Lauki, if you go to account settings and then security it's the very last thing on the menu.
Do you not say bring and take in Dutch? lol
Jess, I think the 5lbs you lost - I've found. They've been located on my ass.
Nat, poor thing! I'm sure there will be interesting pictures of Maria if you can't get to her quickly of a hurt back. Ya know, eating wood, soot, probably her own poop.
I've not packed anything yet . But tomorrow MIL is coming over to play with Sophie while I pack. So it should be easy. I only have to bring clothes and the baby monitor really. My dad has everything in the house for babies (including a cot) as my stepsister has a son 3 weeks older than Sophie. So that's brilliant!Lauki - Going to see family soon! Woohoo! Are you all ready to go? James' hunger cue is fussy (though it's a mix of hunger and sleepy) or he boobs his head on my boob - trying to eat through my shirt, or he just starts pulling at my shirt to get to food himself! He's actually getting better at it -at 3 months his hands just got in the way, now I'm a little worried he'll strip me in public!
OK ladies what do you feed LO? I am a pretty shit cook but I try to do something like beef or chicken with veg and potatoes for dinner and she has porridge for breakfast. I have recently introduced lunch, which is usually fruit and a yoghurt or something. But I don't wanna give a yoghurt every day as they have so muh sugar.... what do you ladies do? And hpw much should they eat, like is fruit and a yoghurt enough at lunch? Aargh damn weaning. Also, I know they say LO should have what you have from about 9 months but what I have is quite often ready meals, pizza etc so she can't have that???
Gah. Maybe I will post in BC too, as you are probably all good cooks
I WISH I had worms for at least a little bit!!!