Sweet Lullaby, I have no idea about the EWCM and follicles. All I know is if you have it, it is an indicator of ovulation. Try using opk's to make sure you don't ovulate sooner than your trigger so this way you can let your doc know if you get a pos opk, they might have you come in to do the iui and skip out on the trigger.
I have been doing OPK, and have no detected any surges... This is my first time using Gonal F, previously i used Puregon injectibles. I didnt notice any of this last time (maybe last time was my first IUI and i had no idea what to expect)
Sweet Lullaby - what cycle day are you on? I'm very surprised that you have not had any ultrasounds, they really should be doing them to measure your follicles to best determine when to do the IUI. EWCM generally means that you will ovulate in the next 24 to 48 hours, but I supposed that there are exceptions to this. I can't stress enough that they need to be monitoring you w/ultrasounds, especially since you're on injectibles. IUIs are all about timing, and the success rates depend on careful monitoring! In fact, both of my IUIs were a bust partially for bad timing. I would call your doc asap and demand an ultrasound! As far as I know, most ladies on this board get ultrasounds from CD3, especially with injecticbles. I don't mean to harp on this, good luck to you!
Hi, today i am on Cycle day 17 (14th Day of Injectibles). My Fertilty Center does not do ultrasound monitoring unless they see my estrogen (sp?) level rise to an amount that indicates mature follicles. They are also testng the LH surge every day.
Once my levels have reached a desirable amount, the call me in for an Ultrasound.
my last IUI (which resulted in my DD) i had this exact protocol. That was my first IUI attempt.
I dont know why i am doubting their process this time round, i guess i am more clued on.. and its been 3 years since my last lol!
I guess i am being monitored very closely, just via blood tests which tells them if i have enough estrogen levels to indicate a mature follicle or not.
I was comparing my last IUI cycle to this one. I had my first U/sound on CD18, which confirmed 1 follicle at 21.5mm. They triggered me that day, and followed by insemination the next day.
But i still wonder why they are so very different to other FS.