October IUI Buddies

Mrs T. - thank you for the hug...I needed it.

Kbrain - when you did your first 2 IUI's with injectibles and femara, how many follies did you have?

karenh - g/l this cycle. Once af starts I will be right there with ya! Did you do femara last cycle? How many follies did you have?

Maks - my dr told me the same thing as Jennyg.....She made me buy the clearblue digital OPK kit.

well can any of you ladies who did a combo of femara with some sort of injectibles let me know how many follies you had during that cycle? I am asking around only because previously I have only ever had 1 follie with femara and now my dr is adding follistim but if my follicles only start growing one at the beginning of my cycle, then how will the follistim help to catch the smaller ones up?

HI Ttcbaby - your situation is actually very similar to mine. I also had a problem with developing a lead follicle. Essentially, when one follicle starts growing much faster then the rest, it will stunt the growth of other follicles who may be trying to catch up, since the lead follicle signals your body "hey we got one, we don't need any more for now". This is because your body naturally only aims for one follicle per month. When I did my two IUIs with Femara and injectibles it was because I had just come to my RE having done six month of Chlomid with no bfp, and he didn't think that Femara alone would give me enough "umph" and wanted to break out the big guns. First month I had 3 follicles that were mature, so that was a success (but bfn) but then the second month I only had one... he called this a wasted month since you get one follicle "for free from mother nature", so no use spending $500 of meds on it. Third month same thing, another wasted month with only one follicle, so we cancelled the IUI (and that was on ALL injectibles). To be honest, I think that injectibles did nothing for helping my lead follicle problem, and increasing the dosage as we did in the third month did not get us any better result. What got me my bfp was estrogen priming before Femara, something that my RE did not think was worth doing so I ended up freelancing it :winkwink:, while he was pushing me into IVF in a hurry. I took estrodial from day 21 the previous cycle (2 mg twice a day) to day 3 of the new cycle; then Femara day 3 to day 8. As much as he did not think this was gonna work, I'm pregnant now, and I also did extensive research on EP (estrogen priming); its used very successfully for IVF especially in patients with diminished ovarian reserve. Basically, it starts to hold back your follicles from developing a lead in the luteal phase of the previous cycle and at the very beginning of the current cycle, to allow you to grow multiple follicles that are close in size and therefore would not stunt each other's growth. Does that make sense? My ovulation that month was later than normal (which is also good as it makes for mature eggs) on CD 19 and also it was the STRONGEST I have ever seen it on an opk - it came up wayyyy before the control like and was almost black. We bded naturally, no IUI, since we did not have any male factor to begin with. Sorry for the long post, let me know if you have any questions. Also, my RE called me yesterday and admitted that he will try this protocol with another two of his IUI patients since it worked for me. I joked that he should name it after me. :haha: (But really..... he should:haha:).
Maks - good luck...those are reallly good numbers...and 3 follies is awesome!

so my dh just called and I told him I was checking on pricing for our meds for our iui cycle this month. He says...honey I love you and I cant wait to have a baby with you....I made me smile. Its the first smile I had today! He such a wonderful guy! I love him so much. Thank you God for him!

Awww, that made me smile too! You're so lucky to have such a great man!
hey everyone...I hope you guys are doing well with your IUI cycle :) I had my blood test done yesterday to see if I was pregnant I told you guys I would let you know what the test came back as..Ofcourse it was a BFN!!! I can't even explain how hurtful it was to me I found out at work and I had to leave early I could not be there..I could not control my crying...but on a brighter note my DH made me feel so much better and not everyone gets pregnant on there first try!! but never give up..My nurse asked me did I Want to take a month off? but ofcourse I said no way!because I feel like that month you take off is that month you could have gotten pregnant :) so Im jumping right back into my next IUI cycle..and im praying so hard that my second IUI works for me..TTC for some people is so easy and for some of us is the hardest things! I want so bad to just be a mother.. IT"S such an important thing for me. the one thing that was wrong with me was I Was not ovulating, but when I talked to my nurse she said I Finally ovulated with the meds. they put me on. So at least thats a good thing..My next step is to wait for my AF to get hear..I hope AF hurrys up.. So I can then call them on day one and get everything started again. At least this cycle will go by a little bit faster because I don't have to do all that testing again like I did before.. So wish me lots of baby dust everyone please..
Sorry for your BFN EJT. You sound like a very strong women. Keep your head up ,and never give up.
@EJT, I am so sorry about the BFN hun!!! :hugs: Big hugs to you!! :hugs::hugs::hugs:
I'm sorry about your bfn :(. Hang in there! My first IUI didn't work either- from what I've heard it's rare to get it the first time around. Hang in there!
AFM I had my blood work this morning and they are increasing my Follistem from 75iu to 83iu. Not that big of a jump and then I go back in again on Sunday to see how that dose is working... we'll see!
kbrain - thank you so much for the explanation...hmm estrogen priming...I will have to look into that. I guess it is to late for this cycle but I might say something to her about it should I need to! Thank you again and way to be proactive.

mrsjenny - what kind of follicles did they see on your ultrasound?
kbrain - thank you so much for the explanation...hmm estrogen priming...I will have to look into that. I guess it is to late for this cycle but I might say something to her about it should I need to! Thank you again and way to be proactive.

mrsjenny - what kind of follicles did they see on your ultrasound?

