if I did. I did however pack my hospital bag last night! I feel like that's major progress. It's just sitting in the corner, I wanted to leave it in the car but I have some bathroom items like shampoo and stuff in there that wouldn't be good to be in the heat for weeks. So I figure if there's an emergency, DH can always run home and grab it and it's all ready. I had to count on him to find everything to bring last time because I went in so early and I didn't get half of what I needed! There are a lot of other things we want to do around the house, but so much of our time and energy is focused on getting the nursery ready so we have big plans to do some major cleaning once the baby is here and we are both on leave from work.

I won my maternity photos. The photographer was having a 500 fan giveaway on Facebook and I was the winner. :happydance: I'm also getting my newborn photos done free because the photographer (a different one) is looking for someone to do a session and record it all on video to upload to her website.

It feels like he is elbow dropping my bladder too. My husband always asks me whats wrong when baby does that.

I just did a comparison photo. I can't believe how much I've grown. I'm so excited for Thursday morning for my ultrasound to see him again and see how much he's grown.


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Hopefully we will both make it that far!!! What is your original due date?

My original due date is 10/10, so 10/3 is the absolute earliest they will do it. In addition to the reasons everyone listed, I had heard (not sure if it's totally true) that scheduled c-sections are usually before EDD because if you go into labor the surgery can be a little more complicated with your uterus contracting and stuff? Makes sense in theory but I know they perform c-sections on women in labor all the time so maybe it's just a preference. Who knows.

That photons from my husband and daughter at Sea World in San Antonio Texas. When we went, I had no idea about the whole "blackfish" movie (not sure if it was out yet). Anyway,not a fan of animal cruelty although all the animals looked well cared for in this facility! Such a cute pic anyway!

Oh ok! It looks exactly the same! In fact I will post a pic. :) And yes, we are not fans of animal cruelty either! This was the Birch Aquarium at UC San Diego and it mainly just has all types of fish rather than like whales or other mammals that need much more of a natural environment to thrive. I have heard Sea World is going to start making some big improvements in response to all of the controversy in the media lately.

rbourre - So sorry your pictures didn't go well! I hope you were able to get something decent, and maybe you can do more another time maybe even in your home or something where your dd would be more comfortable. I am trying to schedule ours but it's so expensive. DH thinks we should wait and just do newborn pictures instead, which isn't a terrible idea. I just wanted to do maternity since I didn't get to last time since DD came so early. I know you are in the same boat there! And yes, I can so relate to how crazy all these new pregnancy symptoms are now that we are further along that we've ever been. Sometimes I seriously get so startled and literally jump when he kicks my organs! I picture him in there like elbow dropping my bladder, it's such a sharp and intense pain!

As far as nesting goes, I feel the need to nest, I WANT to nest, but I can't! We just finally painted the nursery but now have to wait for the carpet place to come install. Hoping that will done this week! Then we can get the baseboards put in this weekend and FINALLY start moving things into the room. All I want to do is start washing clothes, blankets, etc but right now all the furniture is in the garage so there would be no where to put anything if I did. I did however pack my hospital bag last night! I feel like that's major progress. It's just sitting in the corner, I wanted to leave it in the car but I have some bathroom items like shampoo and stuff in there that wouldn't be good to be in the heat for weeks. So I figure if there's an emergency, DH can always run home and grab it and it's all ready. I had to count on him to find everything to bring last time because I went in so early and I didn't get half of what I needed! There are a lot of other things we want to do around the house, but so much of our time and energy is focused on getting the nursery ready so we have big plans to do some major cleaning once the baby is here and we are both on leave from work.

I won my maternity photos. The photographer was having a 500 fan giveaway on Facebook and I was the winner. :happydance: I'm also getting my newborn photos done free because the photographer (a different one) is looking for someone to do a session and record it all on video to upload to her website.

It feels like he is elbow dropping my bladder too. My husband always asks me whats wrong when baby does that.

I just did a comparison photo. I can't believe how much I've grown. I'm so excited for Thursday morning for my ultrasound to see him again and see how much he's grown.

Wow! You lucked out with the free photos!
Yeah you really got lucky with the photo shoots. At the begining dh said he didn't want to do them because we saw this book at the doctors office advertising for them and they looked really creepy. Which I agreed but I said they don't have to be like that. We could do really simple ones of us just facing each other it didn't have to be all staged crazy. Well he got an email the other day from the studio we get our Christmas photos done at and he was looking at their pictures and he finally said well maybe we will do pics...so I think he's changed his mind.

I just got back from doing some shopping I bought slippers, a robe, more toiletry items that I'll be needing. I just need a baby book for the footprints and a new camera. I couldn't find any baby books at the two stores I went to so it looks like I'm either going back to babies r us and paying an arm and a leg or seeing if I can order something online. But them I got the thought were going to be doing a book from snapfish and I wonder if it just makes more sense for me to take some cardstock with me and just scan that for the digital book? And oh boy were gonna have trouble picking a camera. I use my phone for all my photos right now but it's only 5 mp and everything were looking at buying is 20 mp so I'm def going to have to check out reviews on cameras bc 5 mp just isn't going to cut it.

We looked at a couple outfits for the baby to get photos done at the hospital in and her going home outfit but dh was being picky she well have to check out other stores for that stuff too.

