October Sticky Beans!

Hi everyone ❤️
I've been lurking for a little bit. Everytime I tried to take a minute to write something else would come up with baby or home.

Fajr is now 3 months (14 weeks to be exact). We traveled to California with her. My husband had a business trip and I have no family here whatsoever, so I decided to go with him rather than staying alone for 10 days. It was a 17 hour flight and I was terrified, but she was fine. While we were there she did scream/cry for an hour or so every night around 6pm. I thought she was having tummy issues, but now I think it's because she wasn't getting enough deep sleep. We actually went without a stroller and only an ergobaby carrier.

I'm still exclusively breastfeeding dispite a lot of pressure from in-laws and friends. It's s big thing here to give babies herbal teas -- usually anise seed. I'm still fighting against the teas, water and formula. Not a fun fight as I have to do it in another language and can't express myself properly, but oh well.

I have to go back to work next month after taking 2 months unpaid. I'm not excited about it, but I like my job too much to lose it.
Well i just had to come on and tell you ladies that my almost 4 months old baby is as long and heavy as most 6 months old babies! Seriously, she grew 4cm in just over three weeks! At this rate she'll be taller than me by the time she starts school :rofl:
Melody is getting so big! She's wearing mostly 3-6 month outfits now because she's too long for most of the 0-3 clothes. She only just turned 2 months! It's insane how big she's gotten!

We've been having some sleep issues. A lot of friends/family kept telling me to just let her cry it out and I can’t/won’t do that, especially not at 2 months old. But I had a great chat with a friend of mine on Monday. She’s got 4 kids (20 and 17, and two “oopsies” while TTA – 2 years and 5 months!) and she’s had great success getting all 4 to sleep well and sleep through the night (6+ hours) by 3 months old (and only the first did it on her own at 6 weeks, the others needed some “help”). She gave me some pretty helpful advice. The most important being consistency and routine. So now I make sure to do the same thing before every nap and bedtime: swaddle, turn on the heater/fan and the shower white noise machine, bounce her on the yoga ball and sing the same lullaby. Miracle of miracles, Melody falls asleep in under 5 minutes most of the time, 10 min sometimes but almost never longer. :woohoo: The hard part is getting her to stay asleep. I put her down in her bassinet and tuck an extra blanket around her because the swaddle sack we are using is too big width wise, but the size smaller is way too small length wise (tall skinny baby). Day 1 she wouldn’t say asleep more than 5 minutes once I put her down, by evening I got one 30 minute nap from her. Day 2 was 10 minutes and then in the afternoon I finally got a 30 and then later a 45 minute nap. Day 3 (yesterday) was the same 10 minute thing all morning, but I got three 45 minute naps in the afternoon/evening, AND at night time she slept 2-4 hours and after night time feeding went back in her bassinet and slept well!

I’m so excited! I don’t mind cosleeping but I prefer to have my bed back, especially as it’s just a queen and the foam mattress is soft enough that my weight makes a dip that causes her to roll up against me – so there’s no space and I am always hot! So morning nap time isn’t getting better as quickly as I’d hoped but afternoon and night are quickly getting better. :woohoo:

Lastly – I received verbal confirmation that I will be allowed to extend my maternity leave for another month. We got some news that, in addition to my mother’s illness, my MIL was diagnosed with lung cancer last week. She was one of our back up sitters. I turned in the paperwork to my principal and once my principal signs it then I’ll send to HR and then the superintendent has to sign and the board has to approve it. So much bureaucracy. But my union rep assures me that once the principal and superintendent have agreed the board part is formality. It’ll be a rough month, no pay and I’ll have to pay $1200 for my insurance that month instead of the normal $300, but without a sitter that’s the easiest option. My sister will take over full time baby-sitting May 1 and I’ll return then.

Sam - That's interesting that there's a big thing of giving herbal teas there. What is the reasoning behind the anise seed? I"m just curious. That sucks that you have to go back to work but I understand liking it too much to lose it. What will you do for child care once you're back at work? Will you have opportunities to pump and be able to keep EBF or will you have to start supplementing with some formula?

Heike - Wow! That's crazy.
Hi Shan! 33 weeks already, how are you feeling?

