Hello ladies!

How is everyone? We are doing fairly well, Melody is just over 6 weeks now and starting to get into a rhythm. (Pic attached!) I'm finally feeling like I have a little bit of a handle on things and I'm getting to know her and what different cries mean, etc. She has a pretty decent temperment now that I've figured out that she can't handle more than an hour or 90 mins awake even though she often won't show signs of sleepiness. So if I watch the clock and start her sleep/nap routine after ~75min of wake time she usually passes out quickly (<5 mins) and things have been so much easier since! Of course, with two parents who like to go to bed early (we're in bed around 9-9:30pm every night), I would end up with a kiddo whose only major fussy time ("witching hour") is late!

Around 9-9:30pm, no matter what she's doing or what her mood, she starts to fuss and scream bloody murder and it lasts anywhere from 30min - 2 hours.
Thankfully DH usually takes and walks her at that point until she calms. We did find that turning on the shower stops her screaming immediately (it's like magic, shower on and her screams just stop mid scream. Instant fix as long as the shower's running). But I'm not a fan of standing all night in the bathroom
Other than that, things are good. I'm scheduled to go back to work in a month BUT I'm trying to get more time off at least a couple weeks. We've had several snow days that will be made up at the end of the year, so I'll have to work the extra days even though I wasn't paid for the days we had off for snow, so I'm asking that my leave be extended to account for that (and according to my union rep it will be).
And then I found out my mom was just diagnosed with lupus on top of her crohns. The sudden onset (as a result of her crohns meds) has left her with debilitating joint pain. She can barely walk and can't lift more than 8-10lbs .... which is a problem as she was supposed to be Melody's care taker when I returned to work in April. If they can't get her pain and swelling under control I won't have care for April (in May my sister can do it full time, but she has classes through the first week of May). I can request additional time off and as long as my job approves it then I'll keep my job, I will just have to pay my entire insurance premium myself ($1300 ish). It's a little insane, and a lot of money, but I'm considering asking them to just give me the extra month and have me return in May just so I don't have to stress out my mom.
Anyway, that's me.
Krissie - I'm sorry that you haven't been able to get your BFP, but you know what is best for you and your family and as long as you are comfortable with your decision and you know it's the right one for you and your family then that is what matters. I'm glad that you've reached a decision that you are at peace with.
Early O on your own, that's awesome! Good luck!
Shan - I can't believe your far along you are by now! I'm glad you aren't worried and all seems well with baby. Another ultrasound is nice.

6-8 weeks of Maternity seems so short! I was just thinking about that today, because some of the women in my birth group are going back to work around now (6-8 weeks) and I can't imagine going back right now. I'm just barely starting to feel "normal" again. I wish we lived in one of the countries that gave a long paid Mat Leave as a normal thing. *sigh* At least you have a great job though, that will make it easier.
Heather - Wow! That would be crazy! Definitely keep us informed! As for crib training... hearing everyone's stories, I'm beginning to think I need to make sure I don't wait too long with Melody! It's so hard to figure out where the balance is between being too young to really self-sooth and waiting too long!