October IUI Buddies

Sweet Lullaby: AF came on cd29 which is early for me, I average around 35, though I usually have to use progesterone to bring it on as this was my first time ovulating so my numbers can’t really be trusted. We are going to try again. The doc is having us do the same thing: 7.5 mg of Femara cd3-7 with mid cycle u/s on the 22nd, trigger that night and IUI on the 24th as long as follicle(s) look good at the U/s. Your pains could definitely mean ovulation. Did you take an opk?

Damie: I had my beta Monday and it was negative, then AF showed up yesterday. It is without a doubt AF. Cramps, back pain, flow. I start my Femara tomorrow.

EsperandoBebe: Welcome! We are cycle buddies. CD1 on the same day! I will be here for you! I hope this forum gives you the support you need, and good luck with the injectables. I will most likely be moving to them next cycle if this one doesn’t work.

KBrain3377: That is wonderful! Congratz on your BFP and I hope that bean keeps growing!

Mrsjennyg: I am so sorry you are going through that with your friends. It is not easy or fair. We are here for you.

Maksmama: That is wonderful about your big follicles! I hope with 5 you get your BFP! Welcome!

MrsT: Sorry you are having mood swings. They aren’t fun for you either, forget about DH. That is all they have to deal with for the most part.

Ttcbaby117: Sorry you got a BFN. We will be here for you through the next cycle if needed.

Becka79: I have been doing much better on Femara then I was on Clomid as well. It may be something to look into. Good luck.

Hello Karenh,

I am sorry to hear about AF, surely you are close to your miracle babies. I am hear with you and I pray you get the healthy and strongest BFP soon. Do Tania and wish you luck in the next cycle. I am praying with you.:hugs:
Hi everyone..

Update on me. I am on CD17.. and had my first ever u/sound!! All this while they have been monitoring my estrogen levels via blood tests. Apparently it was 700. And my lining was 12

Ultrasound showed 1 dominant follicle. 17mm in size. There were 2 other ones.. but they were 5&6 mm each.. so nothing really.

They triggered me today!! Unlike last time..they gave me the Ovidrel trigger. And i now have to take Pregnyl support every 3 days after IUI.

My IUI is tomorrow!!

I didnt have to take Pregnyl every 3 days after IUI last time. I just took the 1 pregnyl trigger to kick start ovulation...

My mind is a worldwind right now.

Has anyone else taken Pregnyl support ?
Hello sweet lullaby,
I got a pregnyl shot three days after my IUI but not every 3 days. I guess cases are different nd it could mean to ensure all things goes well.
I have learnt something during my 2WW, please pray and be positive all will work out well.:hugs:
So.... Can I join, should I ask that? Idk how this site works!
I'm getting so discouraged & hesitant to do an iui next week, if it doesn't work idk if I can proceed trying :'(

Please join away.
Please don't be discouraged, it can be faustrating waiting and trying. Please take one step at a time.

Have you been using any drugs? Have u tried b4 IUI? If not try it and hopefully you would get your first BFP on a first try.:hugs:

Oh too bad you can't test on your birthday! Waiting an extra weekend will be torture.

I just took my dollar store hpt and I had the faintest line. I really had to squint. I am only 4&5dpiui 6dpt. I think it's leaving my system faster than my last time.

:dust: to you!

oooh thats exciting :) which means u can start obsessing really soon :) good luck

Good Luck! I have my IUI tomorrow too.

Oh cool! we can be TWW buddies :)

Hello sweet lullaby,
I got a pregnyl shot three days after my IUI but not every 3 days. I guess cases are different nd it could mean to ensure all things goes well.
I have learnt something during my 2WW, please pray and be positive all will work out well.:hugs:

Thanks for sharing. I have to google what the Pregnyl support is for. Just find it amazing that this cycle is so very different to my last cycle.
I am scared of the mixing the solutions and using an actual syringe like the doctors do!! i am used to prefilled pens!!
Sooooo..... guess what I did today??

I got my Ovidrel Trigger shot today (with IUI scheduled for tomorrow)...

So i tested my OPK..it finally showed a surge/positive (good my body is reacting to the Ovidrel)...

then i did the silliest thing ever!!! my OPK kit has 7 OPK's and 1 HPT....
Yup!! I tried the HPT.. "Just to see the 2 lines" LOL. :dohh:

And boy did i see it :happydance:

I am a nutter hehe.:wacko:
You are not silly at all! I did the same thing a couple dpiui. It felt so good to see the two lines again. I put it on my nightstand for good luck. LOL! You are not alone.

Fx for you tomorrow! :)
You are not silly at all! I did the same thing a couple dpiui. It felt so good to see the two lines again. I put it on my nightstand for good luck. LOL! You are not alone.

Fx for you tomorrow! :)

hahaha but at least you did yours after IUI! I havent even had mine yet lol :)
Lindsayb721: I would be ecstatic with four follicles! I only had one. I hope they all grow well for you, good luck Saturday!

BabyD225: I am sorry your first IUI didn’t work. I just got the same news. My next one should be on the 24th as well! Good luck these next two weeks growing that egg. I hope it works for you and you don’t have to pay for IVF. It is really expensive here in Oregon too.

