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October Testers - Over 35

AF arrived early. So new test date 24th Oct hopefully be about 14DPO then. Good luck to everyone else!
May I join? FF is telling me to wait until the 13th to test, however is giving me the 2nd as my AF date, so not sure what date you want. I will probably start testing the 1st or 2nd.
AF arrived early. So new test date 24th Oct hopefully be about 14DPO then. Good luck to everyone else!

hey grace, me and you both hun. :hugs:

butterfly purleez can you put me down for the 25th to test. and yes i am really going to test on the 25th, i've wasted so much on tests this month it's embarrassing :blush:
HI new to the boards I will be testing on the 5th. Would love to join you all. Hope to see lots of :bfp:
Ok weird thing I just noticed.

My friend not on BNB is TTC and she said she O'ing 3 days early this month by her chart. Now I think I just got my dip and seeing other signs as well. I thought that is odd.

Sooo being a chart stalker I look at a few of you guys and several of you are looking like you just O'd or are fixing to on CD 12 or 13 or so which appears to be early.

Have I finally lost it? Or is anyone else seeing this?
I am an early OV'r. This cycle is actually later for me, lol.
I O'd early for me CD21(normally earliest is CD28!!!!)very strange. Well we will be testing In October maybe thats the supernatural link?
dachsundmon: you usually O before CD13?
I more often than not O on cd13 - not sure if I have already O'd this month with a temp spike today and dark OPKs...
I more often than not O on cd13 - not sure if I have already O'd this month with a temp spike today and dark OPKs...
Did you do anything diff this cycle (supps, etc.?). I'll pre-emptively say based on info from previous cycles, that you may have Ov'ed. Dmom's checking tom., so you'll know for sure shortly ;)
I OV'd earlier as well :) about 4-5 days sooner then normal
Thanks Dmom, makes me feel better lol, as you know I am clueless to this charting and temping thing lol. I am trying to get my temps the same time each day, but its been hard with my sleep habits lol, glad for the temp adjuster lol.
BFN for me (Oct 1),
but I should be testing again on Oct 31st!

BFN for me (Oct 1),
but I should be texting again on Oct 31st!


Booo indeed! :hugs:.

I have been up since stupid o' clock (05:30) and I can feel AF a-coming. My tum is enormous, I have cramps and I want to wake my OH up and have a fight for no good reason. So I'm pre-empting being out for Oct 4th testing and will update accordingly here when the witch touches down.
So I'll also be testing Oct 31st if all goes to plan :thumbup:.

I know, it ain't over till the hag cackles but I'm in an NMA state of mind so....
Yeah thanks ladies, I think I might have missed the window this month unless I O'd in the evening, even if the mutant swimmers could find their way there :nope:

:hugs: Indigo, will put you down for 31st as well.

ETA - hugs your chart does look great

SS - the only things I think that were different were that I took some anti-inflammatory meds for my back for a couple of days and the fact that I had a medium haul flight on cd11

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