October IUI Buddies

Hey everyone! So I went for my ultrasound today and had 2 eggs around 16 mm. The doc told me we needed to wait two more days to come back and do another ultrasound because they were too small and needed to be 20 mm. But the last two months, a different doctor told me to go ahead and both times they were under 20 mm so I'm kind of annoyed! Were the past 2 months wasted on eggs that weren't ready yet? Just wondering what you ladies have experienced with this. My IUI is scheduled for Friday now so just have to wait a few more days!

My doctor also waits until my follicles are at least 20mm before I trigger and we do the IUI. My first IUI, I had 1 follicle that was 23mm. This time I had 1 that was 20mm.

Praying this is your month!

I hope you don't mind me joining in. I never thought I would be here! My husband was diagnosed with Azoospermia last December and we thought our whole world fell apart. We were newlyweds at the time and he was 43 and thinking we were at the end of the line.

We went through a lot of grieving, a psychologist session and many urology consults and decided to proceed with donor sperm. It's really scary and not something I ever thought I could do, but here I am!

I have high LH, so hopefully being on the pill last month will help like they have said it would. I get my LH tested again on Friday and that will make or break the cycle. I'm very nervous about it.

So...I'm on CD4, day two of Clomid. So far, so good! I'm very nervous and getting excited about this too.

Laura R- My RE said that he needs mine to be 18mm, so that they will be 20mm after the 36 hrs from the trigger shot. Maybe this extra wait will get you pregnant this time. Fingers crossed!
Hey everyone! So I went for my ultrasound today and had 2 eggs around 16 mm. The doc told me we needed to wait two more days to come back and do another ultrasound because they were too small and needed to be 20 mm. But the last two months, a different doctor told me to go ahead and both times they were under 20 mm so I'm kind of annoyed! Were the past 2 months wasted on eggs that weren't ready yet? Just wondering what you ladies have experienced with this. My IUI is scheduled for Friday now so just have to wait a few more days!

My last IUI i only had 1 follie, and it was 21.5mm i think or 22mm. They said this is goodsize, and i triggered that day. I was upset that I only had 1 follie, i injected for 16days, to only grow 1.
@Candian Maple,Welcome to the group!!! :flower: I never thought I would be here either so I can totally understand where you are coming from. Big hugs to you!! :hugs::hugs: Good luck and baby dust to you!!! I hope we both get our BFP's this cycle!!! :dust::dust::dust::dust:

I just started my 50 mg of clomid today, and I am doing CD 3-7. I was pretty happy that my prescription plan covered some of the cost and the clomid only cost me 20 bucks, I thought for sure it would cost me even more and that my RX plan wouldn't cover it. I have my ovidrel shot coming bye mail order, and if my prescription plan won't cover that than it will cost me 97 bucks. The mail order pharmacy should be calling me tomorrow sometime to confirm delivery and payment.
wannabepreggo- You're lucky! Nothing is covered with mine. My Clomid (100mg) was $75 and the Ovidrel is about the same for me. Let's hope they are lucky meds and do everything they should!
wannabepreggo- You're lucky! Nothing is covered with mine. My Clomid (100mg) was $75 and the Ovidrel is about the same for me. Let's hope they are lucky meds and do everything they should!

Fingers Crossed for us both!!!:flower:

I hope you don't mind me joining in. I never thought I would be here! My husband was diagnosed with Azoospermia last December and we thought our whole world fell apart. We were newlyweds at the time and he was 43 and thinking we were at the end of the line.

We went through a lot of grieving, a psychologist session and many urology consults and decided to proceed with donor sperm. It's really scary and not something I ever thought I could do, but here I am!

I have high LH, so hopefully being on the pill last month will help like they have said it would. I get my LH tested again on Friday and that will make or break the cycle. I'm very nervous about it.

So...I'm on CD4, day two of Clomid. So far, so good! I'm very nervous and getting excited about this too.

Laura R- My RE said that he needs mine to be 18mm, so that they will be 20mm after the 36 hrs from the trigger shot. Maybe this extra wait will get you pregnant this time. Fingers crossed!

Welcome. I'm sorry to hear about your struggles. I have imagined what we would do if, for some reason, my eggs end up not being viable and I think I would offer to use donor eggs. You and your husband will raise your child from birth (really, from conception), so by any measure that truly matters, the child will be both of yours.