And Krissie, how have you been doing?

Afm, Mariella is turning 6 months old this month! That is just insane! She's been out of her colicky-ness since she was about 4 1/2 months and since then is a mostly easy and usually very happy baby! Always smiling, although very hard to get to laugh out loud :rofl:
Six months already! That's just crazy.

My little guy turns 3 in two months. It's been a little emotional knowing he's growing so fast.

As for ttc we have not been trying since November I think. We had thought of doing 3 more rounds of meds but we have decided we are no longer going to try for a second. It's been a very emotional decision but one we are growing to accept and excited to move forward as a family of 3. I will probably get an iud soon while dh "gets around" to having a vasectomy. :dohh:
:wave: Hi everyone! I hope you are al doing well!

Melody is 4.5 months old now! I can't believe how big she is! She's wearing 6-9 month clothes, is 99% for height, 50% for weight! I'm back at work, and it's exhausting but it is nice to be able to spend some time with adults and even my students are better than just dogs and a baby all day. :haha:

Unfortunately my mother in law passed away last week. We found out a few weeks ago she had stage 4 cancer, and she faded very quickly after that. :( Melody was her first grandchild and she was so excited to be a grandmother, it's heartbreaking that she was taken from us so soon. :cry:

We don't get a chance to check in here as often as we used to, but I do still want to keep in touch with you all! If anyone is interested in keeping in touch through facebook let me know, I check in there fairly often (especially because it's an easy way to share with family) and would be able to keep in touch better. :)

Shan - How are you doing?! I am so excited that you're almost due!

Cupcake - I can't believe she's already 6 months old! Wow!

Krissie - 3? Wow! I can't imagine. :hugs: I hope you are able to find peace with your decision to stop TTC and are able to enjoy your family as it is. I can imagine it was a hard decision but I know that TTC was also a rough journey as well. :hugs:
I'm so sorry yo hear about your MIL. :hugs:

I have my good and bad days with no having a second. Today has been a bad day. But for now it is what it is.
I'm so sorry about your mother in law :hugs:

Mariella is such a big baby as well! She's off the charts for both height and weight, though far more for weight.
She had her 6 month check up yesterday and she's 22 pounds and 23 1/2 inches long!
They want to see her again in 3 months to see if she keeps growing so fast. Though I am not sure what will be done if she does? I can't put her on a diet and there's nothing anyone can do to make her grow less in height?!
She's eating regular amounts and she's getting more and more active. She can roll on to her tummy and tries so hard to move around. I'm sure she'll be up and crawling in no time and then i suspect the pounds will shed off her in the blink of an eye.

I mean i know she's a chubby baby compared to some but i don't think it's too bad is it? Obviously in my eyes she's the prettiest girl ever


I'm sorry you're having a bad day with it today krissie :hugs: Christian looks so cute on your new picture!
Aww she's adorable! I wouldn't worry about her weight. She looks very healthy. And you're right once they start moving them slim down some.

Thanks, he's such a silly boy. We had a lot of fun that day at the lake.
OMG i just checked this thread again after ages and saw your signature krissie!!! Are you pregnant?! Huge congrats :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: having my fingers crossed for a very sticky little bean!!
I am! I found out yesterday so still a bit of a shock. For now just praying it is a sticky bean.
OMG!!! I just saw this!! Krissie that's amazing!!!!!! Im keeping everything crossed for you!!!!
I'm so happy for you! Definitely sending tons of sticky dust your way :dust:
Shan, how are you doing? Things could happen any day now 😊
I'm doing well, very ready to have this baby! I had an ultrasound on Thursday because they wanted to see how big she is and they estimated that she weighed 7 pounds 14 ounces. I have an appointment on Monday where I'm assuming we will talk about induction. They are trying to avoid me having another big baby so with her at almost 8 pounds I think it will be soon. Of course I've been spending the last day or two trying to induce myself :haha:
So close Shan! I bet you are so ready.

I'm trying to keep my anxiety in check. I'm feeling pretty good about this one so hopefully... I have low progesterone (which I believed caused my other two losses), so I go back next week to check that the 400 mg of progesterone is enough.

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