October Sticky Beans!

So sorry to hear that krissie :hugs: i hope a new cycle will start soon for you to give you a fresh chance
Good morning ladies- af is here! Now normally I'd be upset but today in just glad last cycle is closed! I was so stressed.

This cycle in starting opks cd 5. Which sounds crazy but I'm pretty sure I o'd cd 7 last cycle. I'm also doing 75 mg clomid. I'm also going to change the days I take it to 3-7 I think.

My fertile window is right before I go back to work so fx we get lots of :sex: and catch this eggie!
Yay for AF! Glad you don't have to wait any longer for a fresh cycle and i hope this one will be it for you! Sounds like you have a great plan set :dust:

OH and I cleared out our wardrobe, which used to be in the spare room which will be baby's room and put it all in our bedroom.
It was a lot of work firstly figuring out how to arrange everything so it'll all fit on less space and then actually building it. But in the end it all fit so perfectly and even though i was scared our bedroom will feel tiny and squishy afterwards it really doesn't, weirdly enough our bedroom now seems bigger than before.

So now that's done and the spare room is pretty much empty so we can start on the nursery! Things are getting real over here
We will stick to the colors white and grey with a few pops of pink 😊
Very excited to start on it, will definitely share pics when we're ready!
I love the grey and white. We plan to do that next time with either lime green or pink.
Good luck Krissie!! :D

Heike - sounds exciting!! We had to move our office into our bedroom and I was really afraid it would make our room tiny but we managed to make it work and it doesn't feel much smaller than it did before. Just a matter of arrangement. :)

AFM - my mom is in town this week. We are going to work on the nursery and maybe make some burp rags and receiving blankets. She's going ot do 90% of the painting just to be safe, but I'll help with some of the little things I think. It's a small room and she likes ot paint, and is fast. lol. We are doing the bottom foot adn a half in green, and the rest yellow, then will add some texture paint to the green to make it look like grass and add some grass "swoops" so it looks more like a jungle and not just like a straight green line. This is the goal anyway, neither of us are entirely too artistic but this part should be doable. We've got decal stickers to put on the walls afterwards. I'm excited. :)
Jess that sounds like such a cute nursery! I can't wait to see pics when you are done!

Also happy 16 weeks :happydance: and happy 22 weeks to myself! 2 more weeks until V Day
Yay! 22 weeks! :)

I'll post pics of the nursery when we get finished. We're almost done with the painting. My mom's just adding some "grass touches" To make it look more realistic now then the stickers later today I think.

I think it's funny that my ticker puts orange first and then avocado, when my Ovia app puts them in the opposite order and the avocado came first and then the orange. :haha: I Guess it depends on what type of orange and avocado you're using.
Jess, i have an app as well and it puts papaya for weeks 25-28 when in the ticker i already have a papaya! Also, one fruit for weeks 25,26,27 and 28? It's so different so you can't rely on any of those. But it's funny to see those differences haha

Little girl isn't moving as much today i feel like :( i'm back from work lying on the sofa and just waiting for her to get active like she usually does :(
But then again my app said during this time baby's brain goes through a huge growth and development spurt so so maybe that's why. I've felt her a vouple times during the day but obviously while i'm at work i can't soak it in as much as when i'm home an relaxed.
So come on baby girl, dance for mommy ❤️
The part I love about my app is that it'll give me a couple different items, based on whatever theme I choose. So I can see the weekly fruit, or a "weird but cute animal" (they are usually odd animals I've never heard of! :haha: ) or a "fun item". My fun item for this week is an action figure. it had a picture of batman and I got excited. :haha:

Sorry little one isn't moving much. :( Maybe she's decided to take some naps today? ;)

I can't wait until I feel movement! I'm in a group for people due in January and so many are already talking about feeling movement! Either I just don't know what I'm feeling or I just haven't felt anything yet.
Don't worry hun :hugs: i haven't felt anything at 16 weeks and i think modt first time moms don't. I feel like it took ages for me to be sure what i was feeling was the baby.

I have a coworker who is due in 6 weeks and she said she didn't feel anything until around 22 weeks. So you're still totally in the norm :hugs: i'm sure it'll be soon!

Also, i just had a quick workout, first in i think 3 weeks because it's been so hot! It wasn't super long but i feel so good now! And also, baby girl is now active as well haha

Aaand, bumpie from today :)


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Today we went to JoAnne's to get fabric for making receiving blankets and burp rags. Most fabrics were 50% off! We spent way too much. :haha: But found some super cute stuff. I honestly wasn't going to make stuff, just find stuff because I'm good at finding deals, but mom wanted to make them so we went. I got a little annoyed today though because she kept picking stuff out and then at one point she said "well, it's your money so you decide which you want". When my sister was pregnant my mom paid for ALL the fabric when she made stuff and bought her a new crib because my sister didn't have the money for it. I didn't expect her to pay for everything at all, but the insinuation that I was paying for it all pissed me off when she told me she wanted to make blankets and burp rags for my baby since she did that for my sister. Unfortunately I assumed that since she said it like that she was going to pay for it. I did end up flat out asking her later how much my sister paid for when mom made her stuff and she admitted nothing. We agreed to split it, but still....it annoyed me. Now I'm home and ready to spend a few minutes resting! Shopping wears me out!

