October Sticky Beans!

So many congratulations Sam!

And happy thanksgiving to all american ladies
Heike - That's great!! :happydance:

Sam- Congrats!!! :happydance: :happydance:

Krissie - Hope all went well with the cooking! Happy Thanksgiving! My sister and I cooked this year, our family didn't come up but her husband's parents and grandparents decided to come up so they joined us. It was a good day, just very exhausting.
Jess- it did go well. Just gotta clean up the last of the dishes now. :haha:
Omg I missed so much! Congrats Heike and Sam on your little girls!!!
This is getting ridiculous :haha: To everyone else I look like I am just getting more fat and I have been okay with that. At 10 weeks I have actually lost half a pound so I am very proud that I haven't let things get out of control!! But.....this is getting harder and harder to hide. I am really hoping that my appointment on Wednesday goes well so I can stop trying to hide haha. With Asher I didn't start showing until 14 weeks although I guess they say you show sooner after your first


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Up until a couple days ago it did just look like I was gaining weight, now it has started rounding....I love seeing it but I don't have enough loose shirts for this haha
Oh wow, you are starting to show! :haha: You know, I started to show really early too. During the last month of last school year I was showing enough that I was wearing maternity pants (my regular pants were too tight) and had to buy some size large shirts to try to hide it because I wasn't ready to tell the students, and that was around weeks 8-10! The insanity! But I LOVE your little bump! Can't wait to hear how your appointment goes! <3
Thanks Jess! We had our appointment today and it went great! They were able to find baby's heartbeat very easily so no ultrasound but that's okay it was great to just hear heartbeat and know everything is going okay in there! And it was a snow day for school today so Asher was able to come with and go to the appointment which was super special for me, he was playing and not paying attention but that's okay :haha:
That's great Asher was able to go with you. And you got to hear the heartbeat! <3 Your bump is mighty cute.

Afm, I am 3 dpo. But I'm pretty pessimistic about this cycle. Pretty much since it started its felt wrong. So just waiting on af which is due Dec 10th.
congrats,on all the happy news I missed.
Af will be here Saturday feeling nervous and I'm trying not to test tmr at 12dpo.
I just don't feel good about this cycle.
Shan - That's awesome that you got to hear heartbeat!! <3 At my 10w appointment they had said that it can be tricky to find HB before 12w sometimes so not to stress, but if I hadn't already had multiple appointments with my RE at that point I think I would have been terrified if they hadn't found a HB. When will you get your first US?

Krissie - :hugs: I'm hoping for the best for you! Honestly, I was absolutely sure the cycle I got my bfp that it wasn't going to happen. DH had been sick, then I had been sick, we only DTD two times in the entire month (day of O and day after), and the whole cycle had just felt like a bust. It was also the month I had 0 symptoms (whereas every other month I was sure I was showing signs). lol Just goes to show you never know. But I'm keeping FX :)

Kaiecee - Good luck! :hugs: As I mentioned above, the cycle we got our bfp was a cycle I was SURE was all wrong from the beginning. So you never know. Keep us updated. :)

AFM - my 34 w appointment was Tuesday. My doctor has me at 34w as of today (Thurs) but my count says I've been 34w since Monday. Kind of annoying but she also said 3 days doesn't really make a difference and I guess I agree there. I stayed home from work Tuesday. Had a horrible night and by the time I tried to go to work Tuesday morning I just couldn't do it. I tried but I was sitting at the table crying for no reason (except that I was tired) and I realized that was just not happening. Glad I stayed home because I felt much better Wednesday.

Doctor said that once I hit 34 weeks then I am officially far enough along that if I go into labor they won't stop it. She said she'd prefer me to be 37 weeks but at this point I'm good. :happydance: <3 Then she also told me that she'll be on vacation the last week of December so she's hoping I DON'T go into labor that week but if I do she has a backup person who'll be available. :growlmad: :wacko: This terrifies me a little because it's common in my family for babies to be about 2 weeks early and that's exactly when I'd be delivering if Melody follows suit. :dohh: I'm sure her backup is amazing, like she says, I just love my doctor and she makes me very comfortable so I want her to be there.
THANKS i really hope so but if it's not my month I'll be stopping clomid as I think it's making me get cycts
Krissie how are things coming along??????

Jess that's great! Any time now!!

I hit 12 weeks today! It has honestly flown by and I'm sure it will continue too until our move is complete! The last day of my internship and class is today...eek!! Can't believe I am pretty much done with college after a billion years haha. We have our new apartment in the new town and the hubs is already there, I will start packing now that I am done with school and then we plan on having everything packed and getting there on the 23rd....14 days...crazy!! I still haven't applied for any jobs :dohh: will have to do that here in the next week...thinking I want to do early intervention for birth to three year olds but there is also a treatment foster care position open that has peaked my interest &#129300;
Wow Shan! Already 12 weeks. That is flying by.

Congrats on finishing your degree. What a great accomplishment.

