October IUI Buddies

Hi All!

So I had my Ultra sound and bloodwork today and I have 4 follies. My DR wants me to wait until tomorrow to do my trigger since 2 are 14 1 is 16 and 1 is 18 so they will be at 20. So I am looking at an IUI date of Saturday! I am so excited! Fingers crossed that it goes well! Is 4 good ? I have no idea! My first round my DR didn't give me any of this information.

YES - that is a great response! I only did 2 rounds of injectibles, but never had that kind of response....GL to you, you must be so excited!
Hi All!

So I had my Ultra sound and bloodwork today and I have 4 follies. My DR wants me to wait until tomorrow to do my trigger since 2 are 14 1 is 16 and 1 is 18 so they will be at 20. So I am looking at an IUI date of Saturday! I am so excited! Fingers crossed that it goes well! Is 4 good ? I have no idea! My first round my DR didn't give me any of this information.

How exciting!!! Yes 4 is definately good!!! my IUI worked with just 1 lonesome folli..which is now me 3yr old DD :)

Yay! Thank you Sweet Lullaby! I am super excited! :thumbup: Thanks for the hope!
Sweet Lullaby, I have no idea about the EWCM and follicles. All I know is if you have it, it is an indicator of ovulation. Try using opk's to make sure you don't ovulate sooner than your trigger so this way you can let your doc know if you get a pos opk, they might have you come in to do the iui and skip out on the trigger.
I have been doing OPK, and have no detected any surges... This is my first time using Gonal F, previously i used Puregon injectibles. I didnt notice any of this last time (maybe last time was my first IUI and i had no idea what to expect)

Sweet Lullaby - what cycle day are you on? I'm very surprised that you have not had any ultrasounds, they really should be doing them to measure your follicles to best determine when to do the IUI. EWCM generally means that you will ovulate in the next 24 to 48 hours, but I supposed that there are exceptions to this. I can't stress enough that they need to be monitoring you w/ultrasounds, especially since you're on injectibles. IUIs are all about timing, and the success rates depend on careful monitoring! In fact, both of my IUIs were a bust partially for bad timing. I would call your doc asap and demand an ultrasound! As far as I know, most ladies on this board get ultrasounds from CD3, especially with injecticbles. I don't mean to harp on this, good luck to you!

Hi, today i am on Cycle day 17 (14th Day of Injectibles). My Fertilty Center does not do ultrasound monitoring unless they see my estrogen (sp?) level rise to an amount that indicates mature follicles. They are also testng the LH surge every day.

Once my levels have reached a desirable amount, the call me in for an Ultrasound.

my last IUI (which resulted in my DD) i had this exact protocol. That was my first IUI attempt.

I dont know why i am doubting their process this time round, i guess i am more clued on.. and its been 3 years since my last lol!

I guess i am being monitored very closely, just via blood tests which tells them if i have enough estrogen levels to indicate a mature follicle or not.

I was comparing my last IUI cycle to this one. I had my first U/sound on CD18, which confirmed 1 follicle at 21.5mm. They triggered me that day, and followed by insemination the next day.

But i still wonder why they are so very different to other FS.

Where do you live? If it's not in the States, than that could be one clue, I think different countries have different protocols. If you do live in the states, I would guess that it has to do with the type of clinic you're going to?? Just guessing here, I really have no definite idea as well.
Hi All!

So I had my Ultra sound and bloodwork today and I have 4 follies. My DR wants me to wait until tomorrow to do my trigger since 2 are 14 1 is 16 and 1 is 18 so they will be at 20. So I am looking at an IUI date of Saturday! I am so excited! Fingers crossed that it goes well! Is 4 good ? I have no idea! My first round my DR didn't give me any of this information.

YES - that is a great response! I only did 2 rounds of injectibles, but never had that kind of response....GL to you, you must be so excited!

Yay! Thank you Kbrain! I am way more excited now! I did clomid for 5 days apparently it worked well! :) :happydance:
Hey ladies- feeling pretty down. Another one of our friends who got pregnant after we started TCC told us they are pregnant with their second... she is due the same day as our other friends who is also preg with their second... lapped twice and they both have the same due date!
Time to give myself my injection :(

Hi mrsjennyg -I'm sorry to hear that, I know it's hard to hear about other people so easily achieving something that you have to work so hard at, but just think - every shot gets you closer to your ultimate goal! How are they going, by the way? Has your dh been able to give them to you yet? Mine did w/o a problem (which kinda worried me, I mean I could never do that to him!:haha:) but he's not squeamish in the least. In either case, have you tried icing the area? I swear by it, but maybe someone w/o my aversion to needles would not need to. Good luck!!! FX for you!

