Shan - That's awesome that you got to hear heartbeat!!

At my 10w appointment they had said that it can be tricky to find HB before 12w sometimes so not to stress, but if I hadn't already had multiple appointments with my RE at that point I think I would have been terrified if they hadn't found a HB. When will you get your first US?
Krissie -

I'm hoping for the best for you! Honestly, I was absolutely sure the cycle I got my bfp that it wasn't going to happen. DH had been sick, then I had been sick, we only DTD two times in the entire month (day of O and day after), and the whole cycle had just felt like a bust. It was also the month I had 0 symptoms (whereas every other month I was sure I was showing signs). lol Just goes to show you never know. But I'm keeping FX
Kaiecee - Good luck!

As I mentioned above, the cycle we got our bfp was a cycle I was SURE was all wrong from the beginning. So you never know. Keep us updated.
AFM - my 34 w appointment was Tuesday. My doctor has me at 34w as of today (Thurs) but my count says I've been 34w since Monday. Kind of annoying but she also said 3 days doesn't really make a difference and I guess I agree there. I stayed home from work Tuesday. Had a horrible night and by the time I tried to go to work Tuesday morning I just couldn't do it. I tried but I was sitting at the table crying for no reason (except that I was tired) and I realized that was just not happening. Glad I stayed home because I felt much better Wednesday.
Doctor said that once I hit 34 weeks then I am officially far enough along that if I go into labor they won't stop it. She said she'd prefer me to be 37 weeks but at this point I'm good.

Then she also told me that she'll be on vacation the last week of December so she's hoping I DON'T go into labor that week but if I do she has a backup person who'll be available.

This terrifies me a little because it's common in my family for babies to be about 2 weeks early and that's exactly when I'd be delivering if Melody follows suit.

I'm sure her backup is amazing, like she says, I just love my doctor and she makes me very comfortable so I want her to be there.