Thanks Heike! Makes me feel better! I keep googling it, hoping I'll find another answer even though I know everything says that most new moms don't feel until close to 20 weeks.

LOVE the bump pic! :) Congrats on the workout! I'm trying to get to the gym more often now, and doing a pretty decent job but haven't gone much since my mom has been here. We have errands we keep running and after that I'm too tired!
Sounds like things are progressing nicely ladies :flower:

I had my ultrasound and trigger today. The results weren't exactly what I was hoping for but they were better than last month. I had 4 follicles again, one was at 17 and was referred to as very favorable (yay) and another at 15(?) that they said may or may not go too. Doc actually said the words "we could be looking at multiples" :cloud9: IUI is tomorrow at 3:00 :thumbup:

So I took Asher school shopping today. I had to ask another mom that was shopping what a "school box" was :dohh: Even sadder she didn't know either she was like does it say anything else? Nope just 1 school box. So I got him a pencil box thing and figured I'm only out $1 if it's the wrong thing lol. Who knew you needed 5 boxes of crayons and 4 bottles of glue for kindergarten :wacko: The list of things needed was crazy!


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Today we went out to eat at a local buffet and a woman asked me how far along I was :wacko: I suspect it was because I had instinctively put my hand on my stomach because she'd moved in front of me with a chair and startled me. But I've definitely got a bump going (I Look huge!). She asked how many months, which I had to pause and think about because I'm thinking in weeks, and I felt silly saying it because I feel like I'm still too early to be "noticed". But it was kinda nice. :blush:

Ooh yay for trigger shot! FX that this is your shot!! I'll be praying, crossing fingers, etc!

I have no idea what a "school box" is and I'm a teacher! :dohh: But I don't teacher kinder. What I have learned is they ask for SO MUCH from the lower grades because everything goes into a "community pot" and stuff is taken out as needed. It is amazing how many boxes of crayons a classroom of kids can go through in one year! And, they ask for that many because there are always kids who don't bring any supplies so they figure they'll get extra from other parents. :dohh: It sucks but unfortunately we don't get the money for supplies that we need. :nope: I think for my high schoolers I spent at least $200 last school year out of pocket, and we don't do a lot of the crafty things!

Sorry, that's my soap box. :haha:
That is a lot of stuff shan! I don't think in germany kids need that much.. But i could be wrong, it's been a while since i went to pre school (kindergarten for you.. We actually have the same word, kindergarten, but for us it's just day care and not school yet haha)

I haven't had a stranger comment on my bump or pregnancy yet, kind of waiting for it to happen haha except our neighbor but she saw und when we were in the garden and in our pool so she saw me in a bikini so it's really easy to notice then hahaha i'm kind of thinking it's cause to other people in clothes i still look just big and not pregnant :( although when i look at myself i can't imagine how anyone could NOT notice hahahaha maybe people just don't comment
My sister commented yesterday after I went back to the table that it was a "risky move" on the woman's part to ask how far along I was at this stage. :haha: She's right, we've been joking about when it's appropriate to assume a woman is pregnant and our husbands were joking that the only appropriate time to ask a woman if she's pregnant is if she's in the middle of labor, and even then they are probably in dangerous territory. :rofl:

I know that to people who knew me before pregnancy, they can tell I'm "starting to show" but to strangers I really just look like I've got weight in the middle. It's a little easier to see when I'm wearing maternity shirts because they are more likely to highlight the "bump"
Yeah i think that is true! Everyone that knows me, so family friends and coworkers can definitely easily see that i have a proper bump it's just strangers i'm not sure about haha though to be fair all my regular shirts are quite loose, i've never been one to wear tight shirts so most of my shirts are still quite loose. Maybe i should buy a maternity shirt and walk around with the bump on display and see what happens hahahaha
Just need to vent for a second. DH is soooo mad at me right now. He called me to make sure that he is going to the right lab to drop off his sample and every other word out of his mouth is the f-bomb and he sounds furious. He said some not so nice things to me that really drug down my happiness about the appointment this afternoon and I'm just frustrated. I know that he is humiliated and doesn't want people messing around with his swimmers and doesn't want to walk into a lab with a cup of them. I just wish he could realize how his words affect me, all he is thinking about right now is how emasculated he feels and I get it but it doesn't make it that much easier for me.

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