That's great your doctor is going to be proactive and find out if there is something physically wrong!
I have 8 more days until my appt. My anxiety is really kicking up about it now and I almost cancelled yesterday but I really need to talk to him for my own peace of mind.
My appointment yesterday was great. Baby heart beat is in the 160s. Toward the end of the scan baby started to wake up, stretched, and rolled over. It was adorable. I'm so in love.
I have 1 more week with RE and then I "graduate" to my OB. So that's next week, and then my next OB appointment is July 6th. I don't think I'll get an US with her until later when we do gender scan though.
Yesterday's tutoring did go well. I just tend to turn into a recluse in the summer and don't want to go anywhere.
Sam - Thanks. I'm hoping you'll get to trave out of the desert heat too! Do you have A/C or are you stuck all day in the heat?
Julie - Sounds like a plan! I hope this works for you! DH and I swear that the HSG is what helped us this cycle.
Just passed some limes in the grocery store and had to stop and take a picture. Looking a little crazy standing in the produce section writing this But I just kept picturing little lime babies!
Well ladies! Went into labor on my own (induction was scheduled for today lol) on tuesday. Had miss Olivia yesterday morning. Weighs in at 8lbs 7oz, 20.5inches long. Pushed for 10 minutes ans she was out. Pushed for 2.5hrs with my son!! My midwife kept saying "everyone ahould have their second baby first!" Its night and day with second baby/labor. Im so much more relaxed this time around!
Julie - Just breath through it! Take some high dose tylonel/ibuprofen before you go in, and it will probably hurt a bit when they insert the catheter and the dye. Keep breathing and remember it will only last a few seconds (it took about 30 seconds or less for me). It was not horribly painful, more like bad period cramps. But afterwards I only cramped for a little while and then was fine. Good luck!
Just passed some limes in the grocery store and had to stop and take a picture. Looking a little crazy standing in the produce section writing this But I just kept picturing little lime babies!
But.. Now I think we may be set back another month, as he ordered blood work, but it has to be drawn day 25 and I will be on vacation then. What to do??? Any suggestions ladies?
Can definitely still try this month. It's progesterone, prolactin, and a fasting insulin level, after O type stuff and thyroid I'm pretty sure. I'm wondering if I can coordinate with a hospital close to where I will be to have my blood drawn?
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