October Sticky Beans!

kaiecee i hope those symptoms are the real thing! I didn't have a whole lot of symptoms but didn't during most of my pregnancy anyway.

Jess, i can't believe you are over 38 weeks and just now officially on magernity leave! You're further along than i got as i gave birth at 38+2. So could pretty much be any day now! How exciting.

My poor girl has a cold and stuffy nose :( no wonder she's been so clingy and didn't want to sleep in her cosleeper but directly in my arms.
Krissie - yay for CH!! That was one of the most "relieving" things about TTC, was getting the CH. lol.

Heike - I can't believe how far along I am! It feels like it was just a few days ago I got my BFP (on the other hand this feels like it's taking forever for her to come! LoL). With everyone around me who gave birth early, I keep HOPING she's going to show up any day now. I'm beginning to think she's got her daddy's "social anxiety" and she's going to stay inside as long as possible just to avoid people. :haha:

Sorry your LO has a stuffy nose. Poor baby!
Sorry Kaicee. Good luck on the next cycle!

AFM - still pregnant. 39 weeks today. Cannot wait for this LO to appear! About to try every trick in the book to make her come out! :haha:
Quick update:

I went into Labor Friday! I woke up around 1am with contractions that weren't very painful but consistently 5 mins apart. I let DH sleep while I timed them and by 2:45am I woke him because they were still 5m apart but now getting a little painful.

Baby Melody was born Friday 1/6 at 1:51pm. 7lb 2oz and 20in long. <3 I'm so very much in love!


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Been super sick these couple days now kids are sick.
Took 1 pill of femara then decided to take this month off since I felt like crap. Maybe this will be a good thing I'm also not temping fx if not will try femara next month
Quick update:

I went into Labor Friday! I woke up around 1am with contractions that weren't very painful but consistently 5 mins apart. I let DH sleep while I timed them and by 2:45am I woke him because they were still 5m apart but now getting a little painful.

Baby Melody was born Friday 1/6 at 1:51pm. 7lb 2oz and 20in long. <3 I'm so very much in love!

She's so beautiful congrats.
How are things going Jess?? Everything you imagined? Hope all is going well!

Hope everyone is doing well!

I am trying to catch up a little today haha. I have had zero motivation to do anything including type replies :haha: We moved about 3 weeks ago and I am still trying to get everything put away :dohh: I still haven't found a job which is driving me bonkers! I absolutely can not stand sitting at home and it just lowers my motivation to do things. I have another interview tomorrow so I am praying that one will work out, and it is actually a job that I really really want not just another well I guess I will apply for that since it is available kind of thing. I am starting to feel baby kicking which is reassuring. I am still a nervous mess though since we haven't had any ultrasounds yet, I keep thinking we are going to go for our anatomy scan and there is going to be something wrong, I know I shouldn't think that way but it is hard. I thought they would schedule my anatomy scan for my next appointment on the 25th but they didn't, I finally emailed them about it last night so hopefully I will know soon when we will have that scan.
Did you not have a 12 week scan? But i'm sure all is well with baby :)

Unfortunately Mariella is unsettled most of the time. She is a really colicky baby i guess and cries a lot. She's two months now and most sources say that it should be gone or at least significantly better once they hit three months and i'm praying that will turn out to be true for her!
Nights aren't bad, she only wakes for feeds and falls back asleep right after that most of the time. But the days are long and mostly spent trying to soothe her to sleep. There are usually one or two content phases a day where she smiles at me and starts her first attempts at cooing and those moments seriously are the best and make the hard times well worth it! I just hope she'll start being happy more often soon it's so heartbreaking to see her so sad :(
Heike- I hope she settles down for you. That would be so difficult to see her so uncomfortable.

Shan- great to hear from you. It sounds like things are going well. I'm sure baby is doing fine.

How is everyone doing?

Afm, I have my good and bad days. Just waiting for my appointment in a month.
Baby had her wellness growth check yesterday (10 days old, they did a check at 3 days when they did her last jaundice check). In the last week she's grown half an inch in height, and gained 9 oz (back to birth weight! woot! She had lost 9 oz from birth to day 3). Doctor says she made huge jumps, and so she's not quite worried about her anymore (I Didn't know she was worried to begin with! :wacko: ) and that explains all the insane feeding she's been doing. Poor kid is expending a lot of energy growing!

She also told me not to stress about letting her sleep with us. I moved her into our bed the last few nights because at night she won't go more than 20-30 minutes sleeping alone (during the day she'll sleep a couple hours without waking, but not at night) and I was getting no sleep and was on the brink of hysteria. In my bed she sleeps 3-4 hours if I let her cuddle with me where she can touch me (actually, more like touch my boob. Literally she has to be able to rest her hand on my breast, or she likes to wiggle her head over to be against it. The kid's a little boob obsessed :rofl: ). I know all the "don't let baby sleep with you" things and was feeling guilty, but my sanity was at stake (literally, I was starting to actually have waking dreams, remembering things that didn't happen - it was a little scary). My doctor was like "meh, just be safe and do what you got to do. If you aren't sleeping you're not help to baby. As long as you love baby, feed baby, and get sleep then you are doing okay". Did I mention I <3 My doctor?! I'm so glad that she's both my OB and our Pediatrician.