Afm, af is due tomorrow and I had a huge temp drop today. So yet another failed round. I met with my doctor Wednesday and he told me that they have done all they can here so we need to transfer to the fertility clinic. Which is 2 hours away. So not much we can do until summer with that. He gave me 3 more rounds of femara to try in the mean time. And I still have 3 rounds of clomid. But I think I'm gonna take lydia pinkham and focus on my diet. I just don't think femara or clomid are going to work right now. I told myself if I get to a specific weight I can do clomid. I'm hoping maybe February.
So I haven't been sleeping at all, getting about 2-3 hours of sleep (broken up, not straight) and then wide awake from about 1am until my alarm goes off (not dozing or anything). My sister told me that her doctor told her to take some Tylonel PM to help her sleep during her last half of 3rd Tri and it's mostly safe. I did a lot of research and it's a Cat. B drug, same as Tylonel, so I decided to try it and holy cow I finally feel like a human! I am still waking up several times at night, but I'm at least able to go back to sleep, which means I don't feel like I'm dying during the day anymore. Part of me feels guilty about it but I figured that getting absolutely no sleep while trying to teach high schoolers was not much better for my health or the baby.

Today I'm off though, we had snow roll in last night and most school districts did a 2 hour delay because of roads, but because our district does early release every Friday for teacher meetings (the other schools in the area do a 2 hour late start usually on Wednesdays for their teacher PLC meetings, we do 2 hour early release Friday) they determined a late start combined wiht early release made no sense. It's been nice sitting around being lazy today.

Shan - Congrats on 12 weeks!! That's great!! :happydance: Good luck with the job options!

Krissie - I'm so sorry about this cycle not working. :( That sucks that you have to go 2 hours away to go to the fertility clinic though. I loved my fertility clinic, and they are probably the reason I am where I'm at right now, so I hope that when you are able to get a chance that they will be able to make things work for you. :hugs:
Oh wow Shan 12 weeks already! Congrats :happydance:

Krissie, i'm sorry about the temp drop :hugs:

Mariella is already three weeks and 2 days old and growing like a weed :) some of her clothes actually fit her now, most of them are still slightly too big though. At least we're getting our money's worth out of her clothes.
At her chek up on wednesday it showed that her left hip is a little behind in development and she now has to wear what looks kind of like a stiff diaper for at least the next 4 weeks and i hope that will be enough.


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Heike- I can't believe she's already 3 weeks! Fx her hip adjusts and she doesn't need anything more.

Jess- we have a snow day today too! We got 5 inches of snow then it rained on top of it.

Af arrived today so onto the next cycle.
Hi ladies &#10084;&#65039;

Jess - my weeks based on what my doctor said was always a few days behind compared to all of my apps. God willing you are able to give birth with your doctor. I'm very excited for you.

Kaiecee - best wishes &#10084;&#65039;&#10084;&#65039;

Shan - 12 weeks already? Wow!! Good luck with the job search. Hope you find something awesome.

Krissie - you're in my thoughts and prayers. I know it doesn't help to say, but I truly believe God is the best of planners and you will be blessed again when the time is right &#10084;&#65039; My heart is with you

Heike - keep us updated about the little one. I've never seen anything like the brace in the picture, but I'm praying all will be fine and this will do the trick &#10084;&#65039;


I don't think I said much about my labor/delivery except that I had given birth to a baby girl. I know I had posted here that I had been having contractions for a couple of weeks about an hour apart. I started having back pain around 8 pm that day..had a bath and sat on the bro thing ball. Around 10:30 pm I asked DH to go for a walk with me. We walked in a park for about 45 minutes. I was having contractions, but I didn't think they were regular. Around 1:30 am I was on the sofa and felt something strange. Had a bit of blood so decided to go to the hospital. Contractions were a lot stronger 3-4 mins apart then and still in my back. I got to the hospital at 2 am. Labored without any medication and had a natural delivery at 4:50 am. Thanks be to God it was pretty fast as I had horrible back labor. We decided to name our baby girl Fajr &#1601;&#1580;&#1585; which is the Arabic word for dawn. Also, my mother and grandmother flew from the US two weeks later and will be here until the end of the month. That's been a huge help. &#55357;&#56842;
It's my birthday and got woken up this morning with news that dr will be giving me femara and I won't have to wait 2 months to see her yay!
I can't believe that tomorrow I'm 36 weeks. I'm so ready for Melody to join us. <3 Last night was DH's Xmas party at work and all the wives kept telling me they couldn't believe how small I was for being only a few weeks from due date! Which throws me off because everyone else talks about how huge I am. I guess my coworkers and students have seen me since before pregnancy, and right before pregnancy I had just lost a bunch of weight, so I was pretty small, and now (baby wise) I'm huge. But I haven't really gained any weight in any other aspect, which is what I think that DH's coworker's wives were referencing. Either way, it was kind of nice to be told how small I am.

I just have this one more week of work, then 2 weeks of Christmas vacation, and then hopefully LO shows up before I am supposed to return January 3rd for those last 4 days! If not, my last day of work is January 6th :wacko: Less than a month! :wacko:

Heike - I can't believe she's already 3 weeks! She's so cute!! <3 Sorry about her left hip. Hopefully she'll be able to be out of the hip thing soon and they'll find that she's doing just fine. :)

Krissie - Wow! 5 inches?! Crazy! We only had about an inch, not enough to really cancel school but our district has a lot of students in rural areas, and up some pretty steep hills, so the buses couldn't reach the outlying students and then we had some trees down blocking roads. So sorry that AF showed. :( :hugs: Keeping FX for the new cycle.

Sam - Thank you for sharing your birth story! I was wondering how that went! So many of my coworkers and friends have all said "just take the epidural....its so painful...."etc. I was wondering how normal it is for people in other countries to get epidurals/meds versus doing a natural delivery. I'm so glad that you had a pretty fast delivery and things went so well for you! The name is beautiful! <3

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