My sister tended to be a little extra snappy when she was on clomid too. Hopefully you have a better day!!
AFM - First of all, YAY I HAVE A LIME! hehe. Like a real fruit!
Secondly, I'm on summer break and stupidly volunteered to do some private tutoring for an incoming 9th grader. It's not free, I'm making $30/hr for it, and it's only 2 hours a week, but I have anxiety about meeting up with people I don't know, combined with my pregnancy anxiety, I don't know what I was thinking. I've got to go in like 10 minutes.

To top it off, I'm frustrated because I don't have access to the Alg1 textbook online like I thought I did, so I'm looking at the online student version and then having to find alternate worksheets related to topics. Ugh. This is why I don't usually tutor for Alg1, it's not my subject and so I don't know it very well. Give me Geometry or Alg2 and I got this, I could probably recite the topics and chapters by heart, but anything else and I'm out of my game.
Sorry, rant.
I do have my 11w doctor appointment today. Hopefully I'll have another lovely pic to share.

This one DH should be able to make it too.