Best of luck and I hope this is your month!
hi ladies. how is everyone doing? today i had my RE appointment and he upped my dose of clomid to 100mg. last time on 50mg, i only had one follie on the right at 22mm and 11mm on the left. he's hoping with the increase of clomid, i will produce more follicles. i go in next tuesday for my second u/s and then we will see how big they are and if i will be triggering.

good luck to all us ladies this month and lets get some bfp's so we can have great christmas surprise announcements for friends and family :happydance:
I'm 1 day past IUI. Is it too early to test? ;)

I'm going to try to focus on other things and stay off the board for a few days to a week. We'll see how well this works...
Good luck Hope & Firsttry!!!!:dust::dust: :dust::dust:

@firsttry, What date will you start to test on?? I am a POAS addict and I literally went through a pack of 100 IC's last month!! :blush: But in all fairness my cycle was all messed up frm my surgery on 08/29 so I was confused about where I was in my cycle...LOL...:wacko:

@Good Luck, fingers crossed the higher dose of meds will get you more follies and good size ones also!!!! :thumbup:
Hey everyone! So I went for my ultrasound today and had 2 eggs around 16 mm. The doc told me we needed to wait two more days to come back and do another ultrasound because they were too small and needed to be 20 mm. But the last two months, a different doctor told me to go ahead and both times they were under 20 mm so I'm kind of annoyed! Were the past 2 months wasted on eggs that weren't ready yet? Just wondering what you ladies have experienced with this. My IUI is scheduled for Friday now so just have to wait a few more days!

Hi Laura R - from my experience, I know that the bigger the egg is, the more mature it is, and the greater your likelihood of a BFP. Anything over 20 is really good, but if you're getting to 22 or more, you risk of the follicle rupturing on it's own before the IUI. Even though the trigger is technically supposed to control the timing of your ovulation to around 36 hours from when you take the shot, this doesn't always happen for everyone (in my case, I'm pretty sure that I ovulated 12 hours after the trigger and a day before my first IUI). So it's a really delicate balancing game, and the reason why it's important that your RE monitors you very carefully. Good luck, hang in there and I hope this is your month!
AFM - I've been testing every 12 hours (I have a ton of ICs) and that second line is getting darker, but I still can't help but worry. I'm going in tomorrow for the beta, and then another one on Thursday so that they can check that the numbers have doubled like they are supposed to. Still can't really believe that my estrogen priming experiment was a success....IVF was going to be our next step! Even if this baby doesn't stick, at least I now know that I can get pregnant w/o IVF! So far my only symptoms have been sore breasts (sometimes feel like they are on fire) on and off an today at work I felt like I needed a nap.
hi ladies. how is everyone doing? today i had my RE appointment and he upped my dose of clomid to 100mg. last time on 50mg, i only had one follie on the right at 22mm and 11mm on the left. he's hoping with the increase of clomid, i will produce more follicles. i go in next tuesday for my second u/s and then we will see how big they are and if i will be triggering.

Looks like the three of us are on the same Clomid/Femara/IUI schedule! So nice to know others going through the same thing on or about the same day!
@Kbrain, Congrats on your BFP!! I hope that this is a sticky baby and you go on to have a H&H 9 months!!!:dust::dust::dust:

@Kat, How funny that us 3 girls are on the same cycles!!!:winkwink: Looks like we will be testing buddies in the 2 WW !!! Good luck and bay dust to us all!!! :dust::dust::dust:
AFM - I've been testing every 12 hours (I have a ton of ICs) and that second line is getting darker, but I still can't help but worry. I'm going in tomorrow for the beta, and then another one on Thursday so that they can check that the numbers have doubled like they are supposed to. Still can't really believe that my estrogen priming experiment was a success....IVF was going to be our next step! Even if this baby doesn't stick, at least I now know that I can get pregnant w/o IVF! So far my only symptoms have been sore breasts (sometimes feel like they are on fire) on and off an today at work I felt like I needed a nap.

Yay! Congrats!!!

Btw, what is estrogen priming? And how many follies and what size did you have this month?
Good luck Hope & Firsttry!!!!:dust::dust: :dust::dust:

@firsttry, What date will you start to test on?? I am a POAS addict and I literally went through a pack of 100 IC's last month!! :blush: But in all fairness my cycle was all messed up frm my surgery on 08/29 so I was confused about where I was in my cycle...LOL...:wacko:

@Good Luck, fingers crossed the higher dose of meds will get you more follies and good size ones also!!!! :thumbup:

I'll probably first test at 9dpiui, so next Tuesday. Any earlier and I feel like I'm just setting myself up for disappointment.

100 tests in one month?!?! Wow! But it's understandable when your cycle is messed up.

Hey Zimmy- I have never heard of both the man and the woman being on antibiotics?? Have you tried Dr. Google? Although I do try and not go on there this might be something that you might want to investigate- at least to see the success rate. It sounds interesting and honestly at this point if my FS said I had to stand on one foot for 30 minutes a day I would do whatever he says! Lol!