You're welcome. I found that my doc office, although one of the top rated hospitals in the nations, was not as on top of the alternatives to IVF as I would have wanted. I supposed it makes sense since it's their big money-maker, but I when I came to me RE in May he gave me this awful talk about how my time is almost up and IVF is the only way (even mentioned donor eggs! I was 36, but come on!) and even w/IVF he said my chances are only 25% at best ($15K for a 25% chance? Sure, sign me up.:nope:) I left the office crying my eyes out and it was one of the worst days I have had in a long time. Later I was able to talk him down from IVF to IUIs, 2 of those did not work and one was cancelled, and then I got pregnant on my own (w/Femara but no monitoring). Take that, Doc! :haha:
hey everyone...I hope you guys are doing well with your IUI cycle :) I had my blood test done yesterday to see if I was pregnant I told you guys I would let you know what the test came back as..Ofcourse it was a BFN!!! I can't even explain how hurtful it was to me I found out at work and I had to leave early I could not be there..I could not control my crying...but on a brighter note my DH made me feel so much better and not everyone gets pregnant on there first try!! but never give up..My nurse asked me did I Want to take a month off? but ofcourse I said no way!because I feel like that month you take off is that month you could have gotten pregnant :) so Im jumping right back into my next IUI cycle..and im praying so hard that my second IUI works for me..TTC for some people is so easy and for some of us is the hardest things! I want so bad to just be a mother.. IT"S such an important thing for me. the one thing that was wrong with me was I Was not ovulating, but when I talked to my nurse she said I Finally ovulated with the meds. they put me on. So at least thats a good thing..My next step is to wait for my AF to get hear..I hope AF hurrys up.. So I can then call them on day one and get everything started again. At least this cycle will go by a little bit faster because I don't have to do all that testing again like I did before.. So wish me lots of baby dust everyone please..

Sorry to hear about a BFN. I am still praying for you since you dont have AF yet is there a little bit of hope? All the very best.
Sorry for your BFN EJT. You sound like a very strong women. Keep your head up ,and never give up.

Thanks so much! yes Ive been very strong through out this whole process because of my great husband who supports me so much...I'll get it one day :)
I'm sorry about your bfn :(. Hang in there! My first IUI didn't work either- from what I've heard it's rare to get it the first time around. Hang in there!
AFM I had my blood work this morning and they are increasing my Follistem from 75iu to 83iu. Not that big of a jump and then I go back in again on Sunday to see how that dose is working... we'll see!

Thanks alot Mrs jennyg..that makes me feel alot better knowing not alot of people get it there first try..i hope my second is my lucky number :) I hope everything goes well with you to!!! take care.
hey everyone...I hope you guys are doing well with your IUI cycle :) I had my blood test done yesterday to see if I was pregnant I told you guys I would let you know what the test came back as..Ofcourse it was a BFN!!! I can't even explain how hurtful it was to me I found out at work and I had to leave early I could not be there..I could not control my crying...but on a brighter note my DH made me feel so much better and not everyone gets pregnant on there first try!! but never give up..My nurse asked me did I Want to take a month off? but ofcourse I said no way!because I feel like that month you take off is that month you could have gotten pregnant :) so Im jumping right back into my next IUI cycle..and im praying so hard that my second IUI works for me..TTC for some people is so easy and for some of us is the hardest things! I want so bad to just be a mother.. IT"S such an important thing for me. the one thing that was wrong with me was I Was not ovulating, but when I talked to my nurse she said I Finally ovulated with the meds. they put me on. So at least thats a good thing..My next step is to wait for my AF to get hear..I hope AF hurrys up.. So I can then call them on day one and get everything started again. At least this cycle will go by a little bit faster because I don't have to do all that testing again like I did before.. So wish me lots of baby dust everyone please..

Sorry to hear about a BFN. I am still praying for you since you dont have AF yet is there a little bit of hope? All the very best.

