Hi girls,
Can I join in? I am in my early 30's and this is going to be my first month doing an IUI. I am going to do an ovidrel/trigger shot and clomid. My DH is in his early 40's and has a low sperm count due to getting his 14 year old vasectomy reversed. I had surgery on 08/29/12, hysteroscopy to remove a polyp from my uterus and lap to make sure my second fallopian tube was open, and it was so I have 2 open tubes, But the Dr discovered mild Endometriosis and scar tissue, and he removed it during the surgery. I am in tip top TTC condition right now.
My only concern is that over time the Endo/scar tissue might return so I am trying to make the most of my cycles following my surgery so my first step is my first round of IUI. Wish me luck!!