Whit - don't worry you didnt hurt her, if she were hurt she would of been yelling , try to relax hun

Hahah Oh geeze the potty training thing, yes it is interesting, but I like to enjoy my 'baby' phase even if it is changing diapers... they will potty train when they are ready ... is my idea. if you look for the cues, you will deffinitely not miss your opportunity. MD proved a lot of good points about the control of bowels/bladder... its not possible until 1 or sometimes even LATER!! Boys are harder than girls though (sorry spunky

Spunky- sorry you are having a rough time, I dont have much to offer other than I have a brother who is on Medication for Bi-polar and it seems to really help him, I can tell when he is not on it, but he is severe bi-polar.

Don't make the decision to go back on them based on what your husband says.. that would be just plain silly!!! Do it for yourself, its how you feel.
How long does it take to come off of them? Before you can notice yourself without them?

Nat- My husband uhhh self medicated his anxiety and stuff too. I think it should be legal too, there is no way no hell you can even get a prescription here, but out of all the medications, this worked best for him!! .. its a drug yes, but its a natural drug, which doctors should be looking more into.
Neko- Hahah Mason used to always say mmmm caccka.. mmm caccka for crackers

something about crackers.. kids love them at that age!
Lauki- Hope Sophie is feeling better soon, and uber cute pic of her!!! Gymnastics girl!!