Hey Kbrain- first let me say congrats! So exciting! You must be over the moon and ready to throw it in that docs face who wanted you to go right to IVF :)
The shots aren't that bad- the first one I freaked a little before I was going to do it. DH is not help in that area- he kind of started to freak when I asked him to do it, apparently he has a needle aversion... who knew? Lol. I haven't tried it in my stomach yet, just in my legs- I might try tonight. I def use ice I don't think I'd be able to do it without!
I am only 3-4dpiui and I am already going crazy!!! This is torture. I don't know how I am going to make it. LOL

I am so bloated, crampy and moody. I suspect it's just side effects from the Endometrin though.

And I can't help but feel so worried that I can't be lucky enough to have two IUIs in a row work. Ahhh so many emotions.

You must be so anxious. The TWW is the worst. Unfortunately for me, i have had way tooo many TWW in my journey trying to conceive..

When are you planning on testing? i tested on 8dpiui to test out the trigger...

Yes you can have to IUIs in row to work! Postive thinking :)

I am going to buy some dollar store cheapies today to start testing out the trigger. My beta isn't until the 19th! :(

Thanks for the positive thinking! I need to keep my eyes on the prize! :)
Hey All-
So I just got the call that my first IUI didn't work.. so now waiting for AF and round 2.. if my calculations are correct.. it should be around Oct. 24th.

Any info on raising counts for him? I can't take any hormones to increase egg production- multiples put me at a higher risk than i already am.

With Natural IUI and his numbers, we know our chances are low, but our insurance covers unlimited IUI's.. and NONE of IVF... Either way, our Dr said after 3 failed IUIs.... we should move onto IVF- don't know about anyone else- but in NY this is expensive- not to mention the physical and emotional toll TTC has been already!

Fingers crossed for everyone waiting!!

Me- 30, no known fertility issues but High Risk
DH- 35, Low count (under 5 mil washed), varied motility (never above 60%), low morph
Hey All-
So I just got the call that my first IUI didn't work.. so now waiting for AF and round 2.. if my calculations are correct.. it should be around Oct. 24th.

Any info on raising counts for him? I can't take any hormones to increase egg production- multiples put me at a higher risk than i already am.

With Natural IUI and his numbers, we know our chances are low, but our insurance covers unlimited IUI's.. and NONE of IVF... Either way, our Dr said after 3 failed IUIs.... we should move onto IVF- don't know about anyone else- but in NY this is expensive- not to mention the physical and emotional toll TTC has been already!

Fingers crossed for everyone waiting!!

Me- 30, no known fertility issues but High Risk
DH- 35, Low count (under 5 mil washed), varied motility (never above 60%), low morph

How about zinc supplements? My DH has good numbers, but motility was borderline. I have him taking 25mg of zinc, plus more exercise. Oh, and I tried to get him to stop drinking 1-2 beers/day. The compromise we found is lower-alcohol beer. Anyway, his motility went from 51% two months ago to 68% for this IUI. I can't say it's the zinc, but something must have worked.
Thanks!! He read vitamin C- I've read magnesium.. but he hasn't tried Zinc. He could definitely cut down on drinking a bit- our RE told us it had no effect.. but after all my reading on here- I'm guessing so!
Does the occasional cigar effect anything? I know he doesn't inhale obviously, but nicotine still gets in the blood stream, no?
He doesn't exercise more than the few mile walk in NYC back and forth between trains. He had borderline low testosterone and his Dr put him on Clomid but it seriously irritated his prostate, so he stopped it. I was hoping there was an alternative for it, but his Dr seems to have no follow through. I'm thinking of having him see another urologist. Any help or suggestions are always welcome...

