So remember how we were fixing up the house we inherited and we were going to let some friends rent it for dirt cheap? But that fell apart because the wife turned crazy, and was making horrible comments about me trying to sleep with her husband (definitely was NOT - he's so not my type...too much like my own dad....), and then she recently was making comments about how I didn't have any kids and probably never would so I couldn't understand how kids acted, and she made some very public threats to murder me because she suspected I had called DHS on her sister. (not sure if I told all those stories in here, but this is the thread I'm most vocal in so I think so). To make matters worse, her sister is my brother - in -law's ex wife (my sister's husband), and they are in the middle of a custody battle. So she likes to be bitchy and make snide remarks about us all. It doesn't help she attends the same very small church as my mother, her husband works in the same industry as my father (in fact he trained under my dad) and my mom is on a committee with her husband.... we are linked in every way possible. Very small town, btw. Anyway.....
I have this woman blocked on FB, texting, and all other social media. But we have mutual friends, a lot of them since she went to HS with my husband and so all the local friends on her facebook are also on my husbands. Anyway, I got a screenshot sent to me yesterday by a friend as an "FYI, you should know this is being said, just so this doesn't surprise you later". She posted a thing on FB asking about the guy who is living with us (she knows he lives with us). She pretended that some friends of his, who she doesn't know, approached her and asked about whether he got the girl he's living wiht pregnant, and went on to talk about how the girl he's living with has been trying for years and then suddenly he moves in and she's pregnant. And that since no one related to the families will answer her questions about it (ie: she asked my mom if I was pregnant and my mom change the subject knowing she'd use it like this) that it was clearly suspicious and that shifty things were going on.
The way it's all written is clearly a fishing act, because none of her "explanations" as ot why she's asking these questions make any sense. But that's not the point. She's insinuating, publicly (her fb is public not friendsonly or anything), that my kid is not my husbands. And she calls our friend living with us out by name, even though she doesn't name me, EVERYONE knows he lives here.
I think if I wasn't pregnant I'd be laughing at the ludicrousness of it all, but I'm so over the top angry about it.