I had to wear my compression socks today and those babies are a god send. I barely had any swelling today and I finally went poop...what a relief I think some of my bump was more bloat then anything because I was really feeling horrible before that and now I feel sooooooo much better.
Had an OB appointment today, turns out I have a UTI. I woke up feeling nauseous and run down, couldn't get any energy. I have a fever of almost 100 degrees and was having frequent contractions. Did a urine sample and have blood in my urine. So I've started on antibiotics :( I feel like crap! We had our hospital tour today though which was nice. I was in a lot of pain with the walking but ended up riding in a wheel chair on the way back to the class room.
33 week bump I wish I knew how to do the comparison pictures

I use the website Pizap since I don't have an app on my phone to do it.

I'm so tired today. I was woken up at 1am because my daughter was freaking out. She got sick all over her bed so I had to get up and give her a bath and do laundry. Then I was still up 3 times after that to pee.
I can completely relate to this. My daughter has been peeing thru her diaper almost twice a week at night, forcing me to do much more laundry than normal and in addition to this, recently she has been throwing tantrums periodically and all the crying makes her vomit! Ugh, I really am suspicious of my capabilities of taking care of two young children. Fortunately with age, has came patiencem and I know I am going to need a LOT of it! Lol

Hopefully we will both make it that far!!! What is your original due date?

My original due date is 10/10, so 10/3 is the absolute earliest they will do it. In addition to the reasons everyone listed, I had heard (not sure if it's totally true) that scheduled c-sections are usually before EDD because if you go into labor the surgery can be a little more complicated with your uterus contracting and stuff? Makes sense in theory but I know they perform c-sections on women in labor all the time so maybe it's just a preference. Who knows.

That photons from my husband and daughter at Sea World in San Antonio Texas. When we went, I had no idea about the whole "blackfish" movie (not sure if it was out yet). Anyway,not a fan of animal cruelty although all the animals looked well cared for in this facility! Such a cute pic anyway!

Oh ok! It looks exactly the same! In fact I will post a pic. :) And yes, we are not fans of animal cruelty either! This was the Birch Aquarium at UC San Diego and it mainly just has all types of fish rather than like whales or other mammals that need much more of a natural environment to thrive. I have heard Sea World is going to start making some big improvements in response to all of the controversy in the media lately.

rbourre - So sorry your pictures didn't go well! I hope you were able to get something decent, and maybe you can do more another time maybe even in your home or something where your dd would be more comfortable. I am trying to schedule ours but it's so expensive. DH thinks we should wait and just do newborn pictures instead, which isn't a terrible idea. I just wanted to do maternity since I didn't get to last time since DD came so early. I know you are in the same boat there! And yes, I can so relate to how crazy all these new pregnancy symptoms are now that we are further along that we've ever been. Sometimes I seriously get so startled and literally jump when he kicks my organs! I picture him in there like elbow dropping my bladder, it's such a sharp and intense pain!

As far as nesting goes, I feel the need to nest, I WANT to nest, but I can't! We just finally painted the nursery but now have to wait for the carpet place to come install. Hoping that will done this week! Then we can get the baseboards put in this weekend and FINALLY start moving things into the room. All I want to do is start washing clothes, blankets, etc but right now all the furniture is in the garage so there would be no where to put anything if I did. I did however pack my hospital bag last night! I feel like that's major progress. It's just sitting in the corner, I wanted to leave it in the car but I have some bathroom items like shampoo and stuff in there that wouldn't be good to be in the heat for weeks. So I figure if there's an emergency, DH can always run home and grab it and it's all ready. I had to count on him to find everything to bring last time because I went in so early and I didn't get half of what I needed! There are a lot of other things we want to do around the house, but so much of our time and energy is focused on getting the nursery ready so we have big plans to do some major cleaning once the baby is here and we are both on leave from work.

Neat picture! They are very similar! Great photo op in front of those huge aquariums I guess!

I wish I could say I was nesting ladies but it just always feels like I am recovering from the previous day's disaster. Just day to day tasks such as laundry. Picking up, dishes, and cooking for the family, fills up my schedule. Getting "ahead" is not an option! Lol
32 weeks today and my mom is being discharged. What a great day. :happydance:

Anyone know a good way to prevent Charlie horses? Stretching?

We are getting close ladies..... Eeck!
Starbrites-get well soon honey :flower: you get some rest now.

Ashaz-great news about your mom being discharged-what a worry for you. Happy 32 weeks!
Ugh I couldn't sleep at all last night. My lower back and hips are killing me and I was having terrible heartburn.
On the plus side, 30 weeks today! 10 weeks to go! That is both exciting and terrifying at the same time.
Here's my 30 week bump


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Ugh! I feel like someone hit me in the arm with a sledge hammer! I got my whooping cough vaccine yesterday. Ouch! I am hoping that is the only side effect I get from it.
Last night when I couldn't sleep I starting ordering things from Amazon for my hospital bag. I found some helpful links on Pinterest. I also plan on starting to stock up on household items so I don't have to worry about them when baby gets here…paper towels, toothpaste, shampoo, toilet paper etc.

32 weeks today Yay!!!!! 8 more to go!

Congrats to all the other week movers as well :dance:

To those that are feeling under the weather. I hope you feel better soon :hugs:

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