Feeling down.
Hi ladies! Hope you don't mind me joining you!! I will be having my 1st IUI this month! I have been TTC since June 2010. I have 2 daughter's (11 years and 3 years). I am currently CD2 and I go in for my baseline U/S tomorrow and I will also start Letrozole from CD3-CD7. I will also be doing Estradol, Crinone and HCG Trigger's. I am also taking. Select-OB and Glucophage. I only have my right tube, as my left tube is blocked. My husband's SA came back with low Motility. I am VERY nervous that this isn't going to work. I have seen many woman in here say they have had up to 4 failed IUI's!!!! And since I am down to one tube, it makes me extra nervous! Because we can't even fathom trying to afford this again!
Hi ladies! Hope you don't mind me joining you!! I will be having my 1st IUI this month! I have been TTC since June 2010. I have 2 daughter's (11 years and 3 years). I am currently CD2 and I go in for my baseline U/S tomorrow and I will also start Letrozole from CD3-CD7. I will also be doing Estradol, Crinone and HCG Trigger's. I am also taking. Select-OB and Glucophage. I only have my right tube, as my left tube is blocked. My husband's SA came back with low Motility. I am VERY nervous that this isn't going to work. I have seen many woman in here say they have had up to 4 failed IUI's!!!! And since I am down to one tube, it makes me extra nervous! Because we can't even fathom trying to afford this again!

Welcome! We are very close this cycle, I am currently CD 4 and just had my baseline us yesterday. This is our only try (DH does not want to do multiple IUIs or IVF, VERY expensive for us, no coverage) so I'm really freaking out that this won't work. I also have to drive 2.5 hours to the clinic (and have to be there for 7:30 am so I drive in the dark) so hoping that this month will be ours!! Keep us posted :)
I am only 3-4dpiui and I am already going crazy!!! This is torture. I don't know how I am going to make it. LOL

I am so bloated, crampy and moody. I suspect it's just side effects from the Endometrin though.

And I can't help but feel so worried that I can't be lucky enough to have two IUIs in a row work. Ahhh so many emotions.

You must be so anxious. The TWW is the worst. Unfortunately for me, i have had way tooo many TWW in my journey trying to conceive..

When are you planning on testing? i tested on 8dpiui to test out the trigger...

Yes you can have to IUIs in row to work! Postive thinking :)

I am going to buy some dollar store cheapies today to start testing out the trigger. My beta isn't until the 19th! :(

Thanks for the positive thinking! I need to keep my eyes on the prize! :)

Your beta is on my birthday. They told me b/c my IUI was on the weekend I have to wait until the 22nd for my beta. By then the witch will have come if she is going to. I think I may stop at the dollar store and pick up some cheapies tomorrow to start testing out the trigger. I normally just wait- but, I am feeling rather impatient.
Hi everyone..

Update on me. I am on CD17.. and had my first ever u/sound!! All this while they have been monitoring my estrogen levels via blood tests. Apparently it was 700. And my lining was 12

Ultrasound showed 1 dominant follicle. 17mm in size. There were 2 other ones.. but they were 5&6 mm each.. so nothing really.

They triggered me today!! Unlike last time..they gave me the Ovidrel trigger. And i now have to take Pregnyl support every 3 days after IUI.

My IUI is tomorrow!!

I didnt have to take Pregnyl every 3 days after IUI last time. I just took the 1 pregnyl trigger to kick start ovulation...

My mind is a worldwind right now.

Has anyone else taken Pregnyl support ?

Oh too bad you can't test on your birthday! Waiting an extra weekend will be torture.

I just took my dollar store hpt and I had the faintest line. I really had to squint. I am only 4&5dpiui 6dpt. I think it's leaving my system faster than my last time.

:dust: to you!
So.... Can I join, should I ask that? Idk how this site works!
I'm getting so discouraged & hesitant to do an iui next week, if it doesn't work idk if I can proceed trying :'(
Sweet Lullaby: AF came on cd29 which is early for me, I average around 35, though I usually have to use progesterone to bring it on as this was my first time ovulating so my numbers can’t really be trusted. We are going to try again. The doc is having us do the same thing: 7.5 mg of Femara cd3-7 with mid cycle u/s on the 22nd, trigger that night and IUI on the 24th as long as follicle(s) look good at the U/s. Your pains could definitely mean ovulation. Did you take an opk?

Damie: I had my beta Monday and it was negative, then AF showed up yesterday. It is without a doubt AF. Cramps, back pain, flow. I start my Femara tomorrow.

