37 weeks today!

I'm officially at "term" according to my doctor. Except of course doctor doesn't consider me 37 weeks until Thursday, so by her standards I have a few more days.
This weekend DH and I went to a 2-day birthing class. It was SO INFORMATIVE. They almost cancelled it because our instructor was really sick and no one would cover, but there were 3 of us signed up who are due within a month and they had no other class to offer us so they found two different women who were willing to split the class up between the two days.
Afterwards DH told me that he didn't realize just how involved the whole process was, and that he's glad we went because he felt it was really informative and it was certainly "not a waste of a weekend" (which is good because he was kind of frustrated that we were spending our entire weekend, 2 days of 9-3:30, in the class). I'm so glad he felt as good about it as I did. We went through all the processes and stages of labor, what to expect in terms of what our body is going through, pain, emotions, etc. They talked about labor coping techniques and had us practice different movements and different breathing techniques - and then we were practicing on day 2 while holding ice (which really helps you simulate the pain a little). And labor partners got a lot of practice in what to do to help us through it.
Day 1 was all about labor. Day 2 was talking about what to expect for C-sections (planned or unplanned), postpartum care, what to expect for recovery, the hospital policies on skin-to-skin and all of that, plus how to's on breastfeeding and newborn care. Honestly, I think this class was one of the best decisions I've made. I feel a lot more ready (informed!) for birth. Plus DH now feels more confident in what he should do and what to expect.

When we came home yesterday he was saying we need to start putting together a hospital bag and figure out what we want in it. I think he now feels a lot more involved (he realized just how involved he needs to be as a support person), and wants to be part of the process.
Sam - I definitely couldn't live where you are at! The heat is just too much. I was miserable living in Texas, I feel like your area must be worse. But maybe less humid? 50-75 this time of year sounds so warm! but kind of nice in a "no snow and so I'm not freezing" kind of way. But that's our spring temps around here.