October Sticky Beans!

Unfortunately she got me too! Shan... It looks like we are on the same cycle day now! Sounds lucky to me :)
Sorry the witch got you ladies! Fx for this cycle.

I am going to start progesterone after my appt so should see af mid July. I think I will do another clomid cycle (or femara if my doctor wants to switch).
Sorry AF arrived :(

Krissie i think that's a good plan with the chemicals, maybe low progesterone is part of the problem! Hope it'll help you get your sticky bean soon!

And jess, happy 11 weeks! Seriously, 11 already?! Time flies!
Afm, 17 weeks! And we got a cosleeper and crib yesterday. Both used but seriously good as new and my parents offered to pay for them as an early birthday present to the both of us (his is august 2 and mine august 6)
And it's both so pretty and i'm just so happy! 😍
Heike that is wonderful! What a great surprise and weight off of you.

Happy 11 and 17 weeks ladies! It sure is flying. <3
Thanks ladies- I'm just going to say that I had a faulty test, and that it wasn't really ever a positive. However, now I know that Clomid does in fact lengthen my cycle.

Calling the doc today to see what the plan is for this cycle. I am really starting to get worried that it is something more substantial, like a blockage or something....
Yay! 11 weeks! I think only 2 more weeks until I can say I'm out of 1st Tri!! Every day it seems like the week is taking FOREVER. but then I look back and go "wow 11 weeks already!" So odd

Julie - :hugs: Hoping you get some good news.
Heike that is great news! How exciting!!

Julie I'm sorry the :witch: got you :hugs: Hopefully the doctor has good news for you!!

I am starting my clomid tonight. I am so excited, I feel so hopeful to have help. That being said I am also scared haha. My ultrasound is on my birthday so the go ahead would be a wonderful birthday present but I am scared that there could be too many eggs and then he won't let us try and that would be a pretty sh*tty birthday...9 more days to ultrasound!! At least I don't have to wait until cd20 ish to O this month :haha:
I am starting my clomid tonight. I am so excited, I feel so hopeful to have help. That being said I am also scared haha. My ultrasound is on my birthday so the go ahead would be a wonderful birthday present but I am scared that there could be too many eggs and then he won't let us try and that would be a pretty sh*tty birthday...9 more days to ultrasound!! At least I don't have to wait until cd20 ish to O this month :haha:

:hugs: Good luck this cycle! I really hope the clomid gives you just the right number of eggs! It's realy nice you don't have to wait so long to O! What a nice change!
Shan, good luck this cycle! I hope the clomid is just what you need to catch a good quality egg that will snuggle in tightly! :happydance:
So sorry to hear about AF ladies.

Best wishes with the scan, Shan!

I went to the doctor today because my husband and I were hoping to travel to Switzerland next week or the week after. My doctor had an ultrasound done and my placenta is posterior, but low-lying and I think partially over the cervix, so she told me not to travel. She told me to reduce activity and gave me some calcium and iron supplements. Thanks be to God everything is fine with the baby. I have been saying that I don't want to know the gender of the baby, but my husband asked them to say &#55357;&#56834; so as of now we know, but I believe he is not planning to tell anyone that we know. I'm hoping at least, haha.

I'm not too disappointed at the result of not being able to travel now, but I am praying that the next time I go for a checkup the placenta will be higher so that I can travel home to the USA. I'm planning to go stay with my dad August and part of September as it will be my last chance until next summer.
Fx it moves and you will be able to travel to see your family.

My sister had the same thing and by 20 weeks it was resolved.
Hope everything resolves Sam!

Ummm.....soooo.....holy b*tch batman! I don't know if this is just coincidentally a bad day or if it has something to do with the clomid but my patience level is at about 0. Like if you don't agree with me instantly I have my voice raised in a second flat just getting mad. When I did it to my husband I wasn't super surprised and it was first thing in the morning so I was tired but now its clients......:blush: I catch myself pretty quickly and then walk away but still....
My sister tended to be a little extra snappy when she was on clomid too. Hopefully you have a better day!!

AFM - First of all, YAY I HAVE A LIME! hehe. Like a real fruit! :)

Secondly, I'm on summer break and stupidly volunteered to do some private tutoring for an incoming 9th grader. It's not free, I'm making $30/hr for it, and it's only 2 hours a week, but I have anxiety about meeting up with people I don't know, combined with my pregnancy anxiety, I don't know what I was thinking. I've got to go in like 10 minutes. :( To top it off, I'm frustrated because I don't have access to the Alg1 textbook online like I thought I did, so I'm looking at the online student version and then having to find alternate worksheets related to topics. Ugh. This is why I don't usually tutor for Alg1, it's not my subject and so I don't know it very well. Give me Geometry or Alg2 and I got this, I could probably recite the topics and chapters by heart, but anything else and I'm out of my game.

Sorry, rant.

I do have my 11w doctor appointment today. Hopefully I'll have another lovely pic to share. :) <3 This one DH should be able to make it too.
I hope everything goes great Jess! With both the student and the appointment! I'm sure you will be great!
Jess, me too! &#10084;&#65039;&#10084;&#65039;&#10084;&#65039; You gave me a big smile at "Yay I have a lime!" Haha. Congrats &#55357;&#56842;. I'm sure the tutoring will be alright! I think once you get into it you'll be less stressed. I always get the same anxiety with things like that. I got asked to tutor this summer as well, but transportation was an issue as I can't drive here -_- . Looking forward to your appointment news.

Krissie, thanks for mentioning that. &#10084;&#65039; It gives me some hope. The doctor and ultrasound tech didn't seem that worried about it, which helps, but I'm cringing at the idea of possibly having to stay in the desert heat haha.

Thanks, Shan. Hopefully it's just an off day for you with the mood.
Hey everyone... So after my whole 'Doctor leaving debacle' it turns out maybe it was something that was meant to be as the doctor that came in to help out is not really that keen on the clomid route. So... After a sit down with him, I am scheduled for blood work and and hsg on Friday!!
I'm so excited as I am starting to lean more towards a blockage or something as I have confirmed O, had great timing, etc.. So we will see!

Sam- praying that your placenta moves and you will be back to normal routine soon.

Shan- I didn't notice any extra bitchiness when I was on the clomid, but lots of extra unneeded tears! Lol..

Jess hope the tudoring went well, I'm sure you will be able to handle it, but I totally get the stress thing. I would be stressed too.
Sounds like a plan!
And tons of women get pregnant right after a hsg, jess did as well if i remember correctly! :happydance:
That is great Julie! I'm so glad you are getting what you want done. Yea I think it was just an amplification of emotions considering I didn't get much sleep either. On that note I swear the darn things are giving me insomnia, if we don't get pregnant this month I am going to take it in the morning next month. Both nights I have taken it I have been dead tired and then I take it and lay in bed awake for hours. I'm so excited for your doctor appointment now that you have other things going on!! :haha: 2 more days!!

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