I love this baby though. I can't imagine anything more amazing, even with the sleep deprivation.

Shan - I'm good. So in love, I don't know how I'll go back to work at the end of March! :haha: It's funny because I really do want to go back to work, I miss teaching, but at the same time I hate the idea of leaving my LO. It's still weeks and weeks away, but it's already on my mind.

Good luck with the job search! Hopefully you find one soon!! Is being pregnant making that more difficult? I would imagine it would be harder to find a job that would hire you knowing that you may be going on mat leave shortly after.

I'm surprised you haven't had any US yet. I would have thought you'd have had the 12 week scan? I had a lot of scans because of my high risk category for first tri but I thought the 12w and 20w were standard?

Heike - Oh I'm so sorry to hear she's so fussy. :( My niece was very similar. In her case, my sister found out that she was having bad gas causing a lot of the fussiness and that gas drops helped settle her down. I don't know if your LO is similar or not. :hugs:

Krissie - At least you're getting close to appointment time! I know it's not much but maybe you'll get somewhere after the appointment. :hugs:
Jess- I use to sleep in a chair with DS on my chest just to get some rest. Those first weeks are brutal!! By 6 weeks he was sleeping in a crib pretty well. He was still a horrible sleeper but could at least do it on his own. I also found swaddling to be a miracle!! Maybe that is why he started sleeping in his crib. I can't remember now.

And thanks.. I am getting more excited for my appointment. I am really hoping this leads to our sticky bean. We decided to try through the next year (probably Feb 2018) and if it doesn't work out we will probably be done. We do have DS and we figure it will be time to move on and look at the next journey.
Thanks ladies. It's been a bit extra tough these last couple days .. i think she may be in a growth spurt as well. I ordered some gas drops to try even though i don't think she's extremely gassy, but i'll try anything to get her and myself at least some relief.
Today she had one quite long happy phase where i got tons of super cute grins and smiles and those moments bring back so much strength.
I just hope it won't go on too much longer after the "magical" three months mark. But no matter how long it will last i know it'll get better eventually and she's our little girl we love her so much no matter what. I still wouldn't trade her for anything in the world &#10084;&#65039;

Jess, i take Mariella into my bed sometimes. We have a cosleeper but after a couple hours she gets fussy so i take her and she sleeps some more in my arms before waking for a feed. I was always sure i wouldn't do that but sometimes you just gotta do whatever works :)
You know, it's funny how little time I have when I'm home all day with baby. I'm not even doing housework really (DH keeps insisting that I try to relax when I can and stop doing any housework since Melody is keeping me up so much at night), it's just that between feeding and getting her to sleep the little bit of time I have left I usually use to try to eat.

M is getting so big though! She's almost outgrown all of the "newborn" size clothes that were given to me from our local "Buy Nothing" group, and when I did an informal weight check (I stepped on scale, then got back on with baby and calculated the difference) she was over 8.5 lbs already! :wacko: Unfortunately, she's also getting past the point of just sleeping and eating and has been fairly fussy lately. The last 2 days she wouldn't sleep without being held and unless I was walking, bouncing, and singing her (all at the same time) she was screaming. :cry: I think we're entering the period that our doctor/hospital referred to as "PURPLE Crying" - where they cry for no reason and just have to comfort. So hard, and breaks my heart. :nope:

I did find though that when she's sleeping next to me we do side-lying BF and if I basically just "leave my breast out" she'll just reattach herself when she's hungry (or needs comfort), and suck for a little bit and go back to sleep. She's using me as a pacifier :rofl: But....if it gives me 2-3 hours of sleep instead of just 1 I'll take it for now because the last couple days I can't seem to get her down for more than 30-40 minutes :(

AFM &#8211; I think I&#8217;m getting sick. Body aches, some mild pain in stomach, and I&#8217;m running a low grade fever (99.7). It&#8217;s not high enough to be considered a &#8220;real&#8221; fever, but my normal temp tends to be low 97s so anything around 99 and up is definitely high for me.
I'm sorry about the purple crying, Jess. Believe me i know how you feel, my little girl is 10 weeks old and it doesn't seem to be getting better. Some days seem a little better while others are extremely bad. It breaks my heart seeing those big tears roll down her little cheeks but sometimes there really isn't anything we can do other than hold them and comfort them and listen to them.

Nights are alright though, usually she only wakes to feed once or twice a night (depending on when we go to bed) sometimes she'll wake and cry for no apparent reason and i just rock her back to sleep.
Today is the first time i put her down earlier (just before 8) and then left her alone to sleep. Before i always took her with me when i went to bed, though usually she'd fall asleep earlier and then just sleep in my arms until i took her with me to bed. But she's been so good with going to sleep in her cosleeper that i just thought i'd give it a shot.
It's going well, she's been asleep now for about an hour without any complaints and i'll probably go join her in another hour or so. I'll try to keep it up that way so OH and I get to have at least a little time to ourselves at night. I'm really proud of my little girl for being able to fall asleep like that at night :)

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