I just had a panic moment. Went to give myself my first injection and had a little freak out. I didn't think I would have acted this way but when you are sitting there with a needle in you hand ready to jab it into your leg- kind if freaked me out. I started to cry (my panic response- whimp) and called for DH, who was hiding in the other room, that he had to come and do it. He was like- no I can't give you a shot I just can't. Cripes. So I thought of myself with a nice beautiful baby bump and just did it. Wasn't bad at all but was a little scary at first. Anyone have any side effects?
AFM - I've been testing every 12 hours (I have a ton of ICs) and that second line is getting darker, but I still can't help but worry. I'm going in tomorrow for the beta, and then another one on Thursday so that they can check that the numbers have doubled like they are supposed to. Still can't really believe that my estrogen priming experiment was a success....IVF was going to be our next step! Even if this baby doesn't stick, at least I now know that I can get pregnant w/o IVF! So far my only symptoms have been sore breasts (sometimes feel like they are on fire) on and off an today at work I felt like I needed a nap.

Yay! Congrats!!!

Btw, what is estrogen priming? And how many follies and what size did you have this month?

I did not have an IUI this month, and I wasn't monitored so I don't know the size. Estrogen priming (EP) is used a lot with IVF, but not a lot of information is out there on it's use with Femara or with IUIs. Basically it holds back your follicles from developing too quickly, giving you better quality eggs, and prevents one follicle from dominating and therefore suppressing any other ones. I have has this issue with both of my IUIs and I also have low AMH which also is what EP is very successfully used for (again, in IVF). I had an extra refill of estrodial (estrogen) from last year and a few Rxs of Femara - so although I'm the last person that would self-medicate, I decided to try it. (To be fair, I did call my RE before this cycle started and ran this idea by him; he said i was stalling and that I need to do IVF soon, and said that this approach really is not done at his office and he did not see the point in it. I hate to say this, but I do think that IVF is a big money maker for him and I did feel like he really wanted me to get on w/it already). I took tow 2mg tablets of estrodial from day 21 of the previous cycle to about day 5 of the current one, and Femara days 3-8. To make a long story a little shorter, I ovulated much later than I normally did (day 19 instead of day 12, and the OPK was the darkest I've ever seen it in over two years of ttc and came up even before the control line!). We bd-ed for three days straight,and here we are!
Hello Ladies,
How are you all feeling today hope better.

Is anyone feeling crampy after the IUI. Also my temperature is kind of high especially at night. Anyone with the idea why?
Also still using my otk and it's still positive 3 dpiui. I am so :wacko:
AFM - I've been testing every 12 hours (I have a ton of ICs) and that second line is getting darker, but I still can't help but worry. I'm going in tomorrow for the beta, and then another one on Thursday so that they can check that the numbers have doubled like they are supposed to. Still can't really believe that my estrogen priming experiment was a success....IVF was going to be our next step! Even if this baby doesn't stick, at least I now know that I can get pregnant w/o IVF! So far my only symptoms have been sore breasts (sometimes feel like they are on fire) on and off an today at work I felt like I needed a nap.

Congrats on the BFP! I so hope that you have a sticky bean. :hugs:

Hey Zimmy- I have never heard of both the man and the woman being on antibiotics?? Have you tried Dr. Google? Although I do try and not go on there this might be something that you might want to investigate- at least to see the success rate. It sounds interesting and honestly at this point if my FS said I had to stand on one foot for 30 minutes a day I would do whatever he says! Lol!

I just had a panic moment. Went to give myself my first injection and had a little freak out. I didn't think I would have acted this way but when you are sitting there with a needle in you hand ready to jab it into your leg- kind if freaked me out. I started to cry (my panic response- whimp) and called for DH, who was hiding in the other room, that he had to come and do it. He was like- no I can't give you a shot I just can't. Cripes. So I thought of myself with a nice beautiful baby bump and just did it. Wasn't bad at all but was a little scary at first. Anyone have any side effects?

Which injections are you giving yourself? I did the Gonal F this cycle, and it was my first cycle. I was SO scared of giving myself the injections. They suggested using the stomach for injection site, because it is the least painful. It was not bad at all. I barely felt it most days- make sure you let the alcohol dry on your skin first, that tends to help. Hang in there... it'll be worth it!:hugs:
Hello Ladies,
How are you all feeling today hope better.

Is anyone feeling crampy after the IUI. Also my temperature is kind of high especially at night. Anyone with the idea why?
Also still using my otk and it's still positive 3 dpiui. I am so :wacko:

I didn't this cycle, but in the past I have felt crampy after the IUI for a day or two. The higher temps could be from the trigger shot, if you had that... hmm. Not totally sure. I'm also at 3 dpiui. Hang in there!

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