Pambolina: We are cycle buddies, I am taking letrozol cd 3-7 starting tonight. Best of luck to you!

Sweet Lullaby: Glad you are there! Good luck with your IUI! I love that about the tests!

Mrswemyss: Welcome! Good luck with your iui next week. I hope it works for you!

Damie: Thank you for your sweet words.

AFM: I start the Femara tonight. Then I have my mid cycle U/s on the 22nd with trigger that night and IUI on the 24th as long as everything goes well. I am not feeling well today. I have a cold, cramps and back pain that go along with CD3, and there is something weird going on with my upper back. Hope I get better soon.
Hey ladies- feeling pretty down. Another one of our friends who got pregnant after we started TCC told us they are pregnant with their second... she is due the same day as our other friends who is also preg with their second... lapped twice and they both have the same due date!
Time to give myself my injection :(

Hi mrsjennyg -I'm sorry to hear that, I know it's hard to hear about other people so easily achieving something that you have to work so hard at, but just think - every shot gets you closer to your ultimate goal! How are they going, by the way? Has your dh been able to give them to you yet? Mine did w/o a problem (which kinda worried me, I mean I could never do that to him!:haha:) but he's not squeamish in the least. In either case, have you tried icing the area? I swear by it, but maybe someone w/o my aversion to needles would not need to. Good luck!!! FX for you!

Hey Kbrain- first let me say congrats! So exciting! You must be over the moon and ready to throw it in that docs face who wanted you to go right to IVF :)
The shots aren't that bad- the first one I freaked a little before I was going to do it. DH is not help in that area- he kind of started to freak when I asked him to do it, apparently he has a needle aversion... who knew? Lol. I haven't tried it in my stomach yet, just in my legs- I might try tonight. I def use ice I don't think I'd be able to do it without!

Thanks mrsjennyg -I still cant believe its real and I'm trying to be very cautious and take it one day at a time. I had a m/c two years ago, so that still comes to mind w/every twinge that I feel, etc. Actually the doc who wanted me to go straight to IVF heard about my beta and called me this morning, to say congrats. That was nice of him, but I did manage to slip in a wise-ass comment along the lines of "sure glad I didn't plop down the $15K straight away!" and he just chuckled. :winkwink:
I didn't try the shot in my leg, we always did it in my stomach, and it was really fine. As long as the leg works for you, stick w/that! Glad it's working out for you. I always felt a sense of accomplishment after every shot, I'm not sure why, it actually felt good afterwards (not the actual shot, but having done it and gotten it over with.) Keeping fx for you and I'll be checking back on your progress.

Thanks Kbrain! I did end up doing the shot in my stomach last night and it wasn't that bad. I let the ice sit there for a while and it was just getting over the initial stick that was the hard part. I totally agree I did feel a sense of "wow I did it" after the shot! Haha!
When is your next beta? FX!!

Oh too bad you can't test on your birthday! Waiting an extra weekend will be torture.

I just took my dollar store hpt and I had the faintest line. I really had to squint. I am only 4&5dpiui 6dpt. I think it's leaving my system faster than my last time.

:dust: to you!

I still haven't gotten around to going to the dollar tree, maybe on my lunch at work today I will run over there :) I think I may test on my birthday, but the beta won't be until after. On my birthday I will be 13 dpiui... too soon to test?
I did my trigger shot Tuesday night and got a pos opk last night. I also used my clear blue fertility monitor and it said high. I checked again this morning and the monitor still says high. Shouldn't I have peaked? Maybe the meds in my system are throwing the monitor off? I'm afraid that when I go for my iui today they are going to tell me the trigger didn't work.
I did my trigger shot Tuesday night and got a pos opk last night. I also used my clear blue fertility monitor and it said high. I checked again this morning and the monitor still says high. Shouldn't I have peaked? Maybe the meds in my system are throwing the monitor off? I'm afraid that when I go for my iui today they are going to tell me the trigger didn't work.

Hi Maksmama- when I first went to my FS he stressed and all the paperwork I received said in big bold letters, do not use a fertility monitor while on medication. I don't remember why- but You might want to ask your doctor about using it? Good luck!
Mrs T. - thank you for the hug...I needed it.

Kbrain - when you did your first 2 IUI's with injectibles and femara, how many follies did you have?

karenh - g/l this cycle. Once af starts I will be right there with ya! Did you do femara last cycle? How many follies did you have?

Maks - my dr told me the same thing as Jennyg.....She made me buy the clearblue digital OPK kit.

well can any of you ladies who did a combo of femara with some sort of injectibles let me know how many follies you had during that cycle? I am asking around only because previously I have only ever had 1 follie with femara and now my dr is adding follistim but if my follicles only start growing one at the beginning of my cycle, then how will the follistim help to catch the smaller ones up?
Congrats to everyone that got their BFP!!:thumbup: How excting...AFM I went in today to do my U/S to check on My follies, and they have grown but not that much. They are measuring at about 13mm on the left and 14mm on the right so the doctor wants me to take some injections to make them grow, and then come back Saturday for another U/S. I was really hoping to do IUI Tommorow but I guess not. .....Is this normal to happen? Do the follies sometimes not grow enough? Some Advice please!!!!!!!!!! :shrug:
Thanks ttcbaby And jennyg! Dh had 18 mil with a motility of 91% and the last one I can't remember what it was but he scored a 3 out of 4. I had a little cramping during the procedure but feel fine. Fingers crossed that since the numbers are great and we had a few follies that this will be our bfp.
hi everyone..

