Mrs T : how many dpiui are you... will u start testing soon
Mrs T : how many dpiui are you... will u start testing soon
I had two B2B IUIs, so I am 9dp the first one and 8dp the second one. I do my beta this coming Friday. Eek!
So I am so confused by the OPK readings. I hope I did not miss this time around but per the Ultra sound all looked well but only ONE mature follicle on the right side. I was given a trigger shot to ensure ovulation since the OPK madness was not clear.
Anyway, I will be starting my 2ww and am nervous since I only had 1 follicle and not sure if I missed timed it all. We BD yesterday morning (CD13) and IUI this morning and tonight and tomorrow morning we will keep trying.
Dr. told us the first IUI is not likely so I'll just deal with living in the moment.
Mrs T : how many dpiui are you... will u start testing soon
I had two B2B IUIs, so I am 9dp the first one and 8dp the second one. I do my beta this coming Friday. Eek!
Will you be testing before the day
What other symptoms are you feeling.
I am officially 1dpiui and 2 days past trigger...
Feeling bit down abt this cycle. I only had 1 follicle.. but as of the day of trigger it was 17mm. I dont know why they didnt wait a day or two more..
Do you think this is too small? Will the trigger shot also give one more boost to the follicle?
Not having very high hopes at all.
Hi ladies! Just want to give you all an update. I had a monitoring appointment yesterday and was told to trigger last night. I only had one mature follicle, size 16.9. I was a little concerned because of the size but I guess they are trying to keep me from ovulating on my own. The nurse assured me that the follicle will keep growing since I am on FSH this time. Has anyone experienced this? It's my first time on injectables.
My IUI is tomorrow, so the crazy tww will start. Keeping my fingers crossed for this cycle.
Hey all! I'm enjoying reading through everyone's progress. I had my IUI on Friday. I have two eggs that were good sizes. I had tons of cramping after and then the next day but I did the last two months as well so nothing new there. I find every month I take Chlomid, the worse my side effects get. Has anyone else noticed that? My doc said I could try a fourth month if this one doesn't work out but I'm concerned that that's a long time to be taking Chlomid. Has anyone had over 3 IUI's?
Well I was having lots of symptoms up until a couple of days ago and now nothing. I guess that was from the trigger shot. So I am feeling skeptical. Although that happened last time too, where symptoms disappeared for a couple days and then started back up. But I am trying to remind myself that every pregnancy is different.
And btw, I am a total poas addict! I am in major turmoil right now. Last time I tested out the trigger with dollar store hpts. Then at 11dpiui I decided to take a FRER and it was BFP. It was wonderful! But this time I again tested out the trigger with dollar store hpts. I stupidly decided to take a FRER on 8dpiui (I know, I know) and I got a BFP and I took another one the next day and it might be slightly lighter. I am sure this is just still trigger. I am like a loonie with the hpts. Why am I freaking myself out like this? I know I need to wait a couple more days for a real result.
How are you feeling?
Hey ladies- had an u/s and bloodwork today. No news on b/w yet but the u/s showed I have a 17.3mm follie on my right (good tube) side. So trigger shot tonight and then IUI #2 on Wednesday. Ill only be cd11 on Wednesday so that's kind of early for me- on prior cycles I ov (per FF) on cd16 but this is my first time on injectibles and being this closely monitored so who knows. I think I am going to take the rest of the day off after my IUI and lay low. We'll see...
Hey ladies- had an u/s and bloodwork today. No news on b/w yet but the u/s showed I have a 17.3mm follie on my right (good tube) side. So trigger shot tonight and then IUI #2 on Wednesday. Ill only be cd11 on Wednesday so that's kind of early for me- on prior cycles I ov (per FF) on cd16 but this is my first time on injectibles and being this closely monitored so who knows. I think I am going to take the rest of the day off after my IUI and lay low. We'll see...