EsperandoBebe: Welcome! We are cycle buddies. CD1 on the same day! I will be here for you! I hope this forum gives you the support you need, and good luck with the injectables. I will most likely be moving to them next cycle if this one doesn’t work.

KBrain3377: That is wonderful! Congratz on your BFP and I hope that bean keeps growing!

Mrsjennyg: I am so sorry you are going through that with your friends. It is not easy or fair. We are here for you.

Maksmama: That is wonderful about your big follicles! I hope with 5 you get your BFP! Welcome!

MrsT: Sorry you are having mood swings. They aren’t fun for you either, forget about DH. That is all they have to deal with for the most part.

Ttcbaby117: Sorry you got a BFN. We will be here for you through the next cycle if needed.

Becka79: I have been doing much better on Femara then I was on Clomid as well. It may be something to look into. Good luck.

Thank you! I really hope I get my BFP.
Hi everyone..

Update on me. I am on CD17.. and had my first ever u/sound!! All this while they have been monitoring my estrogen levels via blood tests. Apparently it was 700. And my lining was 12

Ultrasound showed 1 dominant follicle. 17mm in size. There were 2 other ones.. but they were 5&6 mm each.. so nothing really.

They triggered me today!! Unlike last time..they gave me the Ovidrel trigger. And i now have to take Pregnyl support every 3 days after IUI.

My IUI is tomorrow!!

I didnt have to take Pregnyl every 3 days after IUI last time. I just took the 1 pregnyl trigger to kick start ovulation...

My mind is a worldwind right now.

Has anyone else taken Pregnyl support ?

Good Luck! I have my IUI tomorrow too.
Hi everyone..

Update on me. I am on CD17.. and had my first ever u/sound!! All this while they have been monitoring my estrogen levels via blood tests. Apparently it was 700. And my lining was 12

Ultrasound showed 1 dominant follicle. 17mm in size. There were 2 other ones.. but they were 5&6 mm each.. so nothing really.

They triggered me today!! Unlike last time..they gave me the Ovidrel trigger. And i now have to take Pregnyl support every 3 days after IUI.

My IUI is tomorrow!!

I didnt have to take Pregnyl every 3 days after IUI last time. I just took the 1 pregnyl trigger to kick start ovulation...

My mind is a worldwind right now.

Has anyone else taken Pregnyl support ?

That's a nice, thick lining!
Hey ladies- feeling pretty down. Another one of our friends who got pregnant after we started TCC told us they are pregnant with their second... she is due the same day as our other friends who is also preg with their second... lapped twice and they both have the same due date!
Time to give myself my injection :(

Hi mrsjennyg -I'm sorry to hear that, I know it's hard to hear about other people so easily achieving something that you have to work so hard at, but just think - every shot gets you closer to your ultimate goal! How are they going, by the way? Has your dh been able to give them to you yet? Mine did w/o a problem (which kinda worried me, I mean I could never do that to him!:haha:) but he's not squeamish in the least. In either case, have you tried icing the area? I swear by it, but maybe someone w/o my aversion to needles would not need to. Good luck!!! FX for you!

Hey Kbrain- first let me say congrats! So exciting! You must be over the moon and ready to throw it in that docs face who wanted you to go right to IVF :)
The shots aren't that bad- the first one I freaked a little before I was going to do it. DH is not help in that area- he kind of started to freak when I asked him to do it, apparently he has a needle aversion... who knew? Lol. I haven't tried it in my stomach yet, just in my legs- I might try tonight. I def use ice I don't think I'd be able to do it without!

Thanks mrsjennyg -I still cant believe its real and I'm trying to be very cautious and take it one day at a time. I had a m/c two years ago, so that still comes to mind w/every twinge that I feel, etc. Actually the doc who wanted me to go straight to IVF heard about my beta and called me this morning, to say congrats. That was nice of him, but I did manage to slip in a wise-ass comment along the lines of "sure glad I didn't plop down the $15K straight away!" and he just chuckled. :winkwink:
I didn't try the shot in my leg, we always did it in my stomach, and it was really fine. As long as the leg works for you, stick w/that! Glad it's working out for you. I always felt a sense of accomplishment after every shot, I'm not sure why, it actually felt good afterwards (not the actual shot, but having done it and gotten it over with.) Keeping fx for you and I'll be checking back on your progress.

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