Yeah I really think a used Crib that is in good condition would be fine. I like the ones that also transform into the toddler bed and we've found a couple used ones on apps like OfferUp for pretty decently priced, in fairly good almost new condition. I'm holding off buying a crib yet, becuase it's really too early, even though I really want to start splurging.
WE have a friend who lives with us while he's getting back on his feet and he's in the bedroom that will become the nursery. We are going to buy a nice corner desk to put in our bedroom and move my husband's computer and some of our office stuff into the bedroom an then move him into the office. He wont' have as much space because we aren't moving it all out but he's living here for free so he doesn't have much room to complain. lol.
He keeps talking about things like "I'm gonna teach your kids to say the craziest things" and finally yesterday my husband was like "They won't be talking for awhile, I hope you aren't planning to still be here by then"

He's made comments before that implied he doesn't ever plan on leaving!

My house isn't big enough for him forever so we'll have to see how this goes once baby comes.
Anyway, that was a random tangent.
On other news: today marks day 1 of summer break. I'm going to be doing some private tutoring over the summer to make a little extra money, but otherwise this is my first summer since High School that i've really had off. In college I always took summer courses, once I started teachingI always taught summer school, and then I started my Masters and I always had classes then too. So this summer I'm taking advantage of my freedom. Sleeping, eating, netflix, video games, and the gym. That's my summer.
Shan - When are you expecting AF to show?
Julie - I find it makes more sense, and was better for me, to be realistic than overly optimistic.

Hopefully AF stays away but if not, it's okay to expect that she's gonna show.