Whit- I am sort of going through the same thing, I am WAS really close to my mom, but she totally 1 yr ago picked her boyfriend over myself, and all her other kids!!! i cannot believe she picked her bf.. im overly hurt I don't even want to speak to her, all that I can say is.. I put forth my best effort...
Just wanted to let you know im going through the same thing this very fucking minute. It sucks.. to think my mother ..of all people hurt me like this. Bullshit.
My MIL is a total fucking ****. I am not kidding. I hate her guts and I hope she comes on here and reads this one day. She is selfish piece of shit.,,,,glad I got that out!!!
MD- I agree with you these are not RULES.. like if you don't do these things by this time, then your a shit parent or your childs a failure.. or blah blah blah They are fucking CHOICES.. I hate people..
Nat- Very good you called the doc.. now did you make the apptmnt? When is it hahaha- I need to make sure you GO

I know you and your excuses buttercup!!!!!!
Cat lover- I sadly have had cervical cancer... stage 4+ And recieved 6 bouts of radiation.. my hair was falling out I dropped 37 lbs... and it was nuts. I don't wish it on my worst enemy. Anyways- hate talking about those days...
I have also had the LEEP procedure done 3 times, and Cryosurgery done coming up 2 times.
I had ANOTHER colposcopy come back ... pre cancerous so I go for cryosurgery next week bleeeh.
Jess- I can tell you right now from experience of having 2 kids. My first Mason , he was a breeze I was a first time mom just like you and I was scared shitless.. I had no idea what I was doing but thankfully I had a sister who educated me on everything, and to be honest my husband and I raised him very well!! Sure there are things I would of done different with him, but I mean I agree with you , the easyness comes from the baby not just parenting skills.....
I am the same parent.. with Ava and she is so far from an easy baby its rediculous.... I often wonder if shes so 'difficult' to me , because my first was an easy child. Either way raising her is not as easy as Mason.. there are all new scenarios... new behaviours, like until you have 2 kids you don't realize how different each child can be.... they are also alike in so many ways, but its dealing with 2 different personalities.. 2 different little people.. its insane and amazing at the same time!!!
Lamguage talk- I was born in Italy so I know Italian as my first language, and I of course studied english.. I suck at grammar.spelling on the computer unless its something important.. I basically just get my thoughts out.. thats all that matters to me...
That was ALOT of reading, and writing.. im now too tired to do my own update on my journal..