So, when we posted our announcement photo on FB I started with a note that said, "After 14 months, 2 miscarriages, and a lot of testing I bring you..... " (I referred to the CPs as miscarriages because that's what my RE called them, and no one knows what a cp is, and it somehow feels like it downplays the heartache we still feel). Anyway, I did it on purpose, I know how hard it is to see pregnancy announcements on FB, especially when TTC and I didn't want anyone to assume it had just "happened" For us. I wanted to share our heartache and struggle because I also (selfishly) wanted people who have kept asking "why don't you have kids don't you want them" to realize we had been trying and we were not just "unable" to get pregnant we were having losses. And I wanted to share with those who are going through the same thing that they were not alone.
Anyway.... it sounds all sappy when I write it out like that, but my simple sentence referencing our troubles was the closest I could come to saying all of that ^
A friend messaged me yesterday (5 weeks after the announcement actually) and thanked me for sharing my struggles becuase she too has had 2 MCs (at 5 and 6.5 weeks) and has been trying for a year and she felt so alone, and confused and lost and it gave her some strength to know that we had gone through the same thing and now we are having a healthy baby (FX) and that it can happen. I knew she'd been trying, I didn't realize she'd had 2 MCs. My heart broke for her, BUT I know that if i hadn't shared my own story she never would have felt comfortable sharing with me. We talked for a long time, I gave her my RE's information so that if her OB won't help her at her next appointment she can go there, because they are amazing. I am praying she gets her sticky bean soon.
Sorry, I guess that was kind of a ramble. But I felt so divided about sharing that personal information (my fb is friends only, and I'm picky about who is on it, being a teacher and all, but still - lots of people) and now I'm so glad I did. I feel like the topic of TTC struggles, and infertility, and Miscarriages just are taboo in our society and it kills me that so many women have suffered in silence.
I don't know how I would have made it through this journey without you ladies.
Krissie, that actually makes me feel better. DH, and the friend styaing wiht us both are worried and keep telling me I need to tell my doctor I Can't eat. Don't know what she's going to do except tell me to eat. The friend was saying he doesn't think this is normal but he's only had one kid and so I doubt his experience is enough to encompass all the normalcies of pregnancy. Hope you O soon!!
Heike - my next OB appointment is August 3rd for my next regular check up and then she'll order the gender scan. Not sure when that will happen but hopefully soon after! I'm thinking sometime before end of August for sure! DH wats to stay team Yellow. I told him he could if he wanted but I was finding out the gender.

he agreed to find out gender.