Update on me. I am on cd17.. And had my first ever u/sound!! All this while they have been monitoring my estrogen levels via blood tests. Apparently it was 700. And my lining was 12

ultrasound showed 1 dominant follicle. 17mm in size. There were 2 other ones.. But they were 5&6 mm each.. So nothing really.

They triggered me today!! Unlike last time..they gave me the ovidrel trigger. And i now have to take pregnyl support every 3 days after iui.

My iui is tomorrow!!

I didnt have to take pregnyl every 3 days after iui last time. I just took the 1 pregnyl trigger to kick start ovulation...

My mind is a worldwind right now.

Has anyone else taken pregnyl support ?

good luck! I have my iui tomorrow too.

good luck to you both!!!
Hey ladies- feeling pretty down. Another one of our friends who got pregnant after we started TCC told us they are pregnant with their second... she is due the same day as our other friends who is also preg with their second... lapped twice and they both have the same due date!
Time to give myself my injection :(

Hi mrsjennyg -I'm sorry to hear that, I know it's hard to hear about other people so easily achieving something that you have to work so hard at, but just think - every shot gets you closer to your ultimate goal! How are they going, by the way? Has your dh been able to give them to you yet? Mine did w/o a problem (which kinda worried me, I mean I could never do that to him!:haha:) but he's not squeamish in the least. In either case, have you tried icing the area? I swear by it, but maybe someone w/o my aversion to needles would not need to. Good luck!!! FX for you!

Hey Kbrain- first let me say congrats! So exciting! You must be over the moon and ready to throw it in that docs face who wanted you to go right to IVF :)
The shots aren't that bad- the first one I freaked a little before I was going to do it. DH is not help in that area- he kind of started to freak when I asked him to do it, apparently he has a needle aversion... who knew? Lol. I haven't tried it in my stomach yet, just in my legs- I might try tonight. I def use ice I don't think I'd be able to do it without!

Thanks mrsjennyg -I still cant believe its real and I'm trying to be very cautious and take it one day at a time. I had a m/c two years ago, so that still comes to mind w/every twinge that I feel, etc. Actually the doc who wanted me to go straight to IVF heard about my beta and called me this morning, to say congrats. That was nice of him, but I did manage to slip in a wise-ass comment along the lines of "sure glad I didn't plop down the $15K straight away!" and he just chuckled. :winkwink:
I didn't try the shot in my leg, we always did it in my stomach, and it was really fine. As long as the leg works for you, stick w/that! Glad it's working out for you. I always felt a sense of accomplishment after every shot, I'm not sure why, it actually felt good afterwards (not the actual shot, but having done it and gotten it over with.) Keeping fx for you and I'll be checking back on your progress.

Thanks Kbrain! I did end up doing the shot in my stomach last night and it wasn't that bad. I let the ice sit there for a while and it was just getting over the initial stick that was the hard part. I totally agree I did feel a sense of "wow I did it" after the shot! Haha!
When is your next beta? FX!!

Ahhh, good for you!!! My next beta was supposed to be this morning but the blood lab was really backed up (only one tech working and it was a glucose testing day so they have to take all the glucose people ahead of everyone waiting, grrrrr) so after waiting over an hour I had to leave to get to work. I'll have to go back tomorrow. :dohh: Oh well.
Congrats to everyone that got their BFP!!:thumbup: How excting...AFM I went in today to do my U/S to check on My follies, and they have grown but not that much. They are measuring at about 13mm on the left and 14mm on the right so the doctor wants me to take some injections to make them grow, and then come back Saturday for another U/S. I was really hoping to do IUI Tommorow but I guess not. .....Is this normal to happen? Do the follies sometimes not grow enough? Some Advice please!!!!!!!!!! :shrug:

Absolutely normal - it's very common. In fact, according to my RE this is the best case scenario - he would rather that the follicles grow slowly instead of growing too fast, since this increases the likelihood of mature and quality eggs. There is a lot of evidence, that as women age, their egg quality goes downhill as their cycle becomes shorter, and they tend to ovulate earlier. Some people who have always ovulated on CD 14, may start to see their ovulation moved up a day, or two, or even more. As this happens, the egg quality also goes down, since the follicles are releasing more immature eggs. So, your case is actually a good thing!!! Bake those eggs :winkwink: as long as you can, to get the best quality!
Thanks Kbrian that really help me. I guess I will be patience and let those eggs bake..lol..
Maks - good luck...those are reallly good numbers...and 3 follies is awesome!

so my dh just called and I told him I was checking on pricing for our meds for our iui cycle this month. He says...honey I love you and I cant wait to have a baby with you....I made me smile. Its the first smile I had today! He such a wonderful guy! I love him so much. Thank you God for him!

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