Lauki You looked great pregnant! Very cute! If youre fine with letting Sophie play with dvds then I dont think anyone else should argue it! Beautiful couch!
Natsku Glad the storm has passed without issue! So sad that you and Maria were out of power so much lately! I say keep the buckets filled with water for decoration!
Jessica I will not adjust my time to uk! One of the reasons we came across the ocean was so we could sleep in!!! Ts video of her walking is adorable!! Love her bouncing while she does it! (you and your oh sound like youre in the movies with your accents!! Love it! And I dont know what blimmin is

Neko I have never seen the Babee Laptime BUT I think if it worked my husband would LOVE it. The only way James is good for him for a while is if he walks him and he gets tired of lugging around a baby!
Whit What a cute bump!!
We moved in November to a bigger house for more kids! My husband wants to wait till our old house sells to ttc. Our realtor told us the paperwork will be 1-2 months, so Im hoping itll be done soon!
Divinebeauty James has been a good sleeper for a while *knocks on wood* but when he woke up he just wanted food, then went back to sleep. Sorry Ava wants to play! Id go crazy!
Ladies Ill PM you my name of my B&B outcast if (and only if) youll respond with your names!!!
DAMN you ladies are a fertile lot! So many of you conceive right away! I had been off the pill for months only using condoms then we ditched the condoms and it took 3 months!
Id love another boy then a girl, then DONE.
AND I just realized James is one lucky man to be surrounded by all girls!!!
James can fall asleep if dad drives him around or walks him till he falls asleep, but usually hell just cry until I nurse him to sleep. So I have to make sure Im home when its time to go to bed for him otherwise my husband has a nightmare of a time getting him to sleep
All the newborn pics are only making me MORE broody!!!