everyone judge me
I am all for spanking children. I don't live in a fantasy world, and I dont care what people in BC think of me, no message board is going to change the way I parent ..simple :haha!!!
I agree with you jess, sometimes words don't do shit!!!
Mason was such a brat sometimes that I would have to smack his bum, (not hard) or smack his hand.. you just have to. I mean I am not 'beating' him but I am showing him I am serious!!!
He is an amazing child, he turned out so well, so respectful... and sometimes I see these other kids are not disciplined and think... fuck.... set your kids straight!
..I dont beat them though, I just show my children I dont mess around... !!!!
Like Ava if she is touching something she shouldn't be. I say no.. if that doesnt work i yell no..if that doesnt work. i get on her level..if that doesnt work.... smack on the hand..
then of course she cries like a drama queen as if I have just amputated her hand off or something!!
ETA- By 'smack' I mean .... "tap on the bum/hand" Plz don't call SS