Thank you for praying for me!! that means alot..i'll be praying for you to.
Lindsayb721: I would be ecstatic with four follicles! I only had one. I hope they all grow well for you, good luck Saturday!

BabyD225: I am sorry your first IUI didn’t work. I just got the same news. My next one should be on the 24th as well! Good luck these next two weeks growing that egg. I hope it works for you and you don’t have to pay for IVF. It is really expensive here in Oregon too.

Pambolina: We are cycle buddies, I am taking letrozol cd 3-7 starting tonight. Best of luck to you!

That's awesome! I start tonight as well since my baseline was this morning! I go in for my next U/S and bloodwork on the 19th! My bloodwork today showed that my estrogen level was slightly elevated so my Letrozol has been increased from 6 pills a day to 8 pills a day! Good luck sweetie!! So glad to have a cycle buddy! It's my first and I have NO clue what to expect really...lol
[/QUOTE]Welcome! We are very close this cycle, I am currently CD 4 and just had my baseline us yesterday. This is our only try (DH does not want to do multiple IUIs or IVF, VERY expensive for us, no coverage) so I'm really freaking out that this won't work. I also have to drive 2.5 hours to the clinic (and have to be there for 7:30 am so I drive in the dark) so hoping that this month will be ours!! Keep us posted :)[/QUOTE]

That's great!!! YAY!

My husband is the same! He doesn't want to have to pay for this again and now I am feeling the pressure and stress...I'm trying to stay positive because I don't want those feelings to interfere with this process...so I just pretend like next year we can do this again and I feel all better :haha:

Keep me posted!!!!

Do you have Facebook?
Thanx everyone for the well wishes.. i am currently in the waiting room
My IUI will be in half an hour!!

Wow this ovidrel trigger is shocking.. i am soo thirsty.. and crampy.. and headachey!
Hi everyone..

Update on me. I am on CD17.. and had my first ever u/sound!! All this while they have been monitoring my estrogen levels via blood tests. Apparently it was 700. And my lining was 12

Ultrasound showed 1 dominant follicle. 17mm in size. There were 2 other ones.. but they were 5&6 mm each.. so nothing really.

They triggered me today!! Unlike last time..they gave me the Ovidrel trigger. And i now have to take Pregnyl support every 3 days after IUI.

My IUI is tomorrow!!

I didnt have to take Pregnyl every 3 days after IUI last time. I just took the 1 pregnyl trigger to kick start ovulation...

My mind is a worldwind right now.

Has anyone else taken Pregnyl support ?
Hello sweet lullaby,
I got a pregnyl shot three days after my IUI but not every 3 days. I guess cases are different nd it could mean to ensure all things goes well.
I have learnt something during my 2WW, please pray and be positive all will work out well.:hugs:
Thanx Damie.. did they explain why you needed the extra pregnyl..thenursestold me "FS wanted me on it"

That was it.. i have to get in touch with my FS
Thanx everyone for the well wishes.. i am currently in the waiting room
My IUI will be in half an hour!!

Wow this ovidrel trigger is shocking.. i am soo thirsty.. and crampy.. and headachey!

Good Luck!!!! :dust::dust::dust::dust::dust:
Hey ladies- feeling pretty down. Another one of our friends who got pregnant after we started TCC told us they are pregnant with their second... she is due the same day as our other friends who is also preg with their second... lapped twice and they both have the same due date!
Time to give myself my injection :(

Aw jenny *HUGS*
Its just so frustrating isnt it.. Keep ur head u, im trying to.. :)
Hi everyone..

Update on me. I am on CD17.. and had my first ever u/sound!! All this while they have been monitoring my estrogen levels via blood tests. Apparently it was 700. And my lining was 12

Ultrasound showed 1 dominant follicle. 17mm in size. There were 2 other ones.. but they were 5&6 mm each.. so nothing really.

They triggered me today!! Unlike last time..they gave me the Ovidrel trigger. And i now have to take Pregnyl support every 3 days after IUI.

My IUI is tomorrow!!

I didnt have to take Pregnyl every 3 days after IUI last time. I just took the 1 pregnyl trigger to kick start ovulation...

My mind is a worldwind right now.

Has anyone else taken Pregnyl support ?
Hello sweet lullaby,
I got a pregnyl shot three days after my IUI but not every 3 days. I guess cases are different nd it could mean to ensure all things goes well.
I have learnt something during my 2WW, please pray and be positive all will work out well.:hugs:
Thanx Damie.. did they explain why you needed the extra pregnyl..thenursestold me "FS wanted me on it"

That was it.. i have to get in touch with my FS

Hello lullaby,

Yes the nurse said this is to help at the implantation stage. This would increase the uterine walls.
I am hopeful and trust in God.

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