Baby had her wellness growth check yesterday (10 days old, they did a check at 3 days when they did her last jaundice check). In the last week she's grown half an inch in height, and gained 9 oz (back to birth weight! woot! She had lost 9 oz from birth to day 3). Doctor says she made huge jumps, and so she's not quite worried about her anymore (I Didn't know she was worried to begin with!

) and that explains all the insane feeding she's been doing. Poor kid is expending a lot of energy growing!
She also told me not to stress about letting her sleep with us. I moved her into our bed the last few nights because at night she won't go more than 20-30 minutes sleeping alone (during the day she'll sleep a couple hours without waking, but not at night) and I was getting no sleep and was on the brink of hysteria. In my bed she sleeps 3-4 hours if I let her cuddle with me where she can touch me (actually, more like touch my boob. Literally she has to be able to rest her hand on my breast, or she likes to wiggle her head over to be against it. The kid's a little boob obsessed

). I know all the "don't let baby sleep with you" things and was feeling guilty, but my sanity was at stake (literally, I was starting to actually have waking dreams, remembering things that didn't happen - it was a little scary). My doctor was like "meh, just be safe and do what you got to do. If you aren't sleeping you're not help to baby. As long as you love baby, feed baby, and get sleep then you are doing okay". Did I mention I

My doctor?! I'm so glad that she's both my OB and our Pediatrician.
I love this baby though. I can't imagine anything more amazing, even with the sleep deprivation.
Shan - I'm good. So in love, I don't know how I'll go back to work at the end of March!

It's funny because I really do want to go back to work, I miss teaching, but at the same time I hate the idea of leaving my LO. It's still weeks and weeks away, but it's already on my mind.
Good luck with the job search! Hopefully you find one soon!! Is being pregnant making that more difficult? I would imagine it would be harder to find a job that would hire you knowing that you may be going on mat leave shortly after.
I'm surprised you haven't had any US yet. I would have thought you'd have had the 12 week scan? I had a lot of scans because of my high risk category for first tri but I thought the 12w and 20w were standard?
Heike - Oh I'm so sorry to hear she's so fussy.

My niece was very similar. In her case, my sister found out that she was having bad gas causing a lot of the fussiness and that gas drops helped settle her down. I don't know if your LO is similar or not.
Krissie - At least you're getting close to appointment time! I know it's not much but maybe you'll